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Willbender Need NERF in Pvp

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1 hour ago, KrHome.1920 said:

Since no one got really specific, here comes a specific comment to the situation in that video:

1. You just kite him until his stability is gone, which is at second 16 in the video. Up to this point all you do is avoid his damage by wasting as less of your ressources as possible, which is why running in circles is the best strategy. You should have left that node for a moment.

2. At second 17 in the video you should have used a cc and burst combo.

3. When he then pops his defense (elite skill etc.) you run in circles again. Don't waste your skills at this point.

4. When he is vulnerable again => cc and burst

Every single willbender fight looks like this.

Beware at number 4 you described because at number 4, it resets back to number 1 and he very likely goes offensive mode again. So he might outsustain while doing doing damage if you decide that moment to go offensive.

Allthough if you do number 4 fast enough before he can back to number 1 rotation, then it's allright

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35 minutes ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

"Just kite the WB and just run away during the 10 seconds burst window" with:

  • 20 seconds of swiftness.
  • Three shadowsteps
  • Two rushes from virtues.
  • A leap on their greatsword 3.
  • A pull on greatsword 5.
  • Two shadowsteps on swords.

"Hope you brought enough evades/blocks/barrier/immunity/distortion for the 10 second stat check, lmao."

The OP did good till second 10. For 3 seconds the WB didn't land anything. The misplay here started at second 10 and was to stay on the node at any cost. Willbender in fact has delays in its burst. You don't have to eat it. You can comfortably kite it and if the player is stupid enough to use its teleports to cover that 300 kiting distance , then he quickly becomes a freekill to anyone who understands the willbender mechanics.

That said: Not every build (looking at the OP's build) beats everything. I hope this is a trivial information that does not need any further clarification.

Edited by KrHome.1920
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