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Aside from the introductory story instance that runs as soon as you exit the character creator, the personal story and all other story steps can be skipped/ignored. Eventually you might need to do some of it to unlock zones etc. for that character, but if you don't want to do the story then don't.

Edited by Teknomancer.4895
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All you really need to do for map completion on a new character is hero points and way points.  There's over 400 more hero points available than can be spent, so you don't need to do them all, and way points, you could just pick the ones you're likely to use regularly.  The rest of map completion is only if you want to do it, or want the rewards (e.g. for crafting legendaries).

There's no need to repeat story, unless you want the rewards.  I'd recommend at least doing the level 10 personal story for a black lion key as it's fairly quick.  You might also want to take the End of Dragons story as far as The Scenic Route to get a jade bot core for free, but those can also be bought or crafted if you don't want to do the story.

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17 minutes ago, Stitch.1794 said:

There's no need to repeat story, unless you want the rewards.

This is true, but if it's an unfamiliar character class I'm trying out, generally I will run through the story until Zhaitan. That gives me a low-pressure leveling environment to get familiar with the skills, weapons, etc and decide what I want to do with that character.

Of course if all you want to do is create a character, dump a meta build from the web on it and go, then even that can be skipped.

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Adding to what was said above: each storyline (expansion or living world episode) functions as a stand-alone story so once a character gets to level 80 they can play them in any order you want. For example a new level 80 who has never done any story before could start with End of Dragons, or Season 3 episode 5, or whichever other point you want. The Story Journal will give you all the options. (If you wanted to you could play it all in reverse order, I'm not sure why anyone would want to, but the game will let you.)

The story telling is linear - a character who skipped ahead will still be recognised by the reoccuring characters, talk to them as if they know them and reference past events as if they were there, but that may not be a problem unless you haven't played it before and don't want to risk spoilers.

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