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@arazoth.7290 nah trust me i would be totaly fine if vindi would just only be able to doing its Job (plus one and roaming) buuut rn. If well Played it could fill multiple roles in one build and thats why its busted. 

Also i can see that the Condi warr build would be able to actually hold and tank a node but i think its not as good as you think lel. Cause you need a Mix of dmg and self sustain to be able to actually good side noding and this is not realy the case on a condi staff build cause of very obv reasons xD

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@arazoth.7290 it won't be played, most likely ever, really good 1v1 build, terrible at doing anything else 

there already was very similar build on core warr, close to impossible to outdamage healing from shouts and other things but it's just so slow and clunky you can just ignore and outrotate it. Especially due to mobility creep meta


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On 5/15/2024 at 8:24 PM, Aaron.1294 said:

@arazoth.7290 it won't be played, most likely ever, really good 1v1 build, terrible at doing anything else 

there already was very similar build on core warr, close to impossible to outdamage healing from shouts and other things but it's just so slow and clunky you can just ignore and outrotate it. Especially due to mobility creep meta


I have a common problem now, there are multiple specs in the same game I should "out rotate", but then thief is still plenty represented and just as obnoxious to duel. High chance every point has a spec that deters you from wanting to actually go and pvp for the cap..


I am very tired of having to walk away from a point becuase anet have decided to create multiple specs that win by mechanical default. Its fking kitten.

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@Frequency.6407 would say in its current state spellbreaker is not overpeforming anymore. Its rn in a state where it could hold and win 1v1s but only holding 1vX Situations when its perfectly Played ...... and yes i said holding not winning. So it fills just one role right now and thats more than fine.

Vindi and Ranger however can fill multiple roles at the Same time (vindi = 1v1,roaming,midfight/ ranger = 1v1, roaming, 1vX) of course this is only the case when played though their Limits ^^


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Posted (edited)
On 5/13/2024 at 6:46 AM, arazoth.7290 said:

so is condi core warrior with staff still, need in most cases 3 players to get ones knowing what they're doing down.

And yes this was on vindicator, so that also says enough about the warrior self sustain combined with staff

It's less played, but just wait till more people get on that bandwagon if someone well known streams it and wins like in mat


you mean it takes 3 player who do not know how to press button to get one that knows how to press button, all warrior in mAT gets down rather fast the moment it was 2v1'ed

also it takes only one player with brain to completely shut it down, i know the meme sustain staff build, they are useless, they do literally nothing, but distraction and make dumb people tunnel vision.

even the squishiest player will be able to hold point 1v1 against them, they do not take point back, because they do no damage.

just 1v1 on your team's point and have it tick for eternity, or if it's camping one of the their point, just ignore it and 5v4 the rest of the map, even if it does come out it's cave, it does nothing and can be completely ignored in a 5v5 and renders it still a 5v4, unless none of you know how to press button or think.

every time i see one of those build, i just tell my team to completely ignore it everywhere even in teamfight and we steam roll 5v4 every time, unless got some really dumb people

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3 hours ago, Lighter.5631 said:


you mean it takes 3 player who do not know how to press button to get one that knows how to press button, all warrior in mAT gets down rather fast the moment it was 2v1'ed

also it takes only one player with brain to completely shut it down, i know the meme sustain staff build, they are useless, they do literally nothing, but distraction and make dumb people tunnel vision.

even the squishiest player will be able to hold point 1v1 against them, they do not take point back, because they do no damage.

just 1v1 on your team's point and have it tick for eternity, or if it's camping one of the their point, just ignore it and 5v4 the rest of the map, even if it does come out it's cave, it does nothing and can be completely ignored in a 5v5 and renders it still a 5v4, unless none of you know how to press button or think.

every time i see one of those build, i just tell my team to completely ignore it everywhere even in teamfight and we steam roll 5v4 every time, unless got some really dumb people

Too bad not everyone thinks like that and wastes there time 😅

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, arazoth.7290 said:

Too bad not everyone thinks like that and wastes there time 😅

Dont pander to his bs mentality. It is not right that you should avoid a point becuase a person playing a brainded spec is sitting on it.. be it SPB, staff SPB or even staff core. They are all built to just sit there, and deter you from pvping just becuase? 1 point is worth 1/3 of the game, I dare anybody to justify why a brainded spec like staff warrior gets to own 1/3 of the game? It isn't the only class/spec, sides are packed with this bs, so much so it isn't even uncommon to see SPB on mid, becuase they already have a thief on far and druid/untamed on home or w/e.


