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Increasing the number of autocasts

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9 minutes ago, Woof.8246 said:

We  could lower the effect of boons  so the disparity is not so huge .

Its the exact same thing as bringing up other underused specs 

This changes absolutely nothing for low intensity builds, they will continue to do the same percentage of a person doing full rotation, all you'll achieve is potentially make support dps/healer redundant. Boons  supports need to add more damage to the group than getting a pure dps would, otherwise you'd never use a boon dps and avoid using a healer any chance you get as well, simply put 3dps + boons needs to do more damage than 5 dps, forcing boons to grant more than 66% damage total. While the gap would be lower for boon dps since they tend to only do about 30% less dps than a dedicated dps, healers barely do any damage and are usually responsible for pretty much all the boons other than either of alacrity or quickness depending on the class. If the boons provided by a healer do not provide enough damage to the team to replace a dps, then you'd ditch healers whenever content allows. 
Btw, this is already possible to do by having a properly organized group to ensure proper boon uptime, nerfing boons any lower will make that approach pug meta as well.

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16 minutes ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

 nerfing boons any lower will make that approach pug meta as well.

Well it would be better than telling a handicapped person that we cannot increase other LI builds , because the PvE area doesn't need  any other LI builds .

I say we remove the problem , by neutering the outlines , by nerfing the core problem , which is boons

Edited by Woof.8246
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5 minutes ago, Woof.8246 said:

If the 30k drop to 20k

If the 30k drops to 20k, the 20 k drops to 15, the relative discrepancy remains the same, therefore not changing the end result. Damage numbers themselves are arbitrary, what gives them meaning is the encounter HP, which is designed around the DPS numbers, as well as their relative balance to one another. This should not be a difficult concept to grasp. All you would achieve is make open world/solo stuff easier, which they already are kitten easy.

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3 hours ago, Woof.8246 said:

Well it would be better than telling a handicapped person that we cannot increase other LI builds , because the PvE area doesn't need  any other LI builds .

I say we remove the problem , by neutering the outlines , by nerfing the core problem , which is boons

Did you even read what I wrote? I linked multiple builds that do more than enough damage for every single encounter in the game with 0 to minimal input. 

I'm not sure who is being more disrespectful to people with disabilities here, me, who sees that there are people being able to do damage rotations with their nose, or finding all sorts of ways to rise up to the existing challenge, or you people who assume they are incapable of anything and ask for everything to be made easier and easier? I'm sorry but if your physical or mental condition is so bad that you are unable to play a character that requires a single input every minute or so, then you should look for autobattler games. making GW2 not have any gameplay whatsoever should not be the approach. 

When there is a will, there is a way, I've done raids with a person with only 1 arm before, he did perfectly fine. Someone linked a bench of someone literally pressing buttons with their nose for an extreme example. If they can do it, so can others. The difference isn't skill either btw, those people work to get past their limitations, while some of us prefer to go to the forums and ask for the entire system to cater to them instead.

Edited by Passerbye.6291
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7 minutes ago, Woof.8246 said:

Well it would be better than telling a handicapped person that we cannot increase other LI builds , because the PvE area doesn't need  any other LI builds .

I say we remove the problem , by neutering the outlines , by nerfing the core problem , which is boons

Increasing other LI builds is not necesseary, because LI builds currently can hit above 60% of the benchmarks of actual proper DPS rotations. 

The issue in this topic isn't LI builds being too weak, the issue in this topic is OP being more occupied with saying "I'm disabled" than looking at the tips and builds people gave them to get around difficulty playing.

Throwing boons out won't make the game more balanced DPS wise. If in full benchmark trim you manage 20k and Anet nerfs boons you will no longer do 20k. It's that simple. The disparity stays, the damage requirements stay, what your "solution" achieves is screwing over people who already do less damage.
Nerfing boons, something that helps many people pass DPS checks is the perfect way to generate salt on the forums, because people now suddenly struggle to kill enemies, struggle to do metas that require even a bit of damage and because people get thrown out from groups because their previously perfectly fine 10-15k DPS is now less than 10k while doing the exact same thing.

