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PVE Power Virtuoso and Spear wall of text


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Soooo spear skills do not count as blade skills. The divide between 'blade skills' and non-blade skills has grown larger as a 10% damage increase on all blade skills is huge compared to the non-blade ones. This makes dagger and greatsword even stronger than before for power virtuosos. That's not to say terrestrial spear will be bad; like uw spear, trident, axe, and swords, it doesn't synergize with infinite forge's increased damage on blade skills. 

I would love to have synergy with the blade mechanic on other bladed weapons, but this means power virtuoso wants to play with the same dagger and greatsword with only one different off-hand depending on preference.

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On 6/23/2024 at 9:42 AM, Markus.6415 said:

understand what you mean here. But the variety dies if players find out wich weapon has the highest benchmark numbers. For example, the spear is very good, flows well and even gets "Blade" skilltype put on it. Suddenly every powerchrono, powervirtuoso, powermirage will run around with the spear, because it is objectively the best thing you can play -> resulting in less variety, because the biggest part of those 3 specs will play the same. That is my concern

That’s the consequence of min maxing I’m afraid, this will occur regardless of design. 

It’s also a consequence of the many of the easiest builds being meta, it seems forgotten that even if a melee harder build was the highest DPs, condi virt would still have a place. 

because its ease of play means the average player will perform better with it.providing the numbers are masses apart. 

And tbh:

id rather spear take the lead for a while then be useless, its the new shiney toy after all, and tbh soto went so wrong with the fact it just felt non existent for many 

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Editing the post with my feedback I put in the pinned feedback thread. Weapon is good, doesn't (currently) need blade tooltips. It's quite effective and I think quite possibly stronger than greatsword though it'll take some cooking to fully optimize.


If the spear does get nerfed for some reason, it would probably be a good idea to give it blade tooltips, but I would definitely argue it should not get buffed yet.

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On 6/23/2024 at 6:54 AM, Vennyhedgie.5369 said:

Mesmer is in a really weird spot where I feel like it's the only class where the developers draw a hard line into what weapons they want you to use. Instead of encouraging creative buildcraft, they have stupid traits that say "No, you WILL play alacrity mirage ONLY with staff. You WILL play virtuoso ONLY with the Dagger/GS". 

If it was just the dagger I would understand, because it's the weapon the elite spec came with, similar to how Holosmith buffs sword or Untamed buffs hammer. However, the deliberate choice to include specifically greatsword and nothing else feels like a very clear case of playing favorites, and it annoys me inmensely.

Agreed, there's no reason to count a GS as a "blade" but not a Spear, Axe, or Sword (Especially since Sword #3 is literally called BLADE leap). Hopefully this will change in a future patch. GS was the "favorite" because it was basically the only viable secondary set outside of Dagger+Sword. 

On 6/23/2024 at 4:42 AM, Markus.6415 said:

For example, the spear is very good, flows well and even gets "Blade" skilltype put on it. Suddenly every powerchrono, powervirtuoso, powermirage will run around with the spear, because it is objectively the best thing you can play -> resulting in less variety, because the biggest part of those 3 specs will play the same. That is my concern.

That's already the case for GS and dagger though? In PvE, dagger + sword is the best DPS set, and the only viable secondary weapon set, on any power build, is GS. Axe / Sword are both less burst and clone / blade generation than GS, without even accounting for the lack of "blade" tooltip and interaction with Virt.

If anything, letting more weapons qualify for the blade tooltip will IMPROVE weapon variety, not decrease it. GS will always have its place in PvP, even if it doesn't feel very good tbh, and in open world tagging due to the range + fast Mind Stab and instant piercing, splitting ambush on Mirage. 

Edited by Jeyzer.1605
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7 hours ago, Jeyzer.1605 said:

Agreed, there's no reason to count a GS as a "blade" but not a Spear, Axe, or Sword (Especially since Sword #3 is literally called BLADE leap). Hopefully this will change in a future patch. GS was the "favorite" because it was basically the only viable secondary set outside of Dagger+Sword. 

"Blade" skills are magically conjured blades. GS skills 2, 3 and 4 count because they all involve conjuring a magical blade and either throwing it or causing it to emerge out of the ground beneath the target. This makes them the same kind of skill as dagger skills and bladesongs.

Simply hitting the enemy with a physical blade is not the same sort of skill.

Now, there's an argument that it might be better balance-wise if it did, and that sword, axe, and spear could be said to have a magical blade projected over the physical blade (similar to how the final part of the guardian sword chain auto works). But there is a clear logical reason why greatsword skills 2-4 count as blades while sword, axe, and spear don't. (Ironically, if it was possible to have Mirrored Axes on a virtuoso, the phantasmal axes generated by that trait probably would be blades.) 

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