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Toypocalypse challenge mode?


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The game mode should have a more challenging mode. Maybe something like endless waves of adds or Toxx being more of a difficult boss? Or maybe limited scrap and snow? Its basically a tower defense game which is really fun but its not super engaging once you get the siege set up. I would play the heck out of a hard mode. Any thoughts?

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Maybe adding more towers and then increasing the base difficulty.

Buff Toxx: reflect bubble reflects catapult and snowmen attacks, leap attack aoe w/ indicator, automatically targets walls or dolyak not players or siege. 

Other buffs: random normal enemy spawn locations, occasional veteran or elite enemy, buff skritt mercenaries to help. Reduce accuracy of siege against centaurs while they have swiftness, princess scream would daze nearby players and siege alike, soldiers do more dmg and can raise shield to block attacks


Ice sculpture: buffs other towers

Ice mine layer: freezes enemies periodically so other towers can hit more easily. 


Mortar turret: long range high dmg against Toxx

Trebuchet: area dmg and knockdown with longerish reload.


Currently playing a private instance is similar to a challenge mode too.

Edited by Infinity.2876
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