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How do I play the new GOTL druid in fractals?


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I understand that druids can now heal, stack 25 might, and provide permanent fury but I'm struggling to do that.

If I I focus on might/fury generation I can't reactively heal because I've just exhausted my best heal skills, CA3 & CA4. If the party isn't stacking, I can barely hope to hit all of them with my heal/empowerment glyph seed heals outside of CA.

Any guide on how to stack 25 might and heal at the same time?

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With a frost spirit and warhorn 5, you'll generally always be floating an ambiant ~10 stacks of might (usually more). As a result, just CA4-2 will be enough to 25 stack with plenty of time to spare with any glyph usage. You'll have over 10 seconds to get back into CA.

Curious on what you're struggling with exactly. Are you using a conc sigil variant? A full harrier variant? The later is a lot easier to keep up might and reactively heal.

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Run the stalker if you feel like you are struggling with might. It provides another 5 might to your allies. Use Quick Draw properly to reset warhorn 5 and staff 3 to allow you to blast fields constantly. Blast fire fields to stack might or blast your own water fields for additional healing which will keep you from having to use CA for it most of the time. Try to hit one of these fields with your CA3 even if you are using it to heal. Run as much boon duration as possible and consider using stone spirit if your group is having trouble.

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@Evolute.6239 said:

Curious on what you're struggling with exactly.

Once CA ends I can't really do much healing in staff. But if I save CA for burst healing then I'm forgoing the might. For example in Molten Furnace once the Legendary Dredge gets his breakbar broken, everyone wails on him. So I'll empower glyph, CA4, CA3, CA4, spam CA2. Then after the boss 'wakes up' he either either stabs someone or bombs the surrounding area, which can leave one or more people low on health while they are retreating to the next location. The problem is I've just left CA form, so I've got nothing other than the modest heal from Ancestral Grace to heal with. Staff auto is better for building astral force than healing, same with staff 2.

Basically if I want to stack 25 might I'll need to go into CA off cooldown. But using CA actively means that when I need it, it might not be available.

Are you using a conc sigil variant? A full harrier variant? The later is a lot easier to keep up might and reactively heal.

I am using a full harrier build, so I've got no excuse :P

@Henry.5713 said:Run the stalker if you feel like you are struggling with might. It provides another 5 might to your allies. Use Quick Draw properly to reset warhorn 5 and staff 3 to allow you to blast fields constantly. Blast fire fields to stack might or blast your own water fields for additional healing which will keep you from having to use CA for it most of the time. Try to hit one of these fields with your CA3 even if you are using it to heal. Run as much boon duration as possible and consider using stone spirit if your group is having trouble.

I think blasting is a good advice, except not having a fire field means I can't rely on might blasting to keep up might. Like you said warhorn 5 should always be proccing quickdraw, so it's not like I can use it to blast on-demand when I see a firefield. And I usually use staff 3 when I see someone low on health while I'm out of CA form, so it's not really on-demand either. I should blast my water fields more often though, since I can have up to two of them.

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A few things: you spend too much time in CA. CA 4, 2 leave ca is the basic rotation with decent heals. 3,4,2 leave if a burst heal, cc is needed. Sooner you leave, the sooner it's back. CA 4,2,3 leave for the extra blasted condi clear if needed and bonus heals. Maybe quick draw 3,5,3,2 leave for max cc. Ca 5 also gives might. All the above gives 24 or 25 might for 16 seconds. You don't need to spam ca4 twice while a boss is break bar stunned nor is it needed for might.

You don't need to always quick draw wh5 anymore. That was the old rotation before gotl gave might. Like do it at the start to stack 40 seconds of regen and 60 seconds of fury, 6 might and swiftness. That is more than enough for most boss fights. Only quick draw it again after 40 seconds or boon strips.

It sounds like your group sucks at dodging. Bring stone spirit means you need to heal less. Drop empowerment for condi heavy groups. For power dps heavy groups, drop sun if your team didn't need vigor and sucks at timing their dodges. Drop empowerment if they need more vigor.

Don't forget that your glyph heal and elite glyph also stack might, clear a condition, blind, and heal and can be blasted for another condi clear. I haven't found healing springs to be worth it anymore since it does NOT heal your allies. Only pulses regen and condi clear every 2 seconds but wh had the regen covered. The heal glyph is a shorter cd and better group heal.

It takes about 10 seconds to move that dredge boss to the next location. That's 5k healing from regen alone. Last bit of advice is yell at your team to get good. But also don't panic. You need to keep them alive. Not 100% all the time. Once they regroup at the next stop, a single glyph will fill them up.

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Yeah, with a full harrier build and a 0 to 100 healing burst every 10 seconds (or lower with alac) CA, people are going to need to royally screw up to die. Your regen ticks well over 400. If they cant live with 800 HPS on top of burst heals every 10 seconds they must be AFK in a fire or something.

