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PVP Dishonour System

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Question about the Dishonour System in SPVP,

Why is it that someone can be afk within SPVP ranked matches specifically, receive minimal consequence (someone within my last match bragged about never getting banned) but then someone has to intentionally "cop one for the team" and leave the match so no match points are deducted from everyone suffering from the individual AFKING under everyone's nose typing, standing in starting area, and laughing at the match because they don't want to participate. And receive little to no reason for remorse for such action. But one of the team mates who is involved takes a stand and leaves the match for everyone else's sake. I mean what?!

am I missing something.. 

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Had this yesterday, but it was two players from a previous game fighting.  One said the other was 'bad' and so they AFK'd 90% of the game; I just reported for idling and moved on with the -15 rank loss.

It's crazy, because I did ask them to leave if they were going to AFK anyway and they told me no, the other person must lose points.  So, they intentionally threw based on something 3/5 of us had no clue about.  

Fun times.  

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cuz when ppl dc or leave match for 90 secs the system or computer or whatever you wanna call it will execute the command to just -rating that person and no other person, if the player is afk base it would need somebody to look at to actually punish the player.

i believe at some point in 2020 they removed the feature that would kick the player after 90 secs of "COMPLETELY" afk base, but this would super rarely happen, 99% of afker are there, and a chat message would pop "after x time with no action you will be kicked" and ppl would just press any button to reset the count and never get kicked

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how hard can they punish afk'ers,  when the players that wintraded the very first MAT, amongst other things, are still in the game. they literally, didn't get anything but a short time dishonor. probably need to worry about the legality, if someone wanted to take it that far, anet would lose

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4 hours ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

cuz when ppl dc or leave match for 90 secs the system or computer or whatever you wanna call it will execute the command to just -rating that person and no other person, if the player is afk base it would need somebody to look at to actually punish the player.

i believe at some point in 2020 they removed the feature that would kick the player after 90 secs of "COMPLETELY" afk base, but this would super rarely happen, 99% of afker are there, and a chat message would pop "after x time with no action you will be kicked" and ppl would just press any button to reset the count and never get kicked

Totally get it, specifically some people feel like they are pre-determined to lose, or everyone are "noobs" or bronze not worthy of their time. So they will go back to base and totally berate the team whilst not contributing, laugh mocking etc. And in the end they wont even get punished because they were every so often pressing a button on their keyboard. Absolutely insane experience!

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2 hours ago, magickthief.6492 said:

how hard can they punish afk'ers,  when the players that wintraded the very first MAT, amongst other things, are still in the game. they literally, didn't get anything but a short time dishonor. probably need to worry about the legality, if someone wanted to take it that far, anet would lose

It's ideally about filtering out those players with restrictions added to their privilege to play incrementally, and not everyone (the active players), receiving the deduction in ranked matches because one smart guy figured they have nothing to lose and everyone "sucks" and is not "worth" their time, give up and berate the team, drag everyone to the pits of deduction hell even for the contributors. Whatever the punishment or integration, has to be better than that I would imagine. AKA the current state of SPVP.  

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6 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Had this yesterday, but it was two players from a previous game fighting.  One said the other was 'bad' and so they AFK'd 90% of the game; I just reported for idling and moved on with the -15 rank loss.

It's crazy, because I did ask them to leave if they were going to AFK anyway and they told me no, the other person must lose points.  So, they intentionally threw based on something 3/5 of us had no clue about.  

Fun times.  

It's literally the WORST, and seemingly un-subtle intricacies that make us love GW2 PVP 🙃. Drives me mad, sorry that happened to you.

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3 hours ago, GigaChad Joe.7094 said:

Totally get it, specifically some people feel like they are pre-determined to lose, or everyone are "noobs" or bronze not worthy of their time. So they will go back to base and totally berate the team whilst not contributing, laugh mocking etc. And in the end they wont even get punished because they were every so often pressing a button on their keyboard. Absolutely insane experience!

Yup, in NA there's a specific dragonhunter, the "L" dragonhunter, if you look he's just a harmless boy, be he'll afk once he gets behind in the game. He's already on his third account, he brags to have another 40 something account to keep afking matches he doesn't win from start.

Yesterday he afk a match while we're winning, cuz team got wiped twice, we still won, not thanks to him tho.

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On 3/3/2024 at 6:33 PM, GigaChad Joe.7094 said:

Question about the Dishonour System in SPVP,

Why is it that someone can be afk within SPVP ranked matches specifically, receive minimal consequence (someone within my last match bragged about never getting banned) but then someone has to intentionally "cop one for the team" and leave the match so no match points are deducted from everyone suffering from the individual AFKING under everyone's nose typing, standing in starting area, and laughing at the match because they don't want to participate. And receive little to no reason for remorse for such action. But one of the team mates who is involved takes a stand and leaves the match for everyone else's sake. I mean what?!

am I missing something.. 

Lol, looks like that AFKer pwned you good. Don't get mad at him, get mad at yourself. EZ mode. 😂🤣

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1 hour ago, Barabbas.8715 said:

Lol, looks like that AFKer pwned you good. Don't get mad at him, get mad at yourself. EZ mode. 😂🤣

How can someone not playing "pwn" haven't heard that in awhile anyone. If they aren't playing who are they pwning, you committed to the words not so much the thought.

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