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Pistol/Pistol is better as a melee weapon set


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So, I posted this in the main weapon feedback tab so that it would be in the right channel for the devs and such, but I'd also like to hear y'alls feedback on this idea and what your experience has been if you've tried this.

I'm still getting a feel for the weapon set but I want to toss something out there to others giving this a shot:


Try approaching pistol/pistol, not as a ranged weapon pair, but as a melee weapon set with ranged/disengage options. 


Currently, they feel FINE as a strictly ranged set but a tad underwhelming. Very scepter feeling. HOWEVER, there's a specific distinction for skill 3 that is worth looking it: the symbol only inflicts Vulnerability if the enemies are within it. Got me thinking. My initial thought was to combo 3/4 together to take advantage of the ignition property at range, but if I'm missing out on a good chunk of what skill 3 offers, what happens if I'm in melee?
Sure enough, proccing up the 3/4 combo when you're point-blank suddenly feels so SATISFYING! Ok, so now I'm thinking: how does this go further? Here's what I'm noticing that might be a good way to use these weapons if you're feeling underwhelmed or like it needs a little something:


Look at pistol 1. 2, or 5 (on charge 3 with the massive manual detonation) as your opener to use while you're closing the gap. Let's you start that damage ticking before they can touch you. As soon as you hit melee, proc pistol 3 followed immediately by pistol four. Mix in your desired utility skills and auto-attack while waiting for cooldown, using pistol 4's additional charge through any other fields you throw down as they come up. Drop pistol 3/4 combo, and repeat. If you're running Firebrand, rolling through Mantra of Flame is even better in this combo! Purging Flames is also suddenly more viable as you don't have to choose between the condi cleanse and damage if you and your enemy are both standing in it. Then, if you're needing some breathing room, use pistol 5 on charge 1 or 2 to blast them back so you can readjust. You can move around as you see fit from there. Need to get out of aoe pain fields? You don't have to stop all damage while you try and stay alive now! Want to drop a Wall of Reflection on that two forged marksmen to your left that won't take a hint but you don't have the right angle to place it while blocking both of them? Knock back your enemies and reposition! Got six mordrem with hammers getting ready to flatten your entire party for the next six consecutive seconds? Not anymore! That aoe knockback on pistol 5 charge 1/2 will take care of all of them quick, and AT THE SAME TIME! Are those same mordrem across the battlefield and about to flatten somebody else's party? Pistol 5 charge 3 has you covered with some massive damage, and since you have to manually detonate it that means you get to choose the best position to fling them back from! If you're rocking Willbender, then your inherent mobility is just further complimented by how flexible these weapon skills are. This can also be a phenomenal option if you're playing with a cc Dragonhunter build comboing Glacial Heart and axe/pistol with your longbow setup. No longer are you forced to take shield just for the cc bubble if you want to focus on damage over survivability there.

Best part: All of this compounds if you're taking on multiple enemies at at time. Pistol 1/2/4/5 all have a pass-through mechanic that lets them hit multiple enemies at a time. And all the conditions you're throwing on them will help tick down their health while you're focusing on a specific target. Works great on condi-focused builds prioritizing aoe. Don't believe? Go try running the choya stampede event right outside Amnoon. Place yourself 1/3rd of the way down the alley from the gate and become the fantasy lawman, the impenetrable wall of flame and justice. Positioning is not only key with this weapon, but HIGHLY rewarded.

PS: the ranged aspect isn't forgotten about here. Use it to extend your engagement range. Many enemies will also move around in and out of melee range, and the 900 range on your skills lets you track them with ease. 


Overall: Pistol/Pistol isn't the single target condi-ranged set many of us were assuming it'd be. It CAN work that way, but you're often better off taking a different set for that. However, what pistol/pistol does very well is serve as a flexible, multi-target close/mid ranged weapon that let's YOU control the fight and how it's handled. Even long after the first shot is fired. This is the condi-weapon set you pick to lean heavily in to Guardian's inherent flexibility.

Edited by Althean.5976
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That's pretty much the criticism that's been levied since the blog post. We're told it's a ranged weapon, but enough of the power budget is reliant on the enemy being in the foot-targeted symbol that it's a weapon where you want to be in melee range about 50% of the time (I think the symbol has 4-5s duration and 12s recharge, so a little under 50% without alacrity, possibly a little over 50% with). If that's the intent, they should come clean and say it is. Otherwise, the symbol needs to be reworked.

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