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old player who is BAD at the game needs some help please?

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I'm not a new player, i've been playing since a little after the Heart of Thorns expansion came out, but I've found I'm just simply not good at the game. i can't even do story stuff without my friend all but carrying me through it, i just can't get a grasp of combat down. I'm not sure my builds off the top of my head but the two main characters i play are an engineer (rifle + hammer) and a ranger (longbow + greatsword). i don't know if it's my equipment that's just bad, or my skills as a person, or even my computer (i gotta play on the LOWEST settings for everything otherwise the game straight up doesn't work, and if there are too many people/enemies my frames drop to about 2/s)

i'd love any tips just so i can play through story/living world stuff by myself. I'm also very bad at WvW (which I'm only doing for the darn SPOON and warclaw) but i know its bc neither of my builds are good for it. I'm working on making my ranger have a wvw/pvp set so i can at least not die immediately lmao.

thank you for any help, i appreciate it.



current builds for these characters

Charr, Ranger, lv. 80

armor [all have Superior Rune of the Ranger (6/6)]:

  • Soldier's Rascal Mask of the Ranger
  • Soldier's Rascal Shoulders of the Ranger
  • Soldier's Rascal Coat of the Ranger
  • Soldier's Rascal Gloves of the Ranger
  • Soldier's Rascal Pants of the Ranger
  • Soldier's Rascal Boots of the Ranger
  • Metal Aquabreather


  • Soldier's Green Wood Longbow of Force [superior sigil of force + superior sigil of accuracy]
  • Soldier's Bronze Greatsword of Force [superior sigil of force + crest of the soldier]
  • Soldier's Bronze Spear of Force [superior sigil of force + superior sigil of accuracy]
  • Soldier's Green Wood Harpoon Gun of Force [superior sigil of force + superior sigil of accuracy]


  • Black Citadel Engine of Beryl [Exquisite Beryl Jewel]
  • Soldier's Earring of Beryl [Exquisite Beryl Jewel] x2
  • Relic of the Centaur
  • Soldier's Amulet of Beryl [Exquisite Beryl Jewel]
  • Soldier's Ring of Beryl [Exquisite Beryl Jewel] x2



Sylvari, Engineer, lv. 80

  • Accursed Visage [superior rune of Orr (1/6)]
  • Lion Captain's Mantle [no upgrade]
  • Sagal's Jousting Halter of the Rebirth [superior rune of the Rebirth (1/6)]
  • Antitoxin Gloves [no upgrade]
  • Outrider's Pants [no upgrade]
  • Marshal's Elonian Boots [no upgrade]
  • Commando's Breather [no upgrade]


  • Cleric's Iron Rifle of Fire [superior sigil of fire + superior sigil of rending]
  • Scrapper's Hammer [medallion of the rabid + minor sigil of earth]
  • Rampager's Steam Speargun of Water [superior sigil of water]


  • moth wings backpack of sapphire [exquisite sapphire jewel]
  • imperial chef yinleng's golden spoon [no infusion]
  • ancient orrian spoon [no infusion]
  • relic of the daredevil
  • aviator badge [no upgrade]
  • carrion ring [no upgrade]
  • sapphire heart [no upgrade]


Edited by Karahkan.2167
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For older computers, there is a nice solution nowadays. It is called a GameBooster. It pretty much analyzes the capability of your engine and re-distributes all vital resources into the game. It is a temporary change that only applies while the game is running. Once it is closed, your system is back to normal. These special tools work for all computers, but the effect is significantly higher on those which are older/weaker. A few years ago, I did a challenge with an outdated business computer and managed to get GW2 running far below the minimum requirements, just because of that program. So it should work for you. The one I have best experiences with is the Razer Cortex. It even has a feature to boost your overall computer performance by optimizing it. Here is a quick guide about how to set it up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ck3tH_iL8a8

To give you a proper advice about your builds, it would be good to know what expansions you own. Especially the Engineer has received a very decent elite-specialization with End of Dragons for example.

