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Class Changing?

Class changing  

139 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want class changer?

    • Yes. It's way overdue.
    • No. I don't think so.
    • Well... I was thinking X could be Y
    • Wait. Let me think...
  2. 2. How would you want it to go about?

    • Just like GW1. Talk to an NPC, after ascending
    • Should be a Gem Store item (Cash'ing)
    • An achievement
    • A Personal Story restarter, but keep level 80
    • I have a better suggestion...
    • I've answered No to the first question
  3. 3. What value you see in this?

    • None whatsoever. ANet has no means for it
    • A chance to cash in Gem Store
    • Should be free, and profits gained from somewhere else
    • I don't care what ANet wants. No its No
    • Now, let's talk numbers.

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9 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

New character = less birthday progress. Unless the suggestion is to keep all characters one does no longer like to play. 😉

Um.... Yeah. It's pretty much exactly that easy. What's the point in deleting a character just because you don't use it regularly if you don't plan on filling up that slot with another new character anyway?

The oldest alt on my account is my warrior that was my main years and years ago. I still log in to him because A) he's my 500 weaponsmith/armorsmith and B) he gets the longest running birthday gifts. It takes less than a minute to log in to an alt to collect a birthday reward and put said reward into your bank.

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5 hours ago, Kiof.5710 said:

Ok, so there seem to be many coding issues involved in having a character change class.  What would be the negatives then of, for a gem store charge (perhaps even more than the cost of a new character slot), changing the character, back to level 1, with some caveats...  Basically, completely delete the existing character and allow us to keep the name and character creation age and unlocks (like bag slots and unique items).  I have several characters that I might like to play as a different class, but just as mules currently because of the bag slots on them.

That would mean that, on top of all the coding issues that we've already been over with a class changer, you would ADDITIONALLY be introducing the coding problems of reverting a character back to level 1 while somehow keeping its name and age, plus or minus story steps.

That seems like a step *backwards* in the discussion. The goal in advocating for something like this is to make it less complicated, not twice as complicated.

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6 hours ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:

That would mean that, on top of all the coding issues that we've already been over with a class changer, you would ADDITIONALLY be introducing the coding problems of reverting a character back to level 1 while somehow keeping its name and age, plus or minus story steps.

That seems like a step *backwards* in the discussion. The goal in advocating for something like this is to make it less complicated, not twice as complicated.

No, I never said, or meant, reverting a character back to level one.  What I said, and meant, is to delete the character altogether.  What I am looking for then is to save the name, which is a given for 24 hours when deleting a character.  Then give us the unlocks, like bag slots.  The only hard part, as I see it, and I'm sure I don't see it well, is the character age part.  I'm only trying to preserve the stuff that was bought/earned on that individual character slot, even at a premium above a new character slot.

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7 hours ago, Kiof.5710 said:

No, I never said, or meant, reverting a character back to level one.  What I said, and meant, is to delete the character altogether.  What I am looking for then is to save the name, which is a given for 24 hours when deleting a character.  Then give us the unlocks, like bag slots.  The only hard part, as I see it, and I'm sure I don't see it well, is the character age part.  I'm only trying to preserve the stuff that was bought/earned on that individual character slot, even at a premium above a new character slot.

This idea could actually be a good alternative. 

If we got to keep everything without redoing it, and just get a special empty slot to restart the character so to change class, but after the initial starting area, all our stuff will be there.

But I'm thinking coding wise if this method wouldn't be even more complicated to do?


What about this?

If instead, we could use other classes weapons, skills, and specs without changing our core class?

Would that be even possible?

It could come in the format of a 4th spec bar that once equiped, we could mix and match that character's main class with a secondary class.


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2 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:


What about this?

If instead, we could use other classes weapons, skills, and specs without changing our core class?

Would that be even possible?

It could come in the format of a 4th spec bar that once equiped, we could mix and match that character's main class with a secondary class.

This is turning it less into a technical issue and more into a balance/general game health issue.

From one perspective, this is much easier to implement than other suggestions on this thread. It's basically just the idea of multiclassing, which is something that has been done many times before, including in GW1.