Also Im tired of people applying their own limitations onto specs. SPB is not a bad group fighter at all. The problem is that 95% of SPBs are 1v1 advocates, they spend most of their time practicing 1v1 rotations.. and thats what they are, rotations. I know this because SPBs across all skill levels continually try to chain pull me when I am stacked with vent stability. They are on auto pilot rotation mode. They then take that same mindset to group fights, position like kitten, and pick the wrong targets. Any half decent SPB, try going to a mid fight, assessing who you think is the most dangerous dps for your TEAM (like daze mirage) and focus your attention on pressuring that spec (or hammer vindi). Use your utility with a support mentality, to dramatically reduce the incoming damage on your team, get good at that, then get back to me and say SPB has no impact in group fights. The average SPB in group fights treat it like they are a dps, they are not. The other type of SPB in group fights are those that just sit on the enemy support, while their team get wiped by the plat dps. I know that becuase I often played support.


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12 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Dont pander to his bs mentality. It is not right that you should avoid a point becuase a person playing a brainded spec is sitting on it.. be it SPB, staff SPB or even staff core. They are all built to just sit there, and deter you from pvping just becuase? 1 point is worth 1/3 of the game, I dare anybody to justify why a brainded spec like staff warrior gets to own 1/3 of the game? It isn't the only class/spec, sides are packed with this bs, so much so it isn't even uncommon to see SPB on mid, becuase they already have a thief on far and druid/untamed on home or w/e.





Also true, it's quite boring for both sides, 1 avoiding and the other sitting eating his Toblerone

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, arazoth.7290 said:

Also true, it's quite boring for both sides, 1 avoiding and the other sitting eating his Toblerone

Which begs the question why people choose to play like that. I guess they just really like toblerones?


You know what is hilarious now, the game is so oversaturated with roamer/side node specs, going mid is the new side noding.

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3 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

Too bad not everyone thinks like that and wastes there time 😅

enemy brainrot does not justify one build being op.

these are the same type of people who will die to a well played staff power ele.

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Posted (edited)
51 minutes ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Flowki.7194 if it is so strong in team fights why you don't playing it like that then? .... Ah right cause its not strong in team fights xD

I use to play SPB, in-fact my current build is pretty much based around it. I like the concept of the spec, but the execution of it is bad, like all warrior specs (too few buttons doing too much). As a result, the specs are boring to me (this is personal opinion), where as core rev I find more engaging. The group support things I am doing on core rev, much of it can also be done with SPB, as it revolves around CC peeling. Core rev does bring more team utility, but SPB has superior self sustain mechanics. It is difficult to manedge stab/stun break on core rev, and no reset if you get it wrong, as example.


You also didn't read what I said. Playing SPB within that role takes the mentality of full support, it is not about dps, and I know full well that most SPBs are unable to shift into that mentality due to spending the majority of their time in 1v1. Their target choices in group fights reveal it, becuase playing support roles is what I have spent the most time doing, and protecting team mates against the most threatening dmg dealer was always the priority.


Try it for a few weeks if you don't beleive me. Once you know who to CC, and how to position to achieve it, you can see for yourself. This playerbase is 95% DPS, who form all opinions of what is good or bad only through that lense.

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Posted (edited)

@Flowki.7194 ahhh so you meant tha usual supp spell... well yes its kinda strong supp rn. I think the reason it does not see Play is cause its kinda squishy cause you grant no Panic/invuln button just like a Guardian or a mes ^^. Means once its focused its just death. Means also you need alot help from you dmging players^^

In fact im playing every build warr gets inclueding the supp once. Only wanted to know if your talking about supp or dmging mid fight cause Last one is real realy Bad xD

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Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Dont pander to his bs mentality.


bs mentality?

i listed one of many solutions, you can literally hold point against it indefinitely because it does nothing, like i said. and you can 1v1 it.

the only ever advantage is when it sneak capped the point, then you ignore it. or you have 3 garbage players tunnel vision and chase it for 5 mins.

but it seems like you can't read.

since when rotation is bs mentality, hey let's all bash our head into enemy in team fight, even tho they have a healer and 3 tanks on an enemy capped mid and we have all roamers, let's all clash and teamfight them because we aren't supposed to ignore any point at all.

lol you are so funny dude.

no wonder there's so many brainrot tunnel vision lately.

