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Ideas of how to improve gathering gameplay

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As part of a personal interest in learning to draw game icons, I came up with a few ideas on how to enhance the gameplay for gathering resources in GW2.

In the current game, there are numerous resource icons for items that can be gathered from almost anywhere in the game. However, only specific gathering nodes have their dedicated icons on the minimap, such as "Brandstone Node" or "Petrified Wood Node," while regular ores, wood, and food are represented by just three icons for all resources. This means players often need to hover their mouse over these icons on minimap to identify them, or walk up to the gathering node to see what it is. https://i.imgur.com/iGjjqBO.png

Throughout this process, I aimed to enhance the readability and visual clarity of minimap icons and gathering nodes while staying true to the game's style and preserving visual immersion. I chose to create a single icon for each tier within every category. In total, there are 18 icons representing tiers 1 through 6 for mining, logging, and foraging.

I began with mining because it seemed the easiest, as each type of ore had a dedicated mining node. This means you get precisely what it represents - gold vein > gold ore. Initially tried to use existing icons but they didn't appear very nice on minimap. Tried to reshape them to recognizable triangle ore icon, but tiny details like gradients and variety of colors made them look a bit noisy on minimap. Thats where I decided to simplify them to look stylized with cleaner colors and shapes. https://i.imgur.com/T2hjhuq.png

After figuring out style of icons I proceeded with foraging. Same thing - you get what it represents. https://i.imgur.com/XYSnBjg.png 

Creating icons for logging presented a bit of a challenge since there are six tiers of wood, each with multiple logging nodes, such as Aspen, Ekku, Kertch, which all yield green wood. To prevent players from needing to memorize an excessive number of icons for the same tier, I opted to design only one icon for each tier. This decision, however, came with certain limitations. I chose to differentiate the tiers using only colors and bark textures as identification markers. https://i.imgur.com/8VGOMEV.png

And this is how it looks on minimap https://i.imgur.com/h8OECn1.png Added little drop shadow to elevate icons from (sometimes) vibrant and detailed minimap.

Of course, having such a large number of icons could potentially overwhelm the minimap and make it look cluttered. In such case, it would be beneficial to implement minimap filters, enabling players to toggle specific icons on or off. https://i.imgur.com/oenPmGQ.png Additionally, this feature could extend to other types of minimap icons unrelated to gathering.

And all this could work as part of Tyrian mastery progression as additional content https://i.imgur.com/jbuXUH1.png 


How many of you often find yourselves constantly glancing at the corner of your screen, focused on the minimap, while gathering resources instead of fully immersing yourself in the game world and the adventure? This experience of being drawn into the interface rather than enjoying the in-game scenery can become monotonous and tiresome quite quickly. Unfortunately, gathering gameplay is currently in such a state.

If any of you have played New World, you've likely noticed that you rarely need to check your compass or map to locate resources, as they are easily visible from a distance and have a distinctive appearance. After creating these icons, I realized that the actual gathering nodes should also be revamped. Currently, they appear quite small and barely noticeable. I've tried to make them larger and more prominent while adhering to the game's style and maintaining an immersive experience. In these screenshots, you can compare how they look now and how they could be improved.

Flax (center-left) and mithril (center-right) https://i.imgur.com/rfSbh0e.jpg

Copper (right) https://i.imgur.com/NcZAVTX.jpg

Ancient wood (left) https://i.imgur.com/7OUxi7y.jpg

Closeup look https://i.imgur.com/Orbyz3K.png

These are static images, but you can easily envision them animated with additional visual effects and sounds. For example, logging nodes could be surrounded by various types of animals like owls, crows, rabbits, etc., which would move away as you approach or produce noises as you pass by. Food nodes might include bees, butterflies, or other animals. Mining nodes could feature glittering metal effects in the light, accompanied by subtle cracking sounds of crystals and metals. These details can significantly enhance the recognition of gathering nodes and make the gameplay more enjoyable, as the environment will feel more vibrant and alive.

Personally I don't see any cons of such upgrades, I think game and players will only benefit from it.

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Love the map icons, maybe just a bit too vibrant, but that's not a big deal. 

Idk about the node visuals themselves, maybe I'm just used to that after all these years. Your idea doesn't look bad though.

Wouldn't mind them being made into an add on, since it's unlikely for something like this to be into the game officially.

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I absolutely love this sort of ideas. The QoL this can bring is one thing, but the enjoyment is what it can bring most in my opinion.

In simple terms - regardless of profit from gathering, I'd be gathering more often because this type of system is just more fun to engage with rather than what we have right now. Such change is so small yet so big.

I sincerely hope Anet reads this topic and considers it.

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I'm not totally against the idea, but part of this is already solvable in game. I have left ctrl held down when I am resource hunting to ensure any interactble item's name is highlighted in front of me on the screen rather than the mini map. I can't remember which keybind it is - might be "show enemy"



Edited by Randulf.7614
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