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15 minutes ago, Woof.8246 said:

And we will have less desparity then , and less need to buff the underused LI builds

Do you understand how percentages work? You know what, I'll simplify it, why not.

Currently people are doing 40k+ damage, the encounters are balanced around those numbers (old content is getting more and more irrelevant due to this as well)
Let's assume we removed boons entirely from the game and dropped the damage numbers to 20k instead, this would require an encounter tuning overhaul, which would, assuming the current numbers are intended, result in the boss HPs being reduced accordingly to let the encounters last roughly the same time.

Now, you have yourself 2 scenarios:
Scenario 1, people with rotations do 40k, people with easy builds do 30k, in this scenario, an LI build is does 75% of the people with rotations.
Scenario 2, people with rotations do 20k, people with easy builds do 15k, in this scenario, an LI build is does 75% of the people with rotations.
While the absolute number changes, due to the fact that the relative balance remains the same, the 5k discrepancy in the scenario 2 carries the same value as the 10k in the scenario 1.

Edit: Btw, if they didn't change encounter balance and just nerfed boons, the game would be less accessible, not more. Because at the end of the day, I'd still do more than enough damage for each encounter, but low intensity builds would be struggling to meet dps thresholds.

Edited by Passerbye.6291
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7 minutes ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

Did you even read what I wrote? I linked multiple builds that do more than enough damage for every single encounter in the game with 0 to minimal input. 

And he wants his class to have the same opportunities , rather than playing other classes  . That why i try to find the middle ground with the 30k>20k , and 20k>15k formula


And your response to him was offensive 

On 12/7/2023 at 8:54 AM, Passerbye.6291 said:

That being said, can we please stop trying to turn the game into an autobattler by using people with disabilities as an excuse?

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1 minute ago, Woof.8246 said:

And he wants his class to have the same opportunities , rather than playing other classes  . That why i try to find the middle ground with the 30k>20k , and 20k>15k formula

And based on the comments OP's class is Mesmer, which has the same opportunities for easy damage as others, it also has the opportunity for good damage AND survivability.

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22 minutes ago, Woof.8246 said:

And he wants his class to have the same opportunities , rather than playing other classes  . That why i try to find the middle ground with the 30k>20k , and 20k>15k formula

You can make an LI build with every single class, including elementalist, there will be variation in their performance because the game isn't, and shouldn't be, balanced around low intensity builds. If you pick an elementalist as your class and then choose to use only 1 element, there should be huge downside to it. Now, if they one day introduce an elementalist spec that foregoes 2-3 attunements in exchange for strengthening the remaining ones, that would be one thing, but until that day comes, this is the class design, changing it would ruin the experience for a lot more people than it would please.

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3 minutes ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

You can make an LI build with every single class, including elementalist, there will be variation in their performance because the game isn't, and shouldn't be balanced around low intensity build.

That why i ask that we should neuter the outlines (by reducing boons) , which is the same thing as buffing them and there's  wont be a reason for him to switch classes


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1 minute ago, Woof.8246 said:

That why i ask that we should neuter the outlines , which is the same thing as buffing them and there's  wont be a reason for him to switch classes

No thanks, I enjoy being rewarded for proper gameplay, if you want there to be no or little discrepancy, play a game that provides said opportunity, don't come and ask to ruin it for the majority of players.

8 minutes ago, Woof.8246 said:

And your response to him was offensive 

Oh no, anyway.

1 minute ago, Woof.8246 said:

We live in a society 

❄️Your feelings are your problem, resolve them yourself instead of asking everyone to tiptoe around you. I'll talk to people with disabilities the same way I talk to others, do you know why? Because I don't consider them less than others.

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2 minutes ago, Woof.8246 said:

The same as the OP wants

Allowing his class to deal the same damage like the rest of the LIs , rather than choosing another

Which it does, if you cared to read that is.

Just like with every class, there are variations to how they perform and what they are good at. If you insist on teaching a fish to fly, you'll have a bad time. In this game, the fish actually does fly, except it is worse at it than a bird *shocked pikachu*.

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4 minutes ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

Which it does, if you cared to read that is.

