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Out of these five effects, how would you personally rank them in terms of importance and why?

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Out of these five effects, how would you personally rank them in terms of importance and why?

  • Sustain
  • Condition application
  • Condition Cleanse
  • Mobility Enhancement
  • Stability/Stunbreak

For example:

  1. Stability/Stunbreak, B/C if you get locked you get socked, without a stunbreak you're going to be bursted the moment you get stunned
  2. Condition Cleanse, Chill and Daze are soft stuns, and Conditions usually apply more damage to you than anything else you'll encounter, with power builds often being melee where there's more of a windup to their attacks making it easier to dodge, where as fighting someone who can apply lots of Conditions quickly can stack them on you almost instantly from a distance.
  3. Sustain, If you can't get stunned, and you have good condition cleanse then with good sustain you can't die. Its a matter of either landing one very good burst on your opponent, or having higher DPS than their sustain.
  4. Mobility, extremely useful to have, you can escape death to reset, avoid melee classes, cap, or burst then flee.
  5. Condition application, best way to apply health damage in my eyes, usually quick with less visual indicators on windup than melee attacks, and unless they have cleanse, you'll melt them along with a variety of other effects. Best paired with a stun to prevent an active cleanse. Some people will go glass cannon with this, but if their opponent has enough cleanse/sustain they'll end up shattering after their initial burst unless they have the mobility to escape.
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  • Sustain
  • Condition application
  • Condition Cleanse
  • Mobility Enhancement
  • Stability/Stunbreak







Getting where you need to be and out of where you don't need to be is the most important thing. Mobility IS sustain, and is a force multiplier for damage. 

They're all important.  The tiers between these are paper thin or nonexistent. 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, TIM.3064 said:

Out of these five effects, how would you personally rank them in terms of importance and why?

  • Sustain
  • Condition application
  • Condition Cleanse
  • Mobility Enhancement
  • Stability/Stunbreak

Problem is, when a build/class has access to all of this, in the same time, without any kind of effort and tradeoff and has big damage in the same time.. (Hello RANGER! Yeah I am pointing my big fat finger on you guys 🙂 ) oh and I forgot the big cc uptime + stealth + tankiness coming with it.

That's how an op class/build becomes meta btw.

Edited by whooot.5784
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Just now, whooot.5784 said:

Problem is, when a build has access to all of this, in the same time, without any kind of effort and tradeoff and has big damage in the same time.. (Hello RANGER! Yeah I am pointing my big fat finger on you guys 🙂 ) oh and I forgot the big cc uptime + stealth + tankiness coming with this class.

That's how an op class/build becomes meta btw.

You dare insult the ranger cavemen? 7 moons from now when they see the smoke signal of this, they will ungabunga you.

  • Haha 2
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Posted (edited)

1) Reliability
2) everything else idc but I need my skills to be RELIABLE. Nothing is as important, to me, as the button performing exactly what it's supposed to be doing every time I need it.

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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41 minutes ago, TIM.3064 said:

You dare insult the ranger cavemen? 7 moons from now when they see the smoke signal of this, they will ungabunga you.

7 moons comment has me 💀

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4 hours ago, TIM.3064 said:
  • Sustain
  • Condition application
  • Condition Cleanse
  • Mobility Enhancement
  • Stability/Stunbreak

Depeding what role you have in mind i would say, for me being a plus one/dps

1: Mobility , you need to arrive faster than others, being first gives a big advantage

2: Stability: it is a dream to be able to go in, not be stunned and do your entire barrage of dmg. 

3: Sustain; i feel that it is better to avoid taking dmg, but if you take some to be able to heal fast so you can go back to the fight

4: Condition cleanse; i rate this higher than condition application, because i always prefer to have high power dmg rather than condition

5: Condition application as i said before, i prefer to do power dmg, so i do not think condi cover is much useful for my playstyle. 

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