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Tried to Buy Janthir, "Something Went Wrong"

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Ran into trouble buying the expansion as well. I eventually got it to work (and I don't know why it worked that time) but I'm going to lay it out here, in hopes that it helps the devs track down problems.

  • Tried to buy it on my laptop using Safari. Put the expansion in the cart; it asks me to login to continue. When I try to login, it just says "Something went wrong, try again later". Try several more times with no change. (The fact that I was already logged in on the forums on that browser adds an extra dose of annoyance.)
  • Change to my desktop, this time using Firefox. This time I can login, and I get to the payment screen, where is asks for the CVV for the card I have on file. It won't let me click on or type in the box for the CVV. I decide to try re-adding the card to see if that'll get around the problem; while I can type my name on the New Card Screen, it once again won't let me type the credit card number. It turns out that any text box that has that faded-out example text in the background (so the box for the card number saying xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx) can't be typed into or interacted with.
  • Staying on my desktop, but now using Microsoft Edge. Now I can login, and I can fill in the needed card info, but when I do so I get the error code for incorrect card info (going off memory, but I think the code was 100411). I try re-adding the card--maybe the one on file is an older expired version--the re-added card gives the same error. I try swapping between the two versions of the same card now on file once or twice, and for some reason the purchase actually goes through. Couldn't tell you why.

Never had this sort of trouble buying an expansion through the website before, not sure what's going on this time.

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2 hours ago, Weindrasi.3805 said:

I can't even type in my card number. When I click on the place to type it, nothing happens.

I had that happen too, but specifically with Firefox. If it's the same with you, try a different browser.

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