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[SAB] Being sent to random checkpoints upon death, and also not getting credit for the W3

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I was doing the zone 3 test zone today with 4 more other people. We had issues to get everyone to the final checkpoint.. 2 people used /gg to get to the next checkpoint but it got them to the first checkpoint, and then in the next /gg, it took them to different checkpoints and not the last checkpoint that was close to the final boss. It only got fixed when people left the instance, multiple times and kept /gging until they got sent to the final checkpoint. As far as I've noticed, if people got to the first checkpoint before everyone loaded inside it bugs. After a lot of issues, we got to the final boss, everyone hit it but two people died as the boss died. The two that died didn't receive the credit for zone and therefore no credit for the annual achievement for World 3 Testing.

I did the run again after that, everyone loaded in before any player started going through the level and the bug happened again. I got to the first checkpoint and we tested the /gg. They were all sent to the begining, but after people left the instance and joined back again, they were sent to the checkpoint that I was at. This time we got to the boss, we all hit it, no one died and we all got the credit for the zone.

Edited by leila.7962
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ok i repeated it without using any checkpoint and that gave me credit for both. i guess on W3 using the checkpoints counts as "Exploration Mode" so you don't get credit for the weekly cause it says "without enabling Exploration Mode" but doesn't say anything in the (Annual) World 3 Testing

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Finished World 3 today around 10 am server time, solo. Didn't get W3 credit for both weekly and annual achievements. 
Didn't get any checkpoints along the way, didn't do anything achievement related, only killed some mobs and entered the shop near the end of the level, bought nothing and ran straight to kill the end boss. Looted the chest, waited out the timer til it booted me to the hub. Didn't count. It was my first run of W3 this year.
Talked to Moto and participated in W3 testing last year, if it matters.

Update: reran W3 a few hours later. Same as before but grabbed all checkpoints I came across and didn't enter the shop. Second run counted for both weekly and annual.

Edited by blinktwice.7529
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