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Mesmer is Garbage at PvP

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People are intimated by Mesmer because the clones make them look outnumbered.

Clones are an outdated built on mechanics from 2004 & now, they do NO DAMAGE!

Don't think we didnt notice Infinite Horizon nerfs (which incentivizes keeping clones alive).

Chronomancer needs more options than Rifle support PLEASE. Its a cool concept but some of us wana try other builds, other weapons.

Greatsword is the only viable weapon other than rifle and ever it is useless without a specific talent tree option.

Chronomancer is a total waste if one is not on a support build.

Warrior Berserker out classes condi Mesmer including virt.

Mirage uses dodge for burst leaving them unable to dodge defensively. & Infinite Horizon nerf ruined the balance of using dodges offensively.

Mesmer has been over nerf since 2022, likely to sell EoD Virtuoso which even a silver backpeddler can play to plat.

Please rework Mesmer sword, Main hand & offhand.

Please make shatter consequential it does no damage.

I'm ok with nerfing Virtuoso  there is no reason for unlimited unblockable bladesongs. 

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Me who see some mes shatters stacking up to 25 stacks confusion *huh*?


Tho i agree that mes need more self healing but i don't think what it need is more dmg...... or you maybe wana nerf shatter oneshots and buff clones dmg instead ... idk xd

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Mesmer is completly fine.

Chrono sup is the best support in this game (spvp at least, I don't know about other mod), this spec is so brocken that it make win by default your team if the ennemy team doesn't have one as well, it's super hard to kill, it has billion invuln, dodges, billions boons, billions reflect... I'd rather fight support tempest and guard sup all day instead of chrono sup. Chrono sup IS OVER brocken, ultra op, way too much, and deserves nothing but a good nerf.

Virtuose is the most degenerated and braindead class in this game, you just have to spam your block and your invuln/dodges/stealth, play like a bot, push times to times your f1 skills and voilà, you have the most stupid, irritating class to fight in the entiere universe. Don't you even dare ask to buff this spec, it doesn't deserve anything excepted to be forgotten. Trully, if virtuose is buffed, it's gonna make people so mad, and for a reason, buffing and assisted and brainded spec usually never pleases the community.

And mirage is fine as well... Not "op", but still strong and playable, and particulary degenerated as well, you could be either in condi or power, you have enough burst to 100-0 almost anything in this game, you can do it while beeing on invuln/evade frame and while you're spamming your daze mantra like a monkey, it has stealth, great mobility as well (if played with sword).

Mirage and virtuose are fines (not op) but don't desearves buff imo, cause if you buff thoses 2 specs, I am affraid it become too brocken. That's usually the case when mesmer has a meta build in pvp, it's an abomination of op-ness and everyone is disgusted cause how busted it is.

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