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Please, remove excess of soft CC, blind, immobilize, fear and chillness (TEAMFIGHTING)

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PvP is getting full of soft CC and forcing players to take an option with resistance. (Losing potentially strong damage options or stunbreak. Unfair for classes that, unlike Warriors, Tempest, Willbenders, that can stunbreak and remove CC conditiones at the same time, etc; For the rest to be forced to pick these kind of skills is literally a playstyle killer)

This is absolutely not fun: Most of necro AoE with chill, blindness and fear, druid immob spam,  Tempest with shock aura, Guardians spamming blindness (DH overall), Holo with 1 blind per dodge,  etc.

This is mostly for teamfighting, in dueling most of time there's no problem 'cause u can dodge (except reaer chillness spam and holo blindness, basically almost whatever they do is spamming these two conditions)

Literally if ur class can't spam Stab OR blocks, teamfighting is awful: Pulls, blindness, immobilize, etc. Trying to kill an already overbuffed druid in a teamfight is not fun... more if is a bunker druid duo.

If you combine those soft CC spam and current boring powercreep meta, it ends in a non funny experience at all.

Edited by AlPower.2476
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On 3/11/2024 at 5:02 PM, AlPower.2476 said:

PvP is getting full of soft CC and forcing players to take an option with resistance. (Losing potentially strong damage options or stunbreak. Unfair for classes that, unlike Warriors, Tempest, Willbenders, that can stunbreak and remove CC conditiones at the same time, etc; For the rest to be forced to pick these kind of skills is literally a playstyle killer)

This is absolutely not fun: Most of necro AoE with chill, blindness and fear, druid immob spam,  Tempest with shock aura, Guardians spamming blindness (DH overall), Holo with 1 blind per dodge,  etc.

This is mostly for teamfighting, in dueling most of time there's no problem 'cause u can dodge (except reaer chillness spam and holo blindness, basically almost whatever they do is spamming these two conditions)

Literally if ur class can't spam Stab OR blocks, teamfighting is awful: Pulls, blindness, immobilize, etc. Trying to kill an already overbuffed druid in a teamfight is not fun... more if is a bunker druid duo.

If you combine those soft CC spam and current boring powercreep meta, it ends in a non funny experience at all.

Stab should be shared only by support, and things like SPB should be some of the very few specs that can CC, and are braught along to coordinate with dps burst, CC the healer at the right time, or peel etc. Instead, you have multiple specs that do it all = death of coordinated attacks. 10 players randomly spamming CC/dps in a race to see which red circle dies first. Its truly bottom of the barrel gameplay, no defined roles in that way.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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I think Soft CC like Blind/Weakness should be considered a redesign IMO. Stability is fine considering there are classes that can boon strip or convert them into conditions.

Realistically sense of game design, they should revisit the combo field and finishers and see what they can fix about it, lot of the combo finisher are ether lack luster or overpower depending on the situation.

This should be also considered in the case of WvW and Pve.

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13 hours ago, Oahkahmewolf.6210 said:

I think Soft CC like Blind/Weakness should be considered a redesign IMO. Stability is fine considering there are classes that can boon strip or convert them into conditions.

Realistically sense of game design, they should revisit the combo field and finishers and see what they can fix about it, lot of the combo finisher are ether lack luster or overpower depending on the situation.

This should be also considered in the case of WvW and Pve.

There is no real chance of this happening though. Most of the specs spewing out toxic levels of CC or boons actually depend on them. Adding to that, a lot of the new weapons come with yet more  "1 button does 3 different things". Ranger maces are the most funny in this way,  sustain/utility/cc/dmg which refreshes X2 -dmg, so you can smash the same 4 buttons again; Bladesworne 2.0.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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3 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Ranger maces are the most funny in this way,  sustain/utility/cc/dmg which refreshes X2 -dmg, so you can smash the same 4 buttons again; Bladesworne 2.0

I think Ranger mace is pretty nice, it feels like the reset ability on willbender... just they have to hit things. But, PvP I wouldn't know since I toyed with them in WvW. I most play Hammer druid in Spvp, and it works out for me.

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Funny thing is Druid has little to no stablity and one block via GS.  

Just because they are 'blue form' doesn't mean you can't CC them.  

Barrier spam is the reason a bunker Druid exists atm not stab, blocks, or anything of the sort.

Overall, I don't see soft CC as an issue outside of the fact so many classes can ground spam it.  Need to take the blinds / immobs / cripples / chills / weakness / poison / etc. off a lot of ground utilities or make them higher CD or something.

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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On 3/14/2024 at 2:54 AM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Funny thing is Druid has little to no stablity and one block via GS.  

Just because they are 'blue form' doesn't mean you can't CC them.  

Barrier spam is the reason a bunker Druid exists atm not stab, blocks, or anything of the sort.

Overall, I don't see soft CC as an issue outside of the fact so many classes can ground spam it.  Need to take the blinds / immobs / cripples / chills / weakness / poison / etc. off a lot of ground utilities or make them higher CD or something.

Well, thats where I agree, way to much AOE, and way to many abilities doing 3+ things at once. Utility/CC/Damage should be completely seperate, so that their is room for concious use (or lack of) which opens up the range of player skill, allowing more room for being outplayed. How do you outplay the likes of staff warrior or blade? when nion everything they press also gives sustain, which is also leached into ranger maces. Rev scepter is basically the same, just not that good, and specters scepter is also like that, so many mechanics baked into 3 buttons, its unreal.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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