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How long to earn the points in WvW to unlock the new weapons from the vendor ? Or is there a way to do just the story portion for it with a new 80 ?

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Greets all , hoping to find out roughly a ballpark idea of how long it would take a returning player from long ago , starting over , to earn the points required to purchase the items needed to unlock the new weapons for all character ?

Idea is I have bought all the expansions , played long ago and have an 80 ranger but only did the basic story to 80 , but want to start fresh , and do a mesmer or warrior with rifle or staff and take my time and play through the expansion , living worlds etc with one of them with the weapon I want to use.

I saw you can buy the unlocks from a vendor in WvW and wondered how long it would take to earn the points needed for that , as in are we talking thats a months long grind , or doable  in couple weeks doing some missions and participating in some WvW with 80 ranger.

I saw some saying the story portion only took them hour to two to unlock , I just wasn't sure if I could jump to just that part of the story missions without having to do lots of others first , as I wanted to do most of the content on mesmer (maybe warrior) with the new weapon , that's the reason I looked up the WvW version to get them.

So any advice appreciated on how/which way to try to unlock the new weapons with an old 80 from basic version so could play anew fresh with the new weapons. (I do have all the expansions for that part )



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6 hours ago, ixon.2496 said:

Doing the story is by far the fastest. About 2 hours.

WvW will take probably a week, or two. Depending on your WvW rank and Server score + how often you can play.

Isn't it like 500 of those heroics notes to buy the books and the scroll? I think that takes longer than 2 weeks.

And story from chapter 1 to chapter 14 will be way longer than 2h. Or can you skip that all?

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51 minutes ago, Lucy.3728 said:

And story from chapter 1 to chapter 14 will be way longer than 2h. Or can you skip that all?

Although I am not 100% sure, I think you can do each story chapter separately. (?)

I bought the "rare scroll" in WvW (because I wasn't sure I had enough of the map currency you need to buy that) and did the rest via the story.
So what I would suggest is check you "green Testimonies" and when you have 500 to spare now and want to get it done right now, buy the scrolls in WvW.
If you can do the story chapter separately, do the 4 map items, then check if you have enough map currency for the rare scroll - and if not, buy in WvW.

Edited by Gorani.7205
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Thanks all , looks like I can start the chapter 14 chapter  once I get through Chapter 6 of that storyline , so I'm guessing doing 1-6 (1 knocked out in just a few mins on 2 now ) then chapter 14 still going to be quicker than earning it in WvW ,

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6 hours ago, Lucy.3728 said:

Isn't it like 500 of

   Is exactly 500 tokens and the same amount to unlock two full specializations to a newly created character, so is a lot and will take much more than just doing a couple of chapters in thge story mode. By the way most of the new weapons suck (I still did it with WvW tokens since honestly I don't have anything better to do with them and lately not playing the game seems the best way to respect my own time).

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On 3/4/2024 at 12:23 AM, Buran.3796 said:

By the way most of the new weapons suck

I only tried the rifle for my support chrono in wvw and like it better than the staff.

Apart from that chrono I've no support chars and it seems the new weapons are support choices. The amusing thing is you need to kill 100 foes to get the aa points from the special and I wonder how the heck I should do that in wvw as support xD

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