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Help with info about xpac's <3

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Hey everyone, how's it going? I'm a player who stopped playing shortly after Path of Fire was released and recently came back. However, with two expansions now available, along with new specializations and content, there's a lot to catch up on. As a Brazilian, converting USD to BRL makes buying even one expansion quite expensive, let alone two. I'm wondering if, in terms of farming spots, content, and other factors, it's worth the investment.

My main question is whether it's really worth it, considering I'll be paying around 150~180 BRL(in just one xpac). I'd like to know which expansion offers better content and farming spots, among other things. Additionally, I'm curious to know if ArenaNet tends to have expansion sales, which could make the purchase more affordable. Would it be worth waiting for a possible price drop?

I appreciate any guidance or advice you can offer.

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EoD has vastly more content and has elite specs. SoTo is a mini expac with less maps, less story and no elite specs.  You came this far, see the end of the Dragon arc with EoD and move onto SoTo later. SoTo's big selling point i easier Skyscale (flying dragon mount) and legendary armour from open world grinding

Yes they do have expansion sales. They obv don't tell us beforehand, so it's up to you if you want to wait on one without knowing when itll be

Don't forget you also have Living World season 4 and Icebrood Saga between PoF and EoD

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15 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

EoD has vastly more content and has elite specs. SoTo is a mini expac with less maps, less story and no elite specs.  You came this far, see the end of the Dragon arc with EoD and move onto SoTo later. SoTo's big selling point i easier Skyscale (flying dragon mount) and legendary armour from open world grinding

Yes they do have expansion sales. They obv don't tell us beforehand, so it's up to you if you want to wait on one without knowing when itll be

Don't forget you also have Living World season 4 and Icebrood Saga between PoF and EoD

Oh gotcha ! I tought the flying dragon mount was from PoF(rip me). Do you know by any chance when was the last xpac sales ? Ye, i want badly to play as some "new"(for me) supp/healer elite specs. Wait, theres still story too ? Oh my god, i'm dommed, i guess i'll just drop and not play it, thank u alot btw. Toooo expensive for me

Edited by Monabrisa.4037
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1 minute ago, Monabrisa.4037 said:

Oh gotcha ! I tought the flying dragon mount was from PoF(rip me). Do you know by any chance when was the last xpac sales ? Ye, i want badly to play as some "new"(for me) supp/healer elite specs. Wait, theres still story too ? Oh my god, i'm dommed, i guess i'll just drop and not play it, thank u alot btw. Toooo expensive for me

The skyscale is originally from living story 4 which is a follow on dlc to pof but it’s easier to get in SoTo

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2 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Maybe keep an eye on social media feeds for sales

Thank u, i'll but prob not gonna invest time/money. Because its too expensive for me having to buy living story to unlock some stuff/mount and expansion to unlock more critical content. But thank u alot guys ! If really drop significant i'll take it. ❤️

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2 minutes ago, Monabrisa.4037 said:

Thank u, i'll but prob not gonna invest time/money. Because its too expensive for me having to buy living story to unlock some stuff/mount and expansion to unlock more critical content. But thank u alot guys ! If really drop significant i'll take it. ❤️

One final thing. Living Seasons also go on sale and can be bought with in game gold (through gold - gem transfer)

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