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Berserker and Ele need nerfs

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17 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

It's getting incredibly long to respond to every single thing back and forth, so I'll just shorten it up to one thing, that being the incessant downplaying of everything warrior has to make it sound like the class is the worst in every area while everyone else has every single tool ever. That's like 99% of the warrior subforum and has been forever. I understood it when it was actually bad, I had a meltdown every day playing czerk prior to the rework. I still get made fun of for it lol. But not anymore.

 Is this like, a vibes thing? The tone with which how issues are pointed at isn't correct, and... what, the validity of the suggestions has expired because they complained too long?

If you had a meltdown every day playing czerk prior to the rework, but the rework made czerk easier to deal with at the expense of power, doesn't that seem kind of a weird conclusion to reach? Power variants are still dealing with the issue you had originally. 


Warrior's got limitations sure, but they're not that unwieldy or unmanageable.

They are unwieldly. I would like it to be less unwieldly. The balancing direction instead pushes unwieldly to unmanagable every chance it gets, for esoteric reasons. I reject "It's not that bad" as a justification.


they're not common, and no high end players pick it, but that's true of most of the bottom of the totem pole

So maybe do some QoL for the bottom of the totem pole (or at the very least don't make the builds at the bottom of the totem pole worse?) I don't accept this as any kind of justification for anything.  You seem to be drifting around the conclusion that certain class derivatives being fundamentally scuffed for pvp is acceptable. Don't know if that's accurate or not, but it's how you come off.

We're probably not going to agree on this. It's fine. I'll respect it.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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