Conversely, I'm not really sure how much I actually trust Anet's balance team to pull something like this off in GW2. Their recent balance passes over the last year or two have been... controversial, to put it lightly. There seems to be a lot of "fire the nerf gun wildly to fix one problem and hope it doesn't cause 3 more," and if we throw multiclassing into the mix it seems like it will just devolve into utter chaos. Now not only would they have to keep tabs on a necromancer who can spec into a reaper, scourge, or harbinger, but now what if that necromancer also could use elementalist staff skills? Would it be terrible and incohesive at launch when you mesh abilities that don't fit the theme of the class with their existing mechanics, or would it be completely broken and dominate every format? Then multiply that by how many classes would get access to however many new weapon skills.

Additionally, wouldn't this kinda make class choices a little less meaningful? Sure you keep your elite and utilities for your class (I would hope), but if anyone can use any weapon skills they want then it just turns into a homogenized mess.

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Someone said:


"So many professional game coders on the forums these days.  Anet should hire some of them.  Apparently, changes and requests are really simple to implement."

People are just speculating. 

I haven't read any comments from anyone requesting, claiming they are expert coders.

People who claim it's impossible to implement the ideas are the ones saying it cannot be done due to the complexity of the coding.

Besides, what makes you think that the devs aren't capable of such things?

Who do you think have been coding the game so far? Astronauts from NASA?

The CIA? The FBI?

Oh no, wait. The secret service.

Really? Arena Net devs are incapable of such coding?

They have shown time and time again that they can.

Now, people using such false information to try manipulate the post in their favour is more likely what's going on here.

--- // ---

On a different note.

@Darklord Roy.2514

You actually have a good point.

GW1 was... I'm guessing, much easier to code, abd the game mechanics were designed from the very start to have dual classes.

It's one of the first missions in pre-searing.

GW2 however might be more complicated; but still, would be interesting to see some kind of dual class here, even if it was something really basic like allowing pets in other classes.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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11 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Someone said:

People are just speculating. 

I haven't read any comments from anyone requesting, claiming they are expert coders.

People who claim it's impossible to implement the ideas are the ones saying it cannot be done due to the complexity of the coding.

Besides, what makes you think that the devs aren't capable of such things?

Who do you think have been coding the game so far? Astronauts from NASA?

The CIA? The FBI?

Oh no, wait. The secret service.

Really? Arena Net devs are incapable of such coding?

Have you bothered reading any of the official past responses on this issue in past threads?

I am going to assume: you have not. Am I right?

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15 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Have you bothered reading any of the official past responses on this issue in past threads?

I am going to assume: you have not. Am I right?

"Bothered" isn't exactly a term you should use. Especially when you don't know me from adam.

I work 12 hours a day and just simply don't have the time to read the entire forums.

Besides, I do have a life outside the game.

You know? In the REAL world.

But No. I did not read the official responses to this topic... if you mean the developers.

If I did, I wouldn't have posted this on the first place.

But what do they say?

It's a definite No? Or a maybe?

... or is it one of those times when the devs first say it's not going to happen, but then they go ahead and do it. 

There are many occasions when the same has happened.

So to conclude. Unless you are a dev yourself, you can't speak on their behalf.

The game is subject to change at any given time. Just look at the constant skill changes.

So in other words; anything can happen, especially if there are profits to be made.

Have a nice day.

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1 hour ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

"Bothered" isn't exactly a term you should use. Especially when you don't know me from adam.

I work 12 hours a day and just simply don't have the time to read the entire forums.

Besides, I do have a life outside the game.

You know? In the REAL world.

But No. I did not read the official responses to this topic... if you mean the developers.

If I did, I wouldn't have posted this on the first place.

But what do they say?

It's a definite No? Or a maybe?

... or is it one of those times when the devs first say it's not going to happen, but then they go ahead and do it. 

There are many occasions when the same has happened.

So to conclude. Unless you are a dev yourself, you can't speak on their behalf.

The game is subject to change at any given time. Just look at the constant skill changes.

So in other words; anything can happen, especially if there are profits to be made.

Have a nice day.

Just because you were going out of your way to criticize others about them not knowing what they are talking about in regards to coding, when we have official developer comments that they are not seeing this happening and the effort to make something like this work being outside their scope.

Given you were unaware of this, it makes sense that you would question players and make assumptions. Well now you know.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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