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Remove DuoQ From the Game

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Hello all,

Long time no see. 

OGs will remember me as the best warrior in NA back in 2017 and the #3 Thief NA in 2014. During season 9 I was rank 1 with a 40 game win streak on core warrior before Path of Fire ruined my class and I quit the game. Last year I briefly returned to the game and randomly picked up Harbringer (after nerf btw) and got back to #16 on leaderboard. Then I realized in order to push for top 10 I would have to sit afk waiting for people to duo queue with me because I couldn't push any farther when all the top 25 was duo queueing and I was playing solo most of the time (I did duo queue a few games I won't lie). Most of the top players refused to duo queue with me because they're pansies with a huge ego and they blocked me. Anyway, the point is that I quit the game because there's no solo queue.

Recently I was bored after hitting Master in League of Legends and thought of returning to the game. Then I read through the forums and realized that duo queue is still in the game. So I'm not going to bother returning. There's no point.

Remove duo queue from the game. Naruto and Cringejack already have ATs to stack 5 people versus gold players and crush them. SPvP should be for solo players. There was a season or two a while ago that was solo queue only and it was one of the best seasons. We had random prodigy players on the leaderboard that had never been there before because the top 10 was always gate kept by Cringio and his 3 alts. Then the "pro players" (KEKW) complained that they couldn't get top 10 duo queueing at 3 AM versus bots and it was reverted. So Arenanet prioritized a group of literally 5-10 players over their entire PvP playerbase who gets crushed by top players.

Duo queue does not work in a game with such a low PvP population. Bring back solo queue only. It will make the leaderboard much more fair and it will also save the poor gold players who no longer have to face a duo queue and instead will have an even split of solo players of similar ranks.

Until there is solo queue in this game I'm going to play BDO or WoW which have true solo queue arena.


Edited by Jagdtiger.2517
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46 minutes ago, Jagdtiger.2517 said:

So Arenanet prioritized a group of literally 5-10 players over their entire PvP playerbase who gets crushed by top players.

it's still the case, I don't know, anet pvp devs listen to these players too much

after last season wintrade fiasco it's more than clear how duo q makes everything easier to abuse. We already have at least 3 gold 3 skill level players getting God of arena through pure matchmaking abuse, last season was just a clown fiesta

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10 minutes ago, KurtLittleJesus.8139 said:

it's still the case, I don't know, anet pvp devs listen to these players too much

after last season wintrade fiasco it's more than clear how duo q makes everything easier to abuse. We already have at least 3 gold 3 skill level players getting God of arena through pure matchmaking abuse, last season was just a clown fiesta

Yes, wintrading and buying titles has been going on for so long and it's always the same players doing it. I remember back in 2017 Toker and Nos and friends literally sold a monthly AT and received a slap on the wrist. I had assembled a good team and we were hoping to go to semifinals at least but we got knocked off in first round by them because they were on random accounts that had never played PvP before so their MMR was trash.

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16 minutes ago, Jagdtiger.2517 said:

Yes, wintrading and buying titles has been going on for so long and it's always the same players doing it. I remember back in 2017 Toker and Nos and friends literally sold a monthly AT and received a slap on the wrist. I had assembled a good team and we were hoping to go to semifinals at least but we got knocked off in first round by them because they were on random accounts that had never played PvP before so their MMR was trash.

it happened again like 2 or 3 years ago, they sold a gizmo to the current top 1 AP hunter, they all got banned, then an year later i think the dude you call "cringeo" was completing his gizmo collection again, one of his friends was against him those finals, they were winning and then he loggedout of game and discord so cringeo could get his last gizmo.

well, it happened on mAt and ranked several times, but most of the time they don't get caught on camera and anet doesn't bother to check sus stuff like 119/1 records, that we had 3 times in a row during the pandemics peaks, when kids had literally 24h available to exploit.

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6 hours ago, Jagdtiger.2517 said:

Hello all,

Long time no see. 

OGs will remember me as the best warrior in NA back in 2017 and the #3 Thief NA in 2014. During season 9 I was rank 1 with a 40 game win streak on core warrior before Path of Fire ruined my class and I quit the game. Last year I briefly returned to the game and randomly picked up Harbringer (after nerf btw) and got back to #16 on leaderboard. Then I realized in order to push for top 10 I would have to sit afk waiting for people to duo queue with me because I couldn't push any farther when all the top 25 was duo queueing and I was playing solo most of the time (I did duo queue a few games I won't lie). Most of the top players refused to duo queue with me because they're pansies with a huge ego and they blocked me. Anyway, the point is that I quit the game because there's no solo queue.

Recently I was bored after hitting Master in League of Legends and thought of returning to the game. Then I read through the forums and realized that duo queue is still in the game. So I'm not going to bother returning. There's no point.

