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[Video] Last Month's 1v1 Tournament - Ranger Perspective


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Hey guys! Nash streamed last month's 1v1 tournament hosted by [Fame]. I linked the video down below as well as what times you can find me fighting several different matchups. I just thought this might be helpful to some of you out there.

Let me know what you think!


In the video, you can find me at:

  • 26:21 - thief
  • 01:39:00 - druid
  • 02:35:15 - mirage
  • 02:48:53 - 1v2
  • 02:55:40 - holosmith

02:35:15 is my fight against Kronos02:48:52 is my 1v2 I did for fun

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I just hopped to the fight vs the mesmer, cause I know that guy runs... interesting builds - meaning builds that usually aren't viable in anything else besides 1v1 - and I had some thoughts to share. Keep in mind I might just been a rusty old pot that doesn't know anything due to my absence.

I've spent countless hours dueling (who are in my opinion the best combat mesmers who have ever played this game and probably ever will) Supcutie and Zeromis and I feel that gives me a unique passion for fighting mesmers... anyway!

Due to the fact he was running condi, when you enter AF you probably don't need to immediately 3 since you get cleansed... now opening 3 is strong but I would offer for consideration possibly opening 5 -> instantly cancelling it. This is just to give you small stability. Then I'd follow with 2 -> 3 -> 2 -> 4 -> 2 -> leave or 2 -> 4 -> 2 -> 3 -> 2 -> leave. This is cause casting 2 doesn't really slow you down and you get condi clear + blind. Blind on illusions or better yet blinding the mesmer trying to summon clones is even better. I always try to use 3 as offensively as possible (while maintaining the heal) just cause druid has less offensive pressure.

There were many times I was inclined to use your SoR... but I understand now it has the passive heal from wild and you're using it for AFS generation. Which has left me twixt on how'd I use it as a druid.

You never use barrage... I would personally use it to slay illusions and slow shatters... but maybe that's bad... is that bad?

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@Eurantien.4632 said:I just hopped to the fight vs the mesmer, cause I know that guy runs... interesting builds - meaning builds that usually aren't viable in anything else besides 1v1 - and I had some thoughts to share. Keep in mind I might just been a rusty old pot that doesn't know anything due to my absence.

I've spent countless hours dueling (who are in my opinion the best combat mesmers who have ever played this game and probably ever will) Supcutie and Zeromis and I feel that gives me a unique passion for fighting mesmers... anyway!

Due to the fact he was running condi, when you enter AF you probably don't need to immediately 3 since you get cleansed... now opening 3 is strong but I would offer for consideration possibly opening 5 -> instantly cancelling it. This is just to give you small stability. Then I'd follow with 2 -> 3 -> 2 -> 4 -> 2 -> leave or 2 -> 4 -> 2 -> 3 -> 2 -> leave. This is cause casting 2 doesn't really slow you down and you get condi clear + blind. Blind on illusions or better yet blinding the mesmer trying to summon clones is even better. I always try to use 3 as offensively as possible (while maintaining the heal) just cause druid has less offensive pressure.

There were many times I was inclined to use your SoR... but I understand now it has the passive heal from wild and you're using it for AFS generation. Which has left me twixt on how'd I use it as a druid.

You never use barrage... I would personally use it to slay illusions and slow shatters... but maybe that's bad... is that bad?

Hey! Thanks for the comment.

Kronos is a very difficult opponent to fight. He pressures right after you use your defenses. So, in the case of my CA usage, I had to enter and leave extremely quickly or I'd get hit by a full shatter. Using CA 5 might have killed some clones or granted me stability but kiting was crucial in that duel and if I had stopped for even a moment I would have gotten hit by a burst.

In terms of SoR, I save that as a last resort when I have neither my heal (which cleanses 4 conditions), or my CA is not up yet, or my evades and dodges are down. It is better to keep it up as much as possible to gain Astral Force.

Mirage bursts contains a low cooldown, short distance blink that applies confusion and blind and also a medium distance leap that dazes. Using barrage without popping my elite is a surefire way to get hit by 12 stacks of confusion (and a plethora of other conditions including movement impairing ones, that would make it harder to kite) and interrupted as well.

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Without going into much detail, Longbow was a very poor weapon of choice against Kronos. Your pressure was practically 0, if you can't kite outside the dueling circle, this makes the choice even worse. He has a stun break on dodge ffs, that knowback's not gonna be effective, ever. Power shortbow (as crazy as it sounds) would have done a much better job with constant pressure while watching those confusion stacks (poison volley does like 4k damage at point blank too), staff would have been significantly better as well with its constant and steady pressure, also staff means CA MUCH faster and the auto damage is decent with zerker amulet. Warhorn instead of dagger, for additional stealth with Smokescale, always. ALWAYS.Very poor use of CA as well. As Eurantien said, at least drop a 2 before doing 3 (blast into a light field = another condi cleansed), more healing, a possible blind and you can make Kronos waste skills while you cleanse more conditions. Also, why ancient seeds (incredibly unreliable)? When you can come out of avatar with 25 might stacks (or close) ??As a power druid, strictly 1v1, the match up is definetly winnable if you get creative. You weren't even close.

The other match ups aren't worth mentioning, they were average players at best.

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@Khenzy.9348 said:Without going into much detail, Longbow was a very poor weapon of choice against Kronos. Your pressure was practically 0, if you can't kite outside the dueling circle, this makes the choice even worse. He has a stun break on dodge kitten, that knowback's not gonna be effective, ever. Power shortbow (as crazy as it sounds) would have done a much better job with constant pressure while watching those confusion stacks (poison volley does like 4k damage at point blank too), staff would have been significantly better as well with its constant and steady pressure, also staff means CA MUCH faster and the auto damage is decent with zerker amulet. Warhorn instead of dagger, for additional stealth with Smokescale, always. ALWAYS.Very poor use of CA as well. As Eurantien said, at least drop a 2 before doing 3 (blast into a light field = another condi cleansed), more healing, a possible blind and you can make Kronos waste skills while you cleanse more conditions. Also, why ancient seeds (incredibly unreliable)? When you can come out of avatar with 25 might stacks (or close) ??As a power druid, strictly 1v1, the match up is definetly winnable if you get creative. You weren't even close.

The other match ups aren't worth mentioning, they were average players at best.

If you look at my skill uses you'll actually see the button for 2 flashing and my retaliation duration refreshes. Maybe its lag but I used my 2 first and then 3 every time I entered CA. Some other times it was interrupted or I honestly didn't have time to drop both skills before I was hit with a burst.

I could've probably gone staff but I would have had trouble kiting without the extra stealth. Mirage can close the gap from staff 3 extremely fast. Good point though. It might've been better.

The tournament took place before the change was made to GotL. If I had used that at the time, I would've gotten a 15% damage instead of might. :)

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