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It's kind of hard to diagnose the problems from here.  I'm assuming from your experience that you aren't the kind of player that panics and gets lost in all the keys on the keyboard.  So, I'm going to give some stock advice that will probably sound a bit insulting:

  • Gear is important.  The jump from Rare quality to Exotic quality is pretty big, so you'll want to get yourself kitted out in exotics as fast as possible.  Ascended can wait, but the best thing to purchase for ascended is the weapons, since the gear tier increases strike damage by 5%.  
  • Having coherent gear is also important.  There's a certain type of build that players fall in to called the RNG build, which is where they wear random pieces of equipment based on rarity.  You'll want to avoid that.  Go for a cohesive set of gear that all have the same prefix and stat distribution.  Generally I recommend Berserkers or Marauder Gear, but Vipers and Trailblazers are also pretty good.
  • You want to pick gear for your weapons and playstyle.  Certain skills do more strike damage, whereas other skills do more condition damage.  Pick weapons and utilities for the gear you own, or pick the gear for the weapons and utilities you want to use.  Just make sure it is coherent, and you aren't using condition damage gear for something like the engineer hammer
  • You'll want your traits to be coherent, too.  Getting a little bit of everything doesn't make your toon good at anything, but terrible at everything.
  • This game is largely an active combat game.  It isn't about sitting in place and taking hit.  It is about dodging hits, disabling enemies, using active skills to mitigate damage. etc.  Because of this, the PVE buildcraft for the game largely favors high aggression.  Buy gear that is suited to do high damage, equip utilities to boost damage, and pick traits to give out a lot of damage.  It all compounds on top of each other to output a lot of damage, killing things faster and letting you heal up after a fight.  If you need more defenses, it is far cheaper and easier to change around your utilities, traits, and also switch up your strategy than it is to buy new gear.  
  • All things considered, once of the best tactics to stay alive in a bad situation is to run around in circles while shooting enemies at range.  A lot of enemies in this game are either melee focused, or have limited range damage, so in those circumstances simply kiting them and shooting.
  • Most enemy attacks that do serious damage have a tell.  They'll have a big wind-up with speed lines going into them, they'll leave a red outline on the ground, or they'll leave a big orange mark on the ground where the attacks will hit.  This will take some learning, but generally you'll want to avoid those.  
  • Many enemies have something called a defiance bar.  It is a bar that sits underneath of their health that alternates between chained, blue, and orange.  These enemies are resistant to a lot of disabling conditions and hard crowd control skills, but if you hit the enemy with enough the bar will "break" and they will be disabled for several seconds, also taking increased damage.  You can read up about the defiance bar here.

When it comes to profession specific advice, my experience with ranger is very limited.  However, I am quite seasoned with engineer.  The important thing to know about engineer is that blinds are king.  The bomb kit has the smoke bomb, the mortar kit has the flash shell, the flame turret overcharges on initial use.  These skills will put down a pulsing blind field that will make all enemies without a defiance bar miss you over and over again.  I'm not sure exactly where you are in the game, but if I were to recommend builds for each of the specializations, they would look something like this:

Core Engineer.




Hammer Holo if you have SotO

There are merely templates.  Do not adhere to them religiously.  I swap out some of the utility skills for others all the time, so feel free to do it yourself.  

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Get to level 80 with both, you can do it with lower level content, check character adventurer guide in hero panel achievments for faster leveling.

Gear up with lv 80 exotic on all slots (-relic). There are named exotics which cost like 30-50 silver a piece, which is good start, anything 1gold + is sus. We also need full set of armour superior runes, and superior sigils for weapons. And exquisite jewels for trinkets. We need to exotic trinkets to (and jewel them up). Your runes shoukd be of one set.

Need to decide either power crit Power++ Precision+ Ferocity+ or condition. On core it is easier to berserker and power. Sometimes you need to mix Berserker with a couple of Assasins just to get 75% crit chance (with fury buff). There is also Maruder prefix, it will drop power dps, but add vitality, so it i personal preference.  There is also aquatic gear, we should gear it up to at some point.