Remove duo queue from the game. Naruto and Cringejack already have ATs to stack 5 people versus gold players and crush them. SPvP should be for solo players. There was a season or two a while ago that was solo queue only and it was one of the best seasons. We had random prodigy players on the leaderboard that had never been there before because the top 10 was always gate kept by Cringio and his 3 alts. Then the "pro players" (KEKW) complained that they couldn't get top 10 duo queueing at 3 AM versus bots and it was reverted. So Arenanet prioritized a group of literally 5-10 players over their entire PvP playerbase who gets crushed by top players.

Duo queue does not work in a game with such a low PvP population. Bring back solo queue only. It will make the leaderboard much more fair and it will also save the poor gold players who no longer have to face a duo queue and instead will have an even split of solo players of similar ranks.

Until there is solo queue in this game I'm going to play BDO or WoW which have true solo queue arena.



6 hours ago, Jagdtiger.2517 said:

Hello all,

Long time no see. 

OGs will remember me as the best warrior in NA back in 2017 and the #3 Thief NA in 2014. During season 9 I was rank 1 with a 40 game win streak on core warrior before Path of Fire ruined my class and I quit the game. Last year I briefly returned to the game and randomly picked up Harbringer (after nerf btw) and got back to #16 on leaderboard. Then I realized in order to push for top 10 I would have to sit afk waiting for people to duo queue with me because I couldn't push any farther when all the top 25 was duo queueing and I was playing solo most of the time (I did duo queue a few games I won't lie). Most of the top players refused to duo queue with me because they're pansies with a huge ego and they blocked me. Anyway, the point is that I quit the game because there's no solo queue.

Recently I was bored after hitting Master in League of Legends and thought of returning to the game. Then I read through the forums and realized that duo queue is still in the game. So I'm not going to bother returning. There's no point.

Remove duo queue from the game. Naruto and Cringejack already have ATs to stack 5 people versus gold players and crush them. SPvP should be for solo players. There was a season or two a while ago that was solo queue only and it was one of the best seasons. We had random prodigy players on the leaderboard that had never been there before because the top 10 was always gate kept by Cringio and his 3 alts. Then the "pro players" (KEKW) complained that they couldn't get top 10 duo queueing at 3 AM versus bots and it was reverted. So Arenanet prioritized a group of literally 5-10 players over their entire PvP playerbase who gets crushed by top players.

Duo queue does not work in a game with such a low PvP population. Bring back solo queue only. It will make the leaderboard much more fair and it will also save the poor gold players who no longer have to face a duo queue and instead will have an even split of solo players of similar ranks.

Until there is solo queue in this game I'm going to play BDO or WoW which have true solo queue arena.


@Mne Malo Tebya.2965 There proof of top players reacting and saying it too 😉

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, KurtLittleJesus.8139 said:

it happened again like 2 or 3 years ago, they sold a gizmo to the current top 1 AP hunter, they all got banned, then an year later i think the dude you call "cringeo" was completing his gizmo collection again, one of his friends was against him those finals, they were winning and then he loggedout of game and discord so cringeo could get his last gizmo.

well, it happened on mAt and ranked several times, but most of the time they don't get caught on camera and anet doesn't bother to check sus stuff like 119/1 records, that we had 3 times in a row during the pandemics peaks, when kids had literally 24h available to exploit.

"Cringio" also has a tendency of having multiple alts in top 10, at least that's what he was doing last time I played. I remember this because I was number 11 on ladder at the end of a season one time when he had 3 alts in top 10, so in reality I should have been number 9 if Arenanet actually cared about the integrity of their game, but that's another discussion. Also, I believe he was on that mAT selling team with Nos and Toker, but I'm not 100% sure about that.

Edited by Jagdtiger.2517
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Removing the duo queue would be the best option, but you know what else should come back? The visibility of the block list. We all know that the bad matchmaking in ranked queues is because ANet allows you to be matched with people who are 800 or more points below your current rank. Imagine being able to skip the S3, G1, and G2 ranked player, as it would appear on your block list that this player is currently playing PvP.

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2 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

There proof of top players reacting and saying it too 😉

I thought top players just defend this system to be able to gatekeep top 10? Now a top player claims the opposite? So either hes not a top player or top players defend the system for other reasons than gatekeeping.

Anyway if you wanna play a true soloq arena game, I'd suggest to try out chess. In a team game it would be stupid to only allow soloq. 


Edited by Mne Malo Tebya.2965
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8 hours ago, Jagdtiger.2517 said:


8 hours ago, Jagdtiger.2517 said:


8 hours ago, Jagdtiger.2517 said:


I smell envy.


8 hours ago, Jagdtiger.2517 said:

There was a season or two a while ago that was solo queue only and it was one of the best seasons.

It was soloq only for 1600+ rated players. Rest of the playerbase still got to duoq.

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