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Newbie PVP: Best profession for a beginner?

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Hello. I've been playing GW2 for a long time now but have barely even dipped my toes into the PVP content (Or WvW for that matter) and was thinking about finally diversifying my play by making a character I'm gunna level almost exclusively through PVP content- a way to see if I enjoy PvP enough to play it more, and potentially have my PvE mains start popping their heads in as well. Gunna do this through structured PvP since stats are harmonized in that.

To that end, I was looking for some suggestions for professions that would give me decent results without too much commitment on 'learning' them. That's the most important part- doesn't need to be super strong or anything. Currently been eyeing Necromancer for that purpose, but am 100% open to suggestions by more experienced players.

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My two cents would be probably necro or mech or something--maybe DH.  Look for low intensity builds then either play them in WvW before sPvP or just jump into sPvP and prepare for some pushback by the 50 people left playing as you learn.  

It's more important you learn what rotations are, map mechanics, and the actual maps themselves.  As you can be mechanically gifted but if you mess up on your role or rotation you are going to get target called / accused of throwing pretty quickly, even in unranked.  Know the maps though, and you can be lackluster but carry most games just by outrotating the enemy team.  

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3 hours ago, Eddbopkins.2630 said:

I suggest playing the class you know the most in pvp. Don't learn a class threw pvp but test your knowledge and might you've gained in pve, to pvp.

That's a good idea. I mainly play a Herald, and I think there are LI Herald builds available. I'm unsure how I'd apply my knowledge of PvE to PvP though- just in knowing what my class abilities do, I assume?

2 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

My two cents would be probably necro or mech or something--maybe DH.  Look for low intensity builds then either play them in WvW before sPvP or just jump into sPvP and prepare for some pushback by the 50 people left playing as you learn.  

It's more important you learn what rotations are, map mechanics, and the actual maps themselves.  As you can be mechanically gifted but if you mess up on your role or rotation you are going to get target called / accused of throwing pretty quickly, even in unranked.  Know the maps though, and you can be lackluster but carry most games just by outrotating the enemy team.  

The only reason I was thinking sPvP over WvW was cause of the stat differentials- getting my butt rolled over by everyone I happen to bump into doesn't sound conducive to learning, nor does zerging. Is there some things in WvW I could learn that I could apply to sPvP? Cause yer right- I wouldn't feel great about forcing my teammates to carry me while I take several matches figuring out my class and the maps.

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25 minutes ago, RedMckenzie.8751 said:

The only reason I was thinking sPvP over WvW was cause of the stat differentials- getting my butt rolled over by everyone I happen to bump into doesn't sound conducive to learning, nor does zerging. Is there some things in WvW I could learn that I could apply to sPvP? Cause yer right- I wouldn't feel great about forcing my teammates to carry me while I take several matches figuring out my class and the maps.

Yeah, in WvW you can roam around and capture camps--will get a lot of smaller battles there.  Only caution is also will get a lot of outnumbered there, but could teach fundamentals about how different builds stand up to that kind of thing.  

But you could always just do ranked spvp, it's what it is for.  Because if you perform badly you'll rank lower, so not really hurting anyone long term if you aren't actively afk'ing or doing other crazy things.  

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Try to play a vanilla condi necro. Just press all buttons all the time. If you get in trouble, go into shroud. It's very forgiving for new players. Won't carry you into competitive brackets but you'll live long enough in teamfights to eventually figure out what's going on.

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13 hours ago, Eddbopkins.2630 said:

I suggest playing the class you know the most in pvp. Don't learn a class threw pvp but test your knowledge and might you've gained in pve, to pvp.

that. whilst x class might be overall far better than y class if you know y inside out whilst x you are trying to remember what each skill does you'll suck at it. Also play the sakme build in open world, pvp and roaming whilst you get used to it. there are some differences in each game mode but generally they are similar enough to get used to them 

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19 hours ago, Eddbopkins.2630 said:

I suggest playing the class you know the most in pvp. Don't learn a class threw pvp but test your knowledge and might you've gained in pve, to pvp.

18 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Look for low intensity builds

18 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

It's more important you learn what rotations are, map mechanics, and the actual maps themselves.

@RedMckenzie.8751 I clipped the best advice from this post. Do what they're saying here. Combine it. Play what you are used to playing and do it in unranked. Adjust your build to a low intensity pvp build instead of the PvE Build you're likely running. Focus on your rotations and map awareness - objectives in maps can swing matches instantly.  Watch this quick video as an intro - Blindside did a REALLY good job making this information short an informative. Apparently hes known as Shadowfall now. Either way heres the link ---> 

Learn these things:

  1. Movement and Map
  2. Match ups and Engagements - Your team fights, whats favorable and whats not
  3. Almost more importantly - Learn when to disengage and what match ups not to take. I.E. Mesmer into Thief when you're new to pvp  for a 1v1. 
  4. DM me if u want more help. Good luck - Dont let the rage heads get you - they're just sad their favorite game gets ignored. 


Edited by jdawgie.1835
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