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Halloween event, loot for new account


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For new account, what stuff is helpfull to get on  new account, yes you can get gold, yay, but useful loot?  Not minis.

The armour recipes look nice, as they are stat selected so getting even chest and legs would be a boost. Generally getting proper cheastplate armour of your favorite kind + insignia, is great boost for new account, if you combine that with armour from HoT that is very good start.

Anything else?

Edited by evilcat.6817
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Most of the rewards in this game are cosmetic. Useful items are relatively easy to come by, so while they're absolutely worth going for that's not going to be your focus much of the time. (Unless you decide to go for full legendaries, that takes a lot of time, but even then you'll likely want other skins to customise them with.)

Exotics, especially with selectable stats, are a good choice if you don't already have full exotics or if you have multiple characters. Anything which looks appealing to you is a good choice. Other than that the Halloween Pail can be useful - it's a cheap 20 slot bag (with no special effects). Possibly some of the cooking recipes, since the foods don't drop any more, although I think they still cost more to craft than to buy from the TP.

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Why would recipes be useful for a new account?

Buying armor is cheaper than crafting armor and trading armor is cheaper than crafting armor.

For my newest account I bought the berserker armor from the tp.
I could go to Orr and trade it for karma too, but I was too lazy to explore all the way to Orr.

As for a weapon, trade the Astral Acclaim (daily/weekly reward) for the ascended weapon chest.

A new account will need gold to buy most fancy stuff from the tp, since its faster than anything else. And who wants to wait and throw gold into crafting to level it up just to throw even more gold in to crafting at then end?
The gold you get for AA too.

The new daily/weekly system is THE boost for new accounts.

Another fancy thing for newbies and beginners is the stats select equipment you get from a wvw vendor. But you actually need to play wvw then to get badges of honor. And people who play wvw get stats selected armor chests through reward tracks (e.g. the desert track) and as drops/reward anyway. But a new account in wvw is a *!#@ in the kitten. No warclaw, no autoloot (like in pve too but in pve you dont see the missed loot, in wvw its like a track behind you -.-), minimum gliding. The lack of warclaw was the worst for me.

I think as a new player you are better off playing HoT, get the mao currency and level the masteries and buy the stats select armor from the frog vendor.

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43 minutes ago, Lucy.3728 said:

Why would recipes be useful for a new account?

Buying armor is cheaper than crafting armor and trading armor is cheaper than crafting armor.

For my newest account I bought the berserker armor from the tp.
I could go to Orr and trade it for karma too, but I was too lazy to explore all the way to Orr.

As for a weapon, trade the Astral Acclaim (daily/weekly reward) for the ascended weapon chest.

A new account will need gold to buy most fancy stuff from the tp, since its faster than anything else. And who wants to wait and throw gold into crafting to level it up just to throw even more gold in to crafting at then end?
The gold you get for AA too.

The new daily/weekly system is THE boost for new accounts.

Another fancy thing for newbies and beginners is the stats select equipment you get from a wvw vendor. But you actually need to play wvw then to get badges of honor. And people who play wvw get stats selected armor chests through reward tracks (e.g. the desert track) and as drops/reward anyway. But a new account in wvw is a *!#@ in the kitten. No warclaw, no autoloot (like in pve too but in pve you dont see the missed loot, in wvw its like a track behind you -.-), minimum gliding. The lack of warclaw was the worst for me.

I think as a new player you are better off playing HoT, get the mao currency and level the masteries and buy the stats select armor from the frog vendor.

Dont forget the new wvw merchant that sell exotic everything for coin and some badges ( that you get every 5k ap chests) nowdays.

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2 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Dont forget the new wvw merchant that sell exotic everything for coin and some badges ( that you get every 5k ap chests) nowdays.

Good call. However if you are not wvw enjoyer it is better to save badges for backpack, accessories. As amulet and rings could be done with laurens or fractals. Accesories could also be bought from fractals.


Edited by evilcat.6817
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11 hours ago, Lucy.3728 said:

Why would recipes be useful for a new account?

This is a common misconception from players who have other MMO experience. When I used to play WoW the recipes were used a lot as a catch up item bring yourself up closer to the newest raid tier entry level. So, I can see where people are coming from when they ask if the recipes are a good place to start. 

Crafting in GW2, for those who don't know, is much more centered around building the legendries or making unique skins or completing collection achievements. Since this game is horizontal the 80 exotics you can get from the TP, Verdant brink or even the new WvW vendor are perfectly fine starter points and can carry you through most content just fine.

As for the holiday itself check out Mukluk's guide. There are some really cool skins in this holiday plus the coolest jumping puzzle. Have fun with it!

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