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I want WvW to be instantiated.

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On 4/14/2024 at 1:32 PM, joneirikb.7506 said:

As Grim has pointed out already, this already exists in the game and is called EotM. And all they really have to do to make that active, is give PIPS in EotM and it will likely become just as popular as it was back in the day when it had good rewards. The downside of that, is that normal WvW would wither up and die even further, and we'd get almost no new players in. So it would be the same old neckbeards and grognards we already got, endlessly complaining about stuff while not even filling EBG, wondering why WvW feels to dead.

So it's as much a question of what ANet wants to do with the mode, and how they want to deal with it. The fact that they've kept normal WvW for as long as they have, and not just rolled everything over to EotM mode 5+ years ago, shows that there's still someone in the dev-team that cares enough about the mode to fight for keeping it. Otherwise I think they'd already have moved WvW over to EotM long ago just for a rewardtrack-karmatrain-farm map and moved on.

Personally, I think that if ANet wanted to go the route to make the largest amount of players happy, they should enable pips in EotM and just shut down old WvW. You'd get a small group of very angry players, and a very large group of players that would think "Ah that's a bit nice, now I don't have to go into that sweaty EBG to grind out my gift any longer." essentially. Naturally that would have some very interesting repercussions down the line.


They nerfed EotM since it was drawing players away from normal WvW for various reasons. They didn't have a solution to link it to weekly scoring as well, so it really was a drain on population since if you were facing outnumbered on all sides it was just easier to still WvW by going to EotM where you might face equal numbers. But that was a facade. Since like colors are linked even going EotM might have meant outnumbered. 

I like the map personally for various reasons. But I think we need more incentive to draw players to the regular maps first. It was designed as an overflow, too much so to a point.

For those that may be reading that weren't around during the release the goal was an overflow. Too many people in a given server/timeframe left large queues but people wanted to still play WvW. So EotM was a way for them to do so, but that was counter to the point of the queues. Why should you leave an overstacked server? Due to not being able to play so maybe move to one that's open. EotM was a way around both issues. Sounded good on paper but still allowed for overstacking. Then what was worse people figuring out how to find open instances where they could run around unopposed. Which is why it couldn't be considered WvW and add to weekly scoring.

Ironically during the WR betas did spend time in EotM since queues were maxed out on all regular maps. So some love there might be needed as in rewards pips and mounts though no gliders. With that though I think we need more controls that also keeps less instances of the it from opening as well to prevent previous issues. We might need a rule that EotM doesn't spawn a new instance either until all three sides are waiting in queue for it as well and it backfills open instances first. That's part I think was the drain as players could get a new instance and then farm it and then move to the next leaving the prior ones empty. 

I do think EotM is closest to what the OP was asking, but maybe instead they should be asking for a new sPvP game mode that's larger and more of a mix of the two that might be a better fit. 


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5 hours ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

And while we're at it, I want my warrior to get automatic invisibility when attacking on the front lines.Just because I want a better class balance, without conceding too much to anyone, mind you.🤭

Don't you go and get my Warrior alts nerfed! I still want bola reworked as an immobilize that converts to a pull on landing, though I fear that too might lead to the nerf bat. 

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1 hour ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

I thought WvW already was the insane asylum.

What? Other game modes don't pass out these jackets that hug you back? I always thought that was the reason for the loot differences since we had to fund these luxury coats and comfy walls that were passed out as you logged in? Did I miss the small print somewhere?

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