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Translation into Russian / into other languages


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@"Nilson.9865" said:You know what people we are. Price tag of GW2 and international language are separators of people. Erudites/Not. We must understand community in this game, cooperate to achieve goals. And if gw2 had our language in game, we (i have no doubt about it) we would play in our own gw2, separated from rest of community. Trade, spam in map chat, bad words in LFG etc are typical set for random player from our countries.You can disagree with me, everyone can't be like that, there are many players who have sense of respect, they like the game but can't play because they understand nothing in english. Maybe. QPNZUUM.jpgGW2 for me like an oasis in quicksands of MMORPGs. I hope Anet will not do the language localisation of gw2 for our countries. Peace.

I mean you don't even have to reach too far, the OP is clearly showing tendencies of the people you're describing.

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@Nereikia.3507 said:

@Gaile Gray.6029 said:People from around the world play Guild Wars 2. For most of them, the game is not presented in their native language.

Dear Gaile Gray, i personally don't care about Russian localizations in games, but could the devs PLEASE introduce the Cyrillic script support for our guild and group chats? Latin letters do not suit us, your Russian playerbase, like, at all. Almost every Russian-speaking player i know feels the same. It's still quite painful, even after 5 years!
Please, let us communicate comfortably in-game.

Same here. Personally I speak English well enough to play the game without any difficulties whatsoever, speaking freely to the fellow players, but we also have a quite big russian-speaking guild, and we constantly talk to each other in guild-, party chat and whisper, but talking in transliterated Russian is a HUGE pain. I cannot stress enough how horrible it is to use Latin alphabet to communicate in Russian language. You probably cannot really experience that and most likely think that it's not a big deal, but it IS. It's literally a self-induced brain-rape. So I ask you, PLEASE, introduce Cyrillic support at least in the private channels, like guild chats, party chats and whispers. It will be a huge help.

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@Lara Kroft Rus.3954 said:I am writing to you, via an online translator.

I read what administrators write. Arguments against the Russian language, look simply ridiculous and is an undisguised manifestation of discrimination, with the lines of Anet!They write that France is more profitable in terms of profits. But where does the player live more, there or in Russia ??!In addition, Russian is spoken not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries! So you lose customers in neighboring countries!And what's more, you calculated how many Chinese people learn Russian at school ??They write that ostensibly, when translating and voice acting, there can be problems in Russian. These problems (sorry!) Exist only in Anet's head and there is never any more!If problems existed, then Anet and the French would not translate))))All the statements of Anet, about the problems translated into Russian - fake and discrimination by language !!!

It's not simply a matter of comparing country populations, or even comparing gamer populations of such countries. What you compare is gamers from that countries that do not speak english.

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And then there's me, I'm Hungarian and whenever a website automatically appears in HUN for me I change it to English. :P Considering how easy it is to learn English and what an amazing and USEFUL language it is, I think it's absolutely unnecessary to translate GW2 (or anything, really). If HUN were available I'd still play it in English because it sounds better and practice makes perfect. :D I even watch movies and read books in English.

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@"supermid.3478" said:

Okay! I understand that not many players play from the Russian Federation, and that the transfer (let only subtitles) - is unlikely to pay off at all. In this case, there is an alternative solution - create a toolkit that will allow the fans to translate the game - if at all possible.

That's probably not going to work, either. First, ANet isn't in the translation business, so they'd have to build an API to someone else's system. Second, there are almost certainly copyright and other ramifications of running a game using text that hasn't been officially vetted by ANet and (worse from a legal standpoint) outside their control to edit. Further, there would the usual problems with trolls deliberately mistranslating or inserting inappropriate phrases.

And even if those problems were manageable, the evidence suggests that fans aren't at all interested in translating from English into other languages. Take the wiki. ANet hosts versions in the four supported languages and none are translated with any consistency. If it doesn't happen with the wiki, when no special tools are needed, when there are no time pressures, then I can't imagine it would be more likely to happen just because people could update the game.

There used to be several unofficial wikis for other languages, some of which were documented on
. However, near as I can tell from the article's history, there never was one in Russian. At best, there were a couple of Russian sites listed before the game launched and none that were kept up-to-date through the years. Currently, there are none listed in Russian, one in Polish. Obviously, the wiki's list isn't going to 100% accurate, if for no other reason than it's in English not Russian; it's merely a proxy for demonstrating the amount of interest (or lack thereof).

If you think there's a lot of Russian-speaking fan support for this endeavor, then make it easier for ANet to see it: setup a Russian fansite, ideally a wiki. And set up translations for the various bits of dialogue that are already documented in one of the existing wikis. If ANet sees that there are a ton of fans who are actually doing this sort of work (rather than promising that they plan to help, probably, maybe), then it's easier for them to decide to invest their resources to make it happen. I imagine the first thing they'd try would be an officially-supported wiki (rather than a fan site).

But, as you can see, even the official Spanish site maintains less than 10% of the content of the English site. In others, it's not enough that there are fans of the game.

tl;dr this isn't as easy or cheap to implement as the OP suggests. And, despite the enthusiasm of some fans, the evidence suggests that there isn't as much free labor from fans as one might think.

http://wiki.guildwars-2.ru/ enjoy it.Also check that https://www.change.org/p/arenanet-ncsoft-russian-localization-of-guild-wars-2-3 there was 40k+ votes before gw2 launch.And don't forget, that russian language would useful not only for Russians, but for other rus speaking countries (like Belarus, Ukraine, also I have friends from Lithuania, that using rus language to speak).Also main clue of that note - that we need a Cyrillic font to communicate with friends and guildmates at least in chat (btw, Cyrillic font works in gem shop).And for last: eng, ger, fr and etc are from one latin language group (so in some kind, that languages are similar (mostly)), and we have the other.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

The question has been asked and respectfully and honestly answered. At this point, given the offensive and pretty much irrelevant comments that are being injected -- denigrating the game, claiming "discrimination" (in its negative connotations), citing comments as "fake" -- I'm going to close the thread.

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