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From Belonging to Frustration: A GW2 Roamer's Journey

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I wont address the balancing issues, because I think the system still needs time to be tweaked, which has recently been acknowledged by the dev team. 

On the side of communities though... c'mon guys, you had people in and out of your servers every 2 months with relinks and a considerable amount of shuffling with server transfers anyway. Yes the shuffle is twice as frequent now, but 4 weeks is a long enough time to interact with people you're linked up with, build a bit of rapport and create a group of people you enjoy playing with in your own way. Free up a guild slot (or you know, use the extra one given to you recently) and make use of it to consolidate even 10 people you enjoy playing with in your usual hours. You could even grab those 10 people and join an alliance of guilds you already like and be a pick team, havoc squad, roaming-scouts. That'll make all the difference in your day to day experience. Make use of the agency you're being given as to who you play with, including the possibility of refining and adding to it every 4 weeks.

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