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13 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Also Im tired of people applying their own limitations onto specs. SPB is not a bad group fighter at all. 


i love it when some random kiddo who played to low gold 2 and get ego bloated, act like they now know everything.

people applying their own limitations onto specs?

that's probably the reason why no warrior was ever teamfight focused ever in any top tournament since 2012, other than heal war.

nor have any top rated multi class player got their top rating by team fighting as warrior ever.

i guess top players really just applying their own limitations onto specs, they are too trash, unlike you who is probably the best player in the world.

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Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Flowki.7194 ahhh so you meant tha usual supp spell... well yes its kinda strong supp rn. I think the reason it does not see Play is cause its kinda squishy cause you grant no Panic/invuln button just like a Guardian or a mes ^^. Means once its focused its just death. Means also you need alot help from you dmging players^^

In fact im playing every build warr gets inclueding the supp once. Only wanted to know if your talking about supp or dmging mid fight cause Last one is real realy Bad xD

Change the goal posts if you like, SPB was never "bad" when played with a support mindset, and it depends on team mates just like any other support based spec, which unfortunately, is why supports are so underplayed (wide MMR is the direct reason for that). The point I am making is that this playerbase is so bias toward meta dps, that anything not in that catigory "sucks".. there for any of the none meta mechanics are justified, or deemed irrelevent and dismissed. The fact is though, there are countless "good" builds that nobody plays becuase they are not meta, just look at hammer vindi, 1 change to hammer 5 and it went from not played at all to meta.. and now people wanne talk about vindi mechancis. 


5 hours ago, Lighter.5631 said:

bs mentality?

i listed one of many solutions, you can literally hold point against it indefinitely because it does nothing, like i said. and you can 1v1 it.

the only ever advantage is when it sneak capped the point, then you ignore it. or you have 3 garbage players tunnel vision and chase it for 5 mins.

but it seems like you can't read.

since when rotation is bs mentality, hey let's all bash our head into enemy in team fight, even tho they have a healer and 3 tanks on an enemy capped mid and we have all roamers, let's all clash and teamfight them because we aren't supposed to ignore any point at all.

lol you are so funny dude.

no wonder there's so many brainrot tunnel vision lately.


Firstly Rotation is BS mentality in this current meta, when the average team has an untamed, SPB, thief or the likes, rotate to where? Second, you should not have to avoid a point becuase a player chose X spec, which are typically not hard/risky enough to justify holding that point. Rotating should not be the default tactic for all specs, but its getting to that point now. You play a group fight spec and a support/untamed/dh are on the point? Thats a kitten ton of face tank and CC output. Go side instead, SPB/thief.. or the untamed drops back to defend, etc. So then just leave far and go home?.. I mean when do we get to some pvp here? I play to pvp, not to be in a continual state of rotation, which this mobility/face tank duelist meta is pushing. 


5 hours ago, Lighter.5631 said:

i love it when some random kiddo who played to low gold 2 and get ego bloated, act like they now know everything.

people applying their own limitations onto specs?

that's probably the reason why no warrior was ever teamfight focused ever in any top tournament since 2012, other than heal war.

nor have any top rated multi class player got their top rating by team fighting as warrior ever.

i guess top players really just applying their own limitations onto specs, they are too trash, unlike you who is probably the best player in the world.

Sorry for damaging your ego.. we don't all play the game to off peak duo and farm golds on fotm meta for titles that only the delusional would take any pride in aquiring.


This applies exactly to you:

The point I am making is that this playerbase is so bias toward meta dps, that anything not in that catigory "sucks".. there for any of the none meta mechanics are justified, or deemed irrelevent and dismissed. The fact is though, there are countless "good" builds that nobody plays becuase they are not meta, just look at hammer vindi, 1 change to hammer 5 and it went from not played at all to meta.. and now people wanne talk about vindi mechancis. 


You think p2+ players are representitive of game balance? They are litterally playing minimum games, and farming players with half their skill while hard riding the current meta roamer?.. Those are the last players to aproach for game balance, all they will suggest is more of the same.. "keep feeding us meta roamers so we can keep farming golds". Personal skill / balance ... not the same thing, as if skill exempts from deep routed bias.


And for the record, I have played nion nothing but off meta builds, and only got to plat once, which is fine by me. In terms of discussing off meta, and discussing how that interacts between g1-p1.. I think I have more experiance to make balance claims in certain contexts, over a p2 player who has done nothing but ride fotm roam meta.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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1 minute ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Flowki.7194 nah i allready said to you why it is not played ^^. Simply its too glassy compared to something like mesmer or guardian both have some panic buttons and easy stability/Aegis access witch warr does not 

And I already said to you that SPB does not suck, yet your counter argument is comparing it to a current/previous meta support, re-itterating my point "If it aint meta it sucks". SPB has more panic buttons than my build, which is enough mitigation to land CC on something, and begin the snowball.


