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Pistol - Hidden auto-attack finisher with 4 bullets


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Just noticed that there's a hidden skill with the new pistol skillset.
If you create one of each of the elemental bullets, your auto-attack skill (regardless of element) turns into 'Elemental Explosion'.
Shoots all four elemental bullets and grants an aura based on attunement + inflicts burning, bleeding, buln and cripple.

What I find a bit worrysome is that this skill is nowhere mentioned on pistol tooltips or even listed in the weapon skills in the hero panel. There's no way to learn that this skill exists other than randomly trying out what having 4 elemental bullets does.

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1 hour ago, ZephidelGRS.9520 said:

The skill was shown during the original livestream reveal so most people are aware of its existence.

And next time you can check the Build tab in the Hero's panel for all the skills that are available to the profession.

That's the thing.. the skill isn't listed there. There's no ingame info that lets you know it exists. Pistol lists its 3 skills in each element, then all weaver dual attacks. But not that one.

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I found it in the wiki, it's called Elemental Unload


Given how many button pushes you have to do to set this skill up (7!!! enter combat, hit ability 2 or 3, switch attune, hit ability, etc...) And the opportunity cost of forgoing using those bullets on better skills, I would expect a tactical nuke to drop on your foe and it's not. Maybe the wiki it's out of date and the conditions inflicted are per bullet and instead off 2 stacks of burning you could inflict up to 8 stacks if all 4 bullets connect, etc... 

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I think the appeal is the fact that you can set it up before combat and use it as your opener. Trying to be optimistic about the pistol but my toad gun doesn't do it's sounds and i'm getting tired of the the repeating percussion already.

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17 hours ago, NayNay.7680 said:

I think the appeal is the fact that you can set it up before combat and use it as your opener. Trying to be optimistic about the pistol but my toad gun doesn't do it's sounds and i'm getting tired of the the repeating percussion already.

unfortunately, it's a lot of set up for a very "meh" attack. not only are the condition durations very short, the auto-attack damage is tuned around being a condi weapon, so you don't even get a large amount of strike damage. if it did the damage of all 4 auto-attacks combined, then maybe it would be a little more worth setting up as an initial attack, but as it is, the damage is low and the condis drop off so quick it's not even worth cleansing them if you're hit.

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