Just like with every class, there are variations to how they perform and what they are good at. If you insist on teaching a fish to fly, you'll have a bad time. In this game, the fish actually does fly, except it is worse at it than a bird *shocked pikachu*.

If the difference is 15k dps  between 2 LI specs , we buff the fish , or we clip the bird's wings that got too fat

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2 hours ago, Woof.8246 said:

If the difference is 15k dps  between 2 LI specs , we buff the fish , or we clip the bird's wings that got too fat

It isn't. While I don't really play elementalist much, keep in mind that this is an older build, but the damage numbers overall went up, so it likely does more, not less.

Also, you don't balance things in a vacuum, if you buff the LI build of elementalist, you buff the proper dps build as well, please think for a while before typing. There is a reason why a class with a lot more weapon skills on separate cooldowns than any other class in the game should not perform as well as some others by pressing 2-3 buttons, I'm sure you can figure it out, I believe in you.

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2 minutes ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

It isn't. While I don't really play elementalist much, keep in mind that this is an older build, but the damage numbers overall went up, so it likely does more, not less.

Also, you don't balance things in a vacuum, if you buff the LI build of elementalist, you buff the proper dps build as well, please think for a while before typing. There is a reason why a class with a lot more weapon skills on separate cooldown than any other class in the game should not perform as well as some others by pressing 2-3 buttons, I'm sure you can figure it out, I believe in you.

On 12/5/2023 at 8:24 PM, handicappergeneral.4316 said:

As part of a group of players with disabilities, it's no secret that we've been hit hard by a lot of the recent changes (not all rune effects becoming relics, the recent removal of passive bonuses from Mirage to name a couple). It's clear the developers frown on more passive elements as much I think that sucks. However, what about a possible "compromise"? We have multiple auto cast skills on Ranger pets and the Mech, could we not bring that idea to the player bar as well?

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2 minutes ago, Woof.8246 said:



On 12/6/2023 at 8:23 AM, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

Spamming dodge and weapon swapping boosts staff to 18.9k and axe to 25.4k

Still not 10k, btw, before you say staff is 10k lower, staff gives perma alacrity and 25 stacks of might as well as some fury, you know, the buffs you want nerfed.

This is why I tell you to read, READ.

Edit: I main mesmer btw, hit me up if you need lessons.

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4 minutes ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

  Edit: I main mesmer btw, hit me up if you need lessons.

Hm , no thanks i'm good .

Most likely you will tell me to play Enginner in the end ,or tell me this :


13 hours ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

 So much so that presented with multiple examples of super accessible builds, your go to reaction was to pick one of them and create the absolute worst scenario for it to somehow justify your belief that anet hates people with disabilities. 

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Just now, Woof.8246 said:

Hm , no thanks i'm good .

Most likely you will tell me to play Enginner in the end ,or tell me this :


Or tell you how to put the least amount of effort into playing Mesmer while maintaining a stupid amount of boons, borderline invulnerability and high damage when playing Mirage while having dinner. 

Engineer is good for LI, but nowhere near the level of Mirage.

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5 hours ago, Woof.8246 said:

Hm , no thanks i'm good .

Most likely you will tell me to play Enginner in the end ,or tell me this :

2 buttons

3 buttons

4 buttons

5 buttons

6 buttons

Note: I'm still using the phantasmal blade trait even on the logs without any phantasms used, so swapping to the sharpening sorrow and adjusting your gear accordingly would further increase your dps. Similarly, using any one of the combinations that don't cast phantasms, you'd be better off using chaos trait line instead of dueling, again requiring some adjustments to your gear. I personally couldn't be bothered to do so and the numbers as it stands are still good enough even on the ones without phantasm casts.
Another edit: Just tested this without changing gear, bleeding is overcapped by over 26% so clearly you could optimize your gear A LOT, and 2 buttons is 26.4k, 3 buttons is about 30k, 4 buttons is about 32k, 5 buttons is over 34k, so yeah, LI mesmer is terrible guys, unplayable, yup.../s

Edited by Passerbye.6291
Cleaned it up a bit and added new logs with various number of buttons
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