Each character has 2 gear tab, 3 specialization tab, and 3 specialization templates for account, you can use it all! Generally you can have different setups, for wvw and pve. And have internet builds in templates. Pve builds tend to be more self sustain, with extra healing and stun breakers. So there are some difference.

Get familiar with internet builds



https://metabattle.com/wiki/Core_/_Free_to_Play  core stuff, even not f2p need to farm points for elite specialization.

But if you get better results with your variant of internet build good for you..

Do your daily tasks for the wizards. Ideally for untill dailly chest, even more important weekly chest.

keeping your laurens could be good, as there are ascendet trinkets and rings from laurens vendor in LA. But you need to decide wthich exacly prefix you want, so that can wait.

On Ranger Longbow +Axe/Warhorn worked better for me, and just stay at the distance, but it is not meta.

There is Cursed Shore zone, where you can test your pve skills.

Once you are done with first wave of gearing, you can do prologue of extra content you have like living worlds, expansion, for now we just want to jump into new maps, you can swap story after doing prologue.We need expansion zones for elite skill point nodes. You need 250 skill points for elite specialization, do not spread them out. Also getting extra mounts is good.

Edited by evilcat.6817
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Suffer a bit in WvW. New exotic armor and weapons from there are stat selectable and cheap. Celestial is good for everything.

About class: I would take Necro minion mancer (Elite specs doesnt matter much), Mechanist (more dmg but less survivability) for your mech to tank most damage. Ranged classes always have some advantage over melee.

I speak so because I play from GFN and It feels like Im lagging or have input lag so I cant play high reaction classes either. So Necro was my first class that carried me through all story and expansions till EOD then I discovered Mech which felt better for me and I made map completion with it fairly easy. Keep in mind you experience with Mech could vary a bit, because I did this before Mech nerfs.

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8 hours ago, Karahkan.2167 said:

the two main characters i play are an engineer (rifle + hammer) and a ranger (longbow + greatsword)

  1. Specialize the engi as mechanist.
  2. Equip Marauder or something similar that has power, precision, ferocity, vitality as stats. Armor, trinkets, weapon.
  3. Use rifle as weapon
  • For a low budget rune take Superior Rune of the Ogre or Superior Rune of the Deadeye, whatever is cheaper to buy (ignore the 7th rune for your breather; actually ignore the breather entirely)
  • For low budget sigils for your rifle: Superior Sigil of Accuracy and Superior Sigil of Generosity
  • You can buy cheap armor from the first vendor in verdant brink (first HoT map), except the chest piece. Or you can buy everything in wvw when you have some of the wvw currency badge of honor.
  • If you have laurels you can buy ascended rings from a laurel vendor, like the ring from the pale tree. You need to buy 2 different ones since you cannot equip 2x the same ascended trinket.

For how to play, ask your friend.

Ranger is more hassle and work than Mech-Engi.

Another easy way is minion master (necro), it is slow though. Or renegade (spec from revenant) with celestial equipment using demon and dwarf, shortbow only. It needs to use all weapon skills on cooldown though, you need to learn to handle the energy. Or the lack thereof.

Mech-Engi is easiest however. Use skill 2 on cooldown and rest is just autohits. Let your mech tank.
The other skills you can use if you think you need something from it. But its fine to just use skills 1 and 2. And maybe the mech skills.

