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Returning player on class dilemma and some questions regarding equipment

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Hello there, everyone!

After returning from a longer break (at the start of End of Dragons), I'm a bit overwhelmed by all the changes that happened. SotO, balance changes, new meta builds and so on.

First and foremost, I'm in a kind of dilemma. I've been playing since beta and always have stuck to ranger. Sad thing is, I just don't feel the fun part of it anymore. In Path of fire, soulbeast was everything I always wanted and it still is fun (eventhough I hate that annoying green aura), but the changes made to some weapons (sword, greatsword) since then really bummed me out. And, oh god, I'm so sick of offhand-axes... I know, nobody forces me to play one style or another. But staying true to some kind of sword or at least daggers with a sword like skin would really be appreciated.

Now, after many frustrations I recently picked up on my revenant and what do I say... I'm having a blast as vindicator, jumping around, smashing things to the ground and thinking about changing my "main" class. Eventhough I'm so nostalgic, everytime I look at ranger-boy in the login-screen. Also, I prefer the medium styled armors, too, lookwise.

Another downside would be, that I would have to get a new set of ascended gear instead of moving it from ranger to rev. Which could become a longer story, looking at the time I get to play at the moment. Which brings me to my next question: I'm primarily an open world solo-pve-player. Whats the best to use there? Is it still full zerker? I've seen many guides and videos about celestial armor. How's the difference so far? Whats working better in general? I know, it's very skill- and playstyle-dependant, but there surely is a reason behind the "sudden" celestial-route.

So, long story short:
Would it be worth to change? How could I "defeat" my nostalgia? Should I craft new armor in case of switching classes? If yes, should it be berserker or celestial?

Thanks beforehand everybody! 🙂

(btw. English is not my first language, so, sorry for any mistakes)

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They're both great options, so you can't go wrong, but if it were me I'd stick with ranger.  I can't tell you what's fun for you, but the new sword is extremely powerful.  Maybe you just need to try some new ways of playing ranger?  If you want to keep the sword as your primary, I find sword/axe with maces as a swap is a fantastic kit for open world.  It has amazing damage and sustain.

Here's a sample video of my untamed with a build link in the comments if you think you'd like to try it out:


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10 hours ago, Ryu.1452 said:

I'm primarily an open world solo-pve-player.

Exotic gear then...

Hell, I say look up some builds, if they need different stats get the sets in Rare or even Masterwork to compare those builds, then which ever one you like most, get it in Exotic.

You should also start working on more character slots so with time you get one of each profession with all elite specs unlocked, it is easier than you think don't let it overwhelm you.

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I don't like the most recent changes to sword skills either, so I switching to using main-hand dagger instead and that's working well for me. It depends on what you liked about the sword skills of course, but it might be worth experimenting with some other options to see if there's one which works for you. Mace (either hand) is also a new option added with SotO. Also all professions are getting spear as a land weapon in the next expansion.

If you're primarily an open-world player you don't need ascended equipment, you could stick with exotic (or whatever you've got now) on your revenant until you're sure you want to switch, or gradually pick up ascended pieces over time. You can get some (3 I think) from the Wizard's Vault each season.

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