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Aurene's Facet of Life (Soo Won Variant Achievement)

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Please consider reworking this achievement. The second step of the achievement requires completion of the Gyala Delve meta and this map is completely dead. Barely anybody plays it and when people do it more often than not fails. Soo Won variants of the Aurene legendaries are my favourite by far, but it can take days to complete this step. It's tedious and off-putting. Either rework the achievement or find a way to incentivise people to play this meta. 

Can anybody offer any suggestions on best times or groups that run this meta? Been standing in the circle for 2 hours today not had more than 4 people join. 

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The only incentive I've found is when they add it as a weekly to the Wizard's Vault. During that time it's no problem whatsoever to finish the meta.

Of course this is random, so there's no way of knowing when it will turn up again. Outside of the weekly I have no idea if people do this regularly. However, I wouldn't stand in a circle and wait for a few hours. Check LFG, or create one yourself (in case you haven't done that yet). It might make a difference.

Personally I'm never in any rush to create a legendary. So if I had to wait for a meta to be a weekly before people do it, I'd just put that legendary on hold, do other stuff and wait for it to turn up in the Vault.

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As has already been stated, wait for the weekly. Gyala Delve is one of the biggest blunders Anet has every made. It is an absolutely pointless map. Outside of good salvage there is zero reason to ever go to that map with the exception of achievements. Achievements that are basically impossible because you will never have enough people all hunting the same achievements at one time to do it. So bite the bullet and wait. It's the only way.

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Thank you Necrosanct and ShadowKatt for your helpful advice. I will wait for the weekly (I have WvW weeklies so wasn't aware). It's a shame considering the comparable achievement step for the other variants are mostly popular core/HoT maps.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm having trouble with this step too. I'm on my second Soo-Won variant, and they're my favorite variant of the Aurene weapons, but I don't know how many more Gyala Delve metas I got left in me. The hardest part of this meta is getting people to actually do it with you.

They need to rework this achievement step sooner rather than later. I'm not asking to fix the map/meta, because I know that's a significant task, but can we please replace the Legendary Ravenous Wanderer step for Purified Scale Fragment of Soo-Won?

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I did that a few weeks ago. My advice is rather than staying online, park a character in GD and every time you log on to play, check the map on the parked character (also check LFG). Eventually, you'll find a group doing it. I can't play during prime time, but it still only took me about 2 days for a successful group without GD weekly.

Edited by BlueJin.4127
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