Edited by Lucy.3728
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15 hours ago, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

For older computers, there is a nice solution nowadays. It is called a GameBooster. It pretty much analyzes the capability of your engine and re-distributes all vital resources into the game. It is a temporary change that only applies while the game is running. Once it is closed, your system is back to normal. These special tools work for all computers, but the effect is significantly higher on those which are older/weaker. A few years ago, I did a challenge with an outdated business computer and managed to get GW2 running far below the minimum requirements, just because of that program. So it should work for you. The one I have best experiences with is the Razer Cortex. It even has a feature to boost your overall computer performance by optimizing it. Here is a quick guide about how to set it up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ck3tH_iL8a8

To give you a proper advice about your builds, it would be good to know what expansions you own. Especially the Engineer has received a very decent elite-specialization with End of Dragons for example.

oh i'll definitely check that out. my computer is older, but within the last 10 years or so at the most so it's not the oldest computer out there.

in terms of expansions i own all of them. stopped playing for a little while just as the icebrood saga came out, but i own all of the expansions even if i haven't actually progressed through the story for all of them lol.

14 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

It's kind of hard to diagnose the problems from here.  I'm assuming from your experience that you aren't the kind of player that panics and gets lost in all the keys on the keyboard.  So, I'm going to give some stock advice that will probably sound a bit insulting:

  • Gear is important.  The jump from Rare quality to Exotic quality is pretty big, so you'll want to get yourself kitted out in exotics as fast as possible.  Ascended can wait, but the best thing to purchase for ascended is the weapons, since the gear tier increases strike damage by 5%.  
  • Having coherent gear is also important.  There's a certain type of build that players fall in to called the RNG build, which is where they wear random pieces of equipment based on rarity.  You'll want to avoid that.  Go for a cohesive set of gear that all have the same prefix and stat distribution.  Generally I recommend Berserkers or Marauder Gear, but Vipers and Trailblazers are also pretty good.
  • You want to pick gear for your weapons and playstyle.  Certain skills do more strike damage, whereas other skills do more condition damage.  Pick weapons and utilities for the gear you own, or pick the gear for the weapons and utilities you want to use.  Just make sure it is coherent, and you aren't using condition damage gear for something like the engineer hammer
  • You'll want your traits to be coherent, too.  Getting a little bit of everything doesn't make your toon good at anything, but terrible at everything.
  • This game is largely an active combat game.  It isn't about sitting in place and taking hit.  It is about dodging hits, disabling enemies, using active skills to mitigate damage. etc.  Because of this, the PVE buildcraft for the game largely favors high aggression.  Buy gear that is suited to do high damage, equip utilities to boost damage, and pick traits to give out a lot of damage.  It all compounds on top of each other to output a lot of damage, killing things faster and letting you heal up after a fight.  If you need more defenses, it is far cheaper and easier to change around your utilities, traits, and also switch up your strategy than it is to buy new gear.  
  • All things considered, once of the best tactics to stay alive in a bad situation is to run around in circles while shooting enemies at range.  A lot of enemies in this game are either melee focused, or have limited range damage, so in those circumstances simply kiting them and shooting.
  • Most enemy attacks that do serious damage have a tell.  They'll have a big wind-up with speed lines going into them, they'll leave a red outline on the ground, or they'll leave a big orange mark on the ground where the attacks will hit.  This will take some learning, but generally you'll want to avoid those.  
  • Many enemies have something called a defiance bar.  It is a bar that sits underneath of their health that alternates between chained, blue, and orange.  These enemies are resistant to a lot of disabling conditions and hard crowd control skills, but if you hit the enemy with enough the bar will "break" and they will be disabled for several seconds, also taking increased damage.  You can read up about the defiance bar here.

When it comes to profession specific advice, my experience with ranger is very limited.  However, I am quite seasoned with engineer.  The important thing to know about engineer is that blinds are king.  The bomb kit has the smoke bomb, the mortar kit has the flash shell, the flame turret overcharges on initial use.  These skills will put down a pulsing blind field that will make all enemies without a defiance bar miss you over and over again.  I'm not sure exactly where you are in the game, but if I were to recommend builds for each of the specializations, they would look something like this:

Core Engineer.




