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BETA: Regal bag of goods, transmutation charges, and other inventory on test character

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I understand we want to look nice on beta character too, but will any of the items save to our account? Is regal bag of goods some kind of reward for playing the beta? I don't get what I'd use it for on beta character, make an ascended weapon with my precious deldrimore steel?

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oh regal bag of goods is the exotic crafted armor skins achieve. i think i have a couple more to unlock, that my test characters were wearing

thanks for confirmation about nothing being saved at all

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I find it helps to think of beta characters as being on a seperate account. You don't need to use different login details and they're shown on the same character select screen as your real characters but otherwise they're entirely seperate. They have access to everything that was in your wardrobe, wallet etc. or in the bank when the beta started but nothing added since, and your other characters have no access to anything the beta characters have. That includes wardrobe unlocks - if you get a new skin on a beta character it will still be locked for all your other characters and you'll need to get it again to unlock it.

Beta characters also don't have access to the Trading Post and can't mail items or gold.

That means anything you want that character to use which isn't in your bank/wallet etc. before the beta starts, would have to be earned or made by that character. Anet want players to be able to experiment freely, especially trying out lots of different builds and combining them with food, utilities and other buffs and very few people would be willing to do that if they either had to predict everything they'll need to use and make sure it's in the bank in advance or spend time levelling crafting to make equipment and food, gathering materials etc. just to try out an idea that might not even work.

So instead they give you several bags of stat selectable equipment, consuambles etc. to experiment with. I suspect the transmutation charges are just so you don't have to run around looking like every other beta character, but still useful to encourage more people to join in.

(I'm sure every beta there's a few people who try anything they can think of to transfer stuff off beta characters. As far as I know it's never worked, but it won't stop people trying just in case.)

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13 hours ago, willow.8209 said:

I understand we want to look nice on beta character too, but will any of the items save to our account? Is regal bag of goods some kind of reward for playing the beta? I don't get what I'd use it for on beta character, make an ascended weapon with my precious deldrimore steel?

It's just a clone of your current bank. Nothing you put in/take out affects your normal characters at all.

12 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Nothing is saved on Beta Character accounts.  Nothing.

How bad would it suck if you got a bl key and a contract worth 4k gold, only for you to not be able to sell it or keep that super rare drop.

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