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Abnormally high ping in WvW?

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Has this been happening to anyone else? I've been losing connection and getting timed out to the character select screen. I don't recall my ping being this bad in WvW...


I came back to GW2 about two weeks ago and this has been going on since then. Because of this, I have called my ISP numerous times and spoken to several customer support representatives and they all say my network looks healthy. What's going on?

Edited by BlankHearts.8216
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Dont worry will be fixed  with more boons spam and more players forced to leech celestial/minstrells boon bals.

Anet devs are like flat earth believers try tell them they are thinking wrongly.. and u get more boons.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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yes, being matched with players in South America from OCE.  As a relatively new player, I feel like this WvW game is kind of a scam to suck in PvP players to a low skill PvE scrubgame?  The WvW really just doesn't work, and with perpetually random matchmaking based on playtime and social credit scores(lmfao)  it's going to lose players hand over fist.   These game designers are fundamentally incompetent, they do not seem to understated their players at all

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