Hammer Holo if you have SotO

There are merely templates.  Do not adhere to them religiously.  I swap out some of the utility skills for others all the time, so feel free to do it yourself.  

oop i definitely have just random gear on my one. i just swap out what I'm wearing for something better whenever i get it. I'm kind of broke rn (irl AND in game. farming is very hard when you get killed very easily >3>;;) but i should probably look into better gear. i'l check out those guides though and see what they have to say. I'm alright with dodging and running away from enemies, its just actual combat I'm kind of crappy at, even with dodging. i don't think i have many skills, if any, that mitigate or negate damage. the rest of it I'm aware of, and usually good at avoiding all the big moves, its really chip damage and not being strong enough to dish a hit OR take one that's my biggest issue. it's definitely a me thing.

my builds for these characters are as follows:
Charr, Ranger, lv. 80

armor [all have Superior Rune of the Ranger (6/6)]:

  • Soldier's Rascal Mask of the Ranger
  • Soldier's Rascal Shoulders of the Ranger
  • Soldier's Rascal Coat of the Ranger
  • Soldier's Rascal Gloves of the Ranger
  • Soldier's Rascal Pants of the Ranger
  • Soldier's Rascal Boots of the Ranger
  • Metal Aquabreather


  • Soldier's Green Wood Longbow of Force [superior sigil of force + superior sigil of accuracy]
  • Soldier's Bronze Greatsword of Force [superior sigil of force + crest of the soldier]
  • Soldier's Bronze Spear of Force [superior sigil of force + superior sigil of accuracy]
  • Soldier's Green Wood Harpoon Gun of Force [superior sigil of force + superior sigil of accuracy]


  • Black Citadel Engine of Beryl [Exquisite Beryl Jewel]
  • Soldier's Earring of Beryl [Exquisite Beryl Jewel] x2
  • Relic of the Centaur
  • Soldier's Amulet of Beryl [Exquisite Beryl Jewel]
  • Soldier's Ring of Beryl [Exquisite Beryl Jewel] x2



Sylvari, Engineer, lv. 80

  • Accursed Visage [superior rune of Orr (1/6)]
  • Lion Captain's Mantle [no upgrade]
  • Sagal's Jousting Halter of the Rebirth [superior rune of the Rebirth (1/6)]
  • Antitoxin Gloves [no upgrade]
  • Outrider's Pants [no upgrade]
  • Marshal's Elonian Boots [no upgrade]
  • Commando's Breather [no upgrade]


  • Cleric's Iron Rifle of Fire [superior sigil of fire + superior sigil of rending]
  • Scrapper's Hammer [medallion of the rabid + minor sigil of earth]
  • Rampager's Steam Speargun of Water [superior sigil of water]


  • moth wings backpack of sapphire [exquisite sapphire jewel]
  • imperial chef yinleng's golden spoon [no infusion]
  • ancient orrian spoon [no infusion]
  • relic of the daredevil
  • aviator badge [no upgrade]
  • carrion ring [no upgrade]
  • sapphire heart [no upgrade]



... reading back i think part of the problem is i have like 0 upgrades on my engineer's build... hm

14 hours ago, evilcat.6817 said:

Get to level 80 with both, you can do it with lower level content, check character adventurer guide in hero panel achievments for faster leveling.

Gear up with lv 80 exotic on all slots (-relic). There are named exotics which cost like 30-50 silver a piece, which is good start, anything 1gold + is sus. We also need full set of armour superior runes, and superior sigils for weapons. And exquisite jewels for trinkets. We need to exotic trinkets to (and jewel them up). Your runes shoukd be of one set.

Need to decide either power crit Power++ Precision+ Ferocity+ or condition. On core it is easier to berserker and power. Sometimes you need to mix Berserker with a couple of Assasins just to get 75% crit chance (with fury buff). There is also Maruder prefix, it will drop power dps, but add vitality, so it i personal preference.  There is also aquatic gear, we should gear it up to at some point.

Each character has 2 gear tab, 3 specialization tab, and 3 specialization templates for account, you can use it all! Generally you can have different setups, for wvw and pve. And have internet builds in templates. Pve builds tend to be more self sustain, with extra healing and stun breakers. So there are some difference.

