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Scepter#3 Feast of Corruption WvW


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I dont see why this skill(Feast of Corruption) which is the baseline Scepter#3
has 1 boon corrupt when its a single target ability while in the pvp side of things, this skill has move onto 2 boon corrupt.
WvW has like 10x more boon output that pvp that also last way longer.
Imo it should be at 3 boon corrupt on single target in WvW.
We can keep the AOE version i.e. Devouring Darkness at 1 boon corrupt.

This skill being at 1 and all boon corrupt being removed from skills and traits has made necromancer go in a state where it can't play to its strengths against the boon spam classes like cata, untamed, willbender. This has resulted into these classes becoming grossly overpowered because the rock for the scissors is just completely removed from the game. You cant blow up people with timed and strategic boon corrupts nowadays because they are just way too much repplication and also you cannot penetrate to the important boons because boon removal/corrupts is nerfed.

Not to mention the actual Corrupt Boon skill corrupts 2 boons per charge with 2 charges which is an actual joke given it goes in a utility slot which is highly contested for necromancers kit for survivability.

Edited by XECOR.2814
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7 hours ago, XECOR.2814 said:

I dont see why this skill(Feast of Corruption) which is the baseline Scepter#3
has 1 boon corrupt when its a single target ability while in the pvp side of things, this skill has move onto 2 boon corrupt.

You don't see why? Simply put, the devs were ambitious, they wanted to balance boons in WvW. To do that, they thought that it would be smart to reduce the impact of boon hate there. Feast of corruption is merely one amongst many skills victim from this unfinished business of theirs.

Still, at some point, when the memory of their ambitious project will have faded, they might remember that the skill exist and tweak it to fit with the new project they will have designed. Who know... They might want to promote aggressively their new child (Spear's skill#5 extirpation effect) and add it to feast of corruption. After all, we've all seem how underwhelming extirpation is so the devs will definitely feel compelled to sprinkle it everywhere in our kit (as usual).

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I've always said that the amount of boon corrupt/boon rip they keep removing is ridiculous. Boon application/cleanse is much faster than you can rip/corrupt them. Necro should be the peak of boon rip/corrupt yet for some reason Mesmers suddenly has taken that role. I play both Necro and Mesmer and to me the nerfs on scourges was just ridiculous. 

Edited by Salt Mode.3780
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10 hours ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

I've always said that the amount of boon corrupt/boon rip they keep removing is ridiculous. Boon application/cleanse is much faster than you can rip/corrupt them. Necro should be the peak of boon rip/corrupt yet for some reason Mesmers suddenly has taken that role. I play both Necro and Mesmer and to me the nerfs on scourges was just ridiculous. 

Mesmer have always been a beast at boon ripping, it's just that it was overlooked due to the fact it's main mechanic isn't well suited for zerg fights.

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Ever since the introduction to alacrity for Scourge, ANet had adjusted some skill's cooldowns to make up for it.  Since then they removed alacrity from Scourge in WvW, but never did anything with the skill cooldowns.  What they need to fix is the following.

  • Reduce Cooldown for Devouring Darkness from 18 seconds to 10 seconds
  • Return boon corrupts to dagger 5
  • Remove cooldown increase on Nefarious Favor when using Path of Corruption trait in Curses.
  • Reduce Serpent Siphon to 20 seconds recast from 30 seconds.

Boon removal was insanely overpowered when Sigil of Absorption literally had no ICD per target.  Since it was nerfed to 10 sec ICD, things between boon application and boon removal felt pretty even.  Then ANet went did the unnecessary and reduced boon removal across the board.  Now it's more like 75% boons, 25% removal.  There is no way to keep up with it even with a perfect rotation.

No this doesn't mean nerf boon application, it means give us our boon removal back!

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