Also, the main issue with all support specs is MMR throwing you dps that are vastly outskilled by the enemy DPS, that is why they are so underplayed, along with people favouring dps to begin with. At-least with SPB, you could still go side node, which is why I also played hybrid support on both tempest and rev.

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Posted (edited)

@Flowki.7194 with panic buttons I litterly meaning invulns cause thats the "me now safe for some seconds Button". Full counter in itself is a better aegis just kind of that. You also easily can interrupt it with more than 1 CC at the same time.  Thats what i mean is the reason why its not meta yet. I by no meant that it sucks cause it obviously does not. Its realy good specialy in raw healing ^^

Its simply not good in a CC Spam/Power creep Meta like we do have now xd. But will be kinda OP in a meta with less CC/ Instant dps Builds ^^

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Flowki.7194 with panic buttons I litterly meaning invulns cause thats the "me now safe for some seconds Button". Full counter in itself is a better aegis just kind of that. You also easily can interrupt it with more than 1 CC at the same time.  Thats what i mean is the reason why its not meta yet. I by no meant that it sucks cause it obviously does not. Its realy good specialy in raw healing ^^

Its simply not good in a CC Spam/Power creep Meta like we do have now xd. But will be kinda OP in a meta with less CC/ Instant dps Builds ^^

Yeah, even panic buttons are crept 😜 I remember how mad people were over cata immunes where the ele couldnt even attack back, or stab uptime from combo. Now immunes/blocks while attacking back is just normal gameplay, and most specs have easy access to 10 seconds of 3+ stab stack. More ironically, ele got nerfed in those way, yet ANet snuck a arcane buff in the back door, 6x blocks while being able to attack that come with stab right after.. that is litterally easier than the old cata. Gw2.

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@Flowki.7194 nah peoples where mad at Catalyst cause there where no way to counter play it at all. It needed nerfs and it got it. Maybe a bit too mutch tho but i have no real Idea cause aside engi, ele is the only class i for real know nothing about ^~^

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Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

And for the record, I have played nion nothing but off meta builds, and only got to plat once, which is fine by me. In terms of discussing off meta, and discussing how that interacts between g1-p1.. I think I have more experiance to make balance claims in certain contexts, over a p2 player who has done nothing but ride fotm roam meta.

look at this kids, it's the classic "im gold only because i only play off meta"

and all the higher rated players are just riding  fotm. what a pro. and he thinks he will be p2 whenever he chooses to play meta fotm, it could be anytime, but not now.

when in reality, most plat player will wreck you so easily and top players literaly know all trait and all skills of the classes they play by heart and theory craft all the time and played more builds than the number of your GW2 playtime hour and the difficulty to climb scales exponentially the higher the rating to a point is beyond your imagination.

really dude everything is just in your head and you need to stop imagining things and feeding yourself illusions.

and yes, balance shouldn't be represented by the players who can actually use the builds properly, but instead should be represented by players like you who can't even press dodge properly thus getting farmed, the logic amazes me. 

Edited by Lighter.5631
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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, Lighter.5631 said:

look at this kids, it's the classic "im gold only because i only play off meta"

and all the higher rated players are just riding  fotm. what a pro. and he thinks he will be p2 whenever he chooses to play meta fotm, it could be anytime, but not now.

when in reality, most plat player will wreck you so easily and top players literaly know all trait and all skills of the classes they play by heart and theory craft all the time and played more builds than the number of your GW2 playtime hour and the difficulty to climb scales exponentially the higher the rating to a point is beyond your imagination.

really dude everything is just in your head and you need to stop imagining things and feeding yourself illusions.

and yes, balance shouldn't be represented by the players who can actually use the builds properly, but instead should be represented by players like you who can't even press dodge properly thus getting farmed, the logic amazes me. 

I mean, when you need to get that personal, it might be time to take a break? You have been triggered beyound beleif 😜 


I have nothing to hide skill wise, if they are p2+ I pretty much always lose, if they are p1, it starts to depend more on the spec. One plat guy jumped me on DH while I was sitting there with my silver core rev, and lost, he rushed back, lost again, raged to WB, somehow lost again, then came back with mirage (same name), and ganked me in <10 seconds, his ego was restored, and he never came back. That kind of thing is worth more to me than playing a fotm roamer, and off peak duo farming low golds. Come duel my silver rev "support" anytime bud, as if I feel any shame what so ever losing duels to p2 players..

Edited by Flowki.7194
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