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Envious Reprieve achivement bugged [Merged]

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Hello all, todday we make new tactis to complete this bugged archiew.

Wait after Boss for spawn, just leave him about 15s- he walk on circle and after 15s just kill. ALl ppl in my squad have todday done 

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I tried a few times in a row on multiple maps for both Nereidum and Vespera with same 15 second timer others are reporting.  Achievement is unattainable at the moment since I'm not able to kill it in that time period.

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Still bugged as of 3/24. Watched 4 if them spawn roughly 5mins apart. All despawned 15secs after being engaged.

I really hope this feature gets corrected soon.

Update: My friend and I took turns camping it so we could get other things done. Our total for the night was 11 bugged Vespera, 8 bugged Nereidum and 1 good Vespera.

Edited by Entara.3075
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