Get familiar with internet builds



https://metabattle.com/wiki/Core_/_Free_to_Play  core stuff, even not f2p need to farm points for elite specialization.

But if you get better results with your variant of internet build good for you..

Do your daily tasks for the wizards. Ideally for untill dailly chest, even more important weekly chest.

keeping your laurens could be good, as there are ascendet trinkets and rings from laurens vendor in LA. But you need to decide wthich exacly prefix you want, so that can wait.

On Ranger Longbow +Axe/Warhorn worked better for me, and just stay at the distance, but it is not meta.

There is Cursed Shore zone, where you can test your pve skills.

Once you are done with first wave of gearing, you can do prologue of extra content you have like living worlds, expansion, for now we just want to jump into new maps, you can swap story after doing prologue.We need expansion zones for elite skill point nodes. You need 250 skill points for elite specialization, do not spread them out. Also getting extra mounts is good.

so both of these characters are level 80.


11 hours ago, Gendalfs.7521 said:

Suffer a bit in WvW. New exotic armor and weapons from there are stat selectable and cheap. Celestial is good for everything.

About class: I would take Necro minion mancer (Elite specs doesnt matter much), Mechanist (more dmg but less survivability) for your mech to tank most damage. Ranged classes always have some advantage over melee.

I speak so because I play from GFN and It feels like Im lagging or have input lag so I cant play high reaction classes either. So Necro was my first class that carried me through all story and expansions till EOD then I discovered Mech which felt better for me and I made map completion with it fairly easy. Keep in mind you experience with Mech could vary a bit, because I did this before Mech nerfs.

eyeball emoji at the gear i can buy. as for the classes... I'm a picky binch and well, i have very little experience with either of those, but I've been thinking about a necro or thief character. if they're good I'll make that my wvw/pvp character perhaps...

10 hours ago, Lucy.3728 said:
  1. Specialize the engi as mechanist.
  2. Equip Marauder or something similar that has power, precision, ferocity, vitality as stats. Armor, trinkets, weapon.
  3. Use rifle as weapon
  • For a low budget rune take Superior Rune of the Ogre or Superior Rune of the Deadeye, whatever is cheaper to buy (ignore the 7th rune for your breather; actually ignore the breather entirely)
  • For low budget sigils for your rifle: Superior Sigil of Accuracy and Superior Sigil of Generosity
  • You can buy cheap armor from the first vendor in verdant brink (first HoT map), except the chest piece. Or you can buy everything in wvw when you have some of the wvw currency badge of honor.
  • If you have laurels you can buy ascended rings from a laurel vendor, like the ring from the pale tree. You need to buy 2 different ones since you cannot equip 2x the same ascended trinket.

For how to play, ask your friend.

Ranger is more hassle and work than Mech-Engi.

Another easy way is minion master (necro), it is slow though. Or renegade (spec from revenant) with celestial equipment using demon and dwarf, shortbow only. It needs to use all weapon skills on cooldown though, you need to learn to handle the energy. Or the lack thereof.

Mech-Engi is easiest however. Use skill 2 on cooldown and rest is just autohits. Let your mech tank.
The other skills you can use if you think you need something from it. But its fine to just use skills 1 and 2. And maybe the mech skills.

i'll look into this, thank you.

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Attempt on Ranger:



  • We want crit chance close to 60% +40% from furry. Otherwise we have wet noodle fight, if you cant kill enemies, well there is generally more of them.
  • Frost trap is great for chill game, it has chill, it has damage, it has combo field
  • Protect me is stun brake with barrier
  • Lighting reflex has lower cld, and allows us to disengage from greatsword.
  • Hunters Gaze triggers more often
  • Predatory Onslaught is less hustle to trigger, especially with GS
  • Visious Quarry give is much better for dps
  • Bear is more tanky,

Maybe try the skill/specialization setup first before commiting with buying stuff. Maybe it is not your style.

Edited by evilcat.6817
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