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A Chat w/ Roy and Cecil About WvW Development Goals

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On 7/24/2024 at 3:35 AM, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

When WR and the gameplay changes aren't going quite the way people would like (myself included) it helps to recognise that they are trying to improve things, they are just working with different data and viewpoints.

While I believe the developers have good intentions, in the end, all the changes in the last few weeks and months (I mean all the changes that affect WvW) make it feel the same as it did when the Desert Borderland was introduced.

Back then, devs developed the Desert Borderland with the best of intentions and a lot of effort and commitment. But it was still a huge disaster and it nearly killed WvW.

I don't want to go into all the details, but it feels exactly the same now as it did then.

But who knows, maybe the changes are good for the game mode and I'm just no longer the desired target group.

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