You can carry a lot of accidental damage, but you cant carry someone who tries to die and does no mechanics.

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@DuckDuckBOOM.4097 said:A few things: you spend too much time in CA. CA 4, 2 leave ca is the basic rotation with decent heals. 3,4,2 leave if a burst heal, cc is needed. Sooner you leave, the sooner it's back. CA 4,2,3 leave for the extra blasted condi clear if needed and bonus heals. Maybe quick draw 3,5,3,2 leave for max cc. Ca 5 also gives might. All the above gives 24 or 25 might for 16 seconds. You don't need to spam ca4 twice while a boss is break bar stunned nor is it needed for might.

You don't need to always quick draw wh5 anymore. That was the old rotation before gotl gave might. Like do it at the start to stack 40 seconds of regen and 60 seconds of fury, 6 might and swiftness. That is more than enough for most boss fights. Only quick draw it again after 40 seconds or boon strips.

It sounds like your group sucks at dodging. Bring stone spirit means you need to heal less. Drop empowerment for condi heavy groups. For power dps heavy groups, drop sun if your team didn't need vigor and sucks at timing their dodges. Drop empowerment if they need more vigor.

Don't forget that your glyph heal and elite glyph also stack might, clear a condition, blind, and heal and can be blasted for another condi clear. I haven't found healing springs to be worth it anymore since it does NOT heal your allies. Only pulses regen and condi clear every 2 seconds but wh had the regen covered. The heal glyph is a shorter cd and better group heal.

It takes about 10 seconds to move that dredge boss to the next location. That's 5k healing from regen alone. Last bit of advice is yell at your team to get good. But also don't panic. You need to keep them alive. Not 100% all the time. Once they regroup at the next stop, a single glyph will fill them up.

This!!!! run GoE and the heal glyph. you can use them on cooldown and don't stay in CAF long. a decent group should know to stack on the druid for heals, if they're not good tell them to stack on you for heals. stone spirit is a great tip for bad bugs, the elite spirit can also provide passive heals and stability and an "oh no!" button.

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Chill from reaper sucked because it didn't stack with multiple reapers.

Raid diversity from this change went up which makes me happy as a raider. In casual fotm runs, I don't feel the pressure of needing to be two characters at once on my warrior for dps and might yet also needing to carry my group with healing. Now I can stay on my main and swap between Condi druid, heal druid or dps sb (in seconds with the arcdpd build template) on a per fight/team basis. So yeah, I prefer the new might gotl.

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@DuckDuckBOOM.4097 said:A few things: you spend too much time in CA. CA 4, 2 leave ca is the basic rotation with decent heals. 3,4,2 leave if a burst heal, cc is needed. Sooner you leave, the sooner it's back. CA 4,2,3 leave for the extra blasted condi clear if needed and bonus heals. Maybe quick draw 3,5,3,2 leave for max cc. Ca 5 also gives might. All the above gives 24 or 25 might for 16 seconds. You don't need to spam ca4 twice while a boss is break bar stunned nor is it needed for might.

You don't need to always quick draw wh5 anymore. That was the old rotation before gotl gave might. Like do it at the start to stack 40 seconds of regen and 60 seconds of fury, 6 might and swiftness. That is more than enough for most boss fights. Only quick draw it again after 40 seconds or boon strips.

It sounds like your group sucks at dodging. Bring stone spirit means you need to heal less. Drop empowerment for condi heavy groups. For power dps heavy groups, drop sun if your team didn't need vigor and sucks at timing their dodges. Drop empowerment if they need more vigor.

Don't forget that your glyph heal and elite glyph also stack might, clear a condition, blind, and heal and can be blasted for another condi clear. I haven't found healing springs to be worth it anymore since it does NOT heal your allies. Only pulses regen and condi clear every 2 seconds but wh had the regen covered. The heal glyph is a shorter cd and better group heal.

It takes about 10 seconds to move that dredge boss to the next location. That's 5k healing from regen alone. Last bit of advice is yell at your team to get good. But also don't panic. You need to keep them alive. Not 100% all the time. Once they regroup at the next stop, a single glyph will fill them up.

I was pondering writing a topic but found this one instead. Thank you so much for posting this advice, as someone who is finally trying to learn how to heal properly on a druid, this was a fantastic read. Fractal groups can be so chaotic and I was stressing hard about healing...Nightmare is a literal nightmare to heal. I have to keep reminding people to stop moving away from heals and remind myself to not worry about the boss/doing damage but to focus on the party and where they are so I can properly drop a glyph seed or emergency heal. I was also staying too long in CA it seems, dipping in and out makes more sense. Will be applying this advice to my next fractal run and hopefully learning to be a better druid.

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