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How do I join a public Convergence with friends?


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I know I can open my own private 50-man squad, but I'm not really interested in that.  I have 3 good friends that I play with regularly, and we'd like to play Convergences together. But when we party/squad up, and join the public Convergence, we always get put into different instances.  And doing the "join in Convergences" right-click isn't a sure thing - sometimes we end up in different full  instances.

Is there a trick to getting into these with my friends?

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There is no trick, what you're already doing is all you really can do.

The best way to maximise your chances/shorten the queue, is to make sure you're in a party together before the public convergence opens and join it immediately. If you're not in the same instance try to join on each other right away, it usually takes about a minute for an instance to fill anyway.

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