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Abuse through the "Mail"

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1 minute ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

You keep actively saying very questionable or downright false things, then blame the community for not agreeing with it. What did you expect, a medal?

What I'm saying is not false, it's happening. And the things I'm saying are only being proven as truth in here. Just look at what some of the other posters are saying in here. Supposedly Abuse is a totally justified behavior now, so long as you disagree with the person you're abusing.

Maybe I should be getting a medal for exposing this community for what it has always been. People have been saying for years that the GW2 community is Friendly. I'm sorry to break the news, but that's a false myth. It's just as toxic as any other online community.

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Well, we only have your side of the story and I find it hard to believe that people would send hate mails without any reason. 
Judging by the way you behave here on the forum, I think it's even less likely that it's happening without reason.

Best you can do is just block them and move on. 

I play since launch and never received a mail in game with hateful content. 

Edited by vares.8457
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1 minute ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

Supposedly Abuse is a totally justified behavior now, so long as you disagree with the person you're abusing.

6 minutes ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

As said, getting spammed via mails shouldn't be a thing

Maybe read?

2 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

Maybe I should be getting a medal for exposing this community for what it has always been. People have been saying for years that the GW2 community is Friendly. I'm sorry to break the news, but that's a false myth. It's just as toxic as any other online community.

Hmm, vast majority of the playerbase, pretty much anyone I've ever met having mostly positive interactions with others and that one person with a terrible attitude having all around terrible experiences because of it. Hmm, a quandary indeed /s.

4 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

What I'm saying is not false, it's happening. And the things I'm saying are only being proven as truth in here.

I was referring to the post that got linked to you, which was what you responded to, let's not flush context down the toilet in an attempt to fit things in our agendas.

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Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

Well, we only have your side of the story and I find it hard to believe that people would send hate mails without any reason. 
Judging by the way you behave here on the forum, I think it's even less likely that it's happening without reason.

Best you can do is just block them and move on. 

I already have my chat panel turned off, and I'm set to offline. What can I possibly be doing to justify getting hate mail? Is it because I suck at the game? Is that justifiable cause to send hateful abuse to someone? I'm not even talking to them. And for the record; these are not the same people as on this forum. They are the broader GW2 community.

I came to this forum to make a suggestion to Anet so I can take matters into my own hands. But instead all I get is the finger pointed at me and told the hate is justified, all because I said the GW2 Community is toxic. Well then, if I'm wrong, PROVE IT ! Because I have plenty of proof to the contrary. It's there in my Inbox.

Edited by Buzzbugs.1236
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51 minutes ago, Taclism.2406 said:

Ah yes, the main character syndrome : Refuse / ignore all form of communication and tips, then complain when your willful ignorance comes back to bite you.

In instanced group content if you're not communicating then you're getting removed. Simple as.

Edit: I don't think this has to be said, but I'll say it anyway to prevent misunderstandings. Not communicating of course doesn't warrant getting senseless hate.

34 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

I never said a single word to them, nothing. All I did was play the game. How can I have an attitude when I've never even talked to them before?

All I'm asking for is a way to block my Mail from being used by Trolls, THAT'S ALL.

We don't have enough information so we can only speculate. During what content do you get hate mail? PvP?

Either way I do agree that you should be able to disable receiving mail from other players if you wish to do so. While we're at it the block system could use some improvements too.

Edited by devzero.4093
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7 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

I already have my chat panel turned off, and I'm set to offline. What can I possibly be doing to justify getting hate mail? I'm not even talking to them. And for the record; these are not the same people as on this forum. They are the broader GW2 community.

I came to this forum to make a suggestion to Anet so I can take matters into my own hands. But instead all I get is the finger pointed at me and told the hate is justified.

I did not say that it is justified. It is not. No one should receive hateful content via mail. It’s disgusting behavior to do that. I am sorry that you have to deal with this. 

On the internet unfortunately many behave in bad ways and GW2 is no exception but I must say that in general the community is very friendly. 

Edited by vares.8457
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