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Trying to figure out a couple of older off meta thief builds


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I main Dragonhunter, Ranger/Soulbeast, and Reaper, but enjoy Holosmith and Condi Renegade, and rotate through every other class occasionally.

I recently felt like giving a Deadeye build another go, and see that when I last geared up my Thief it was with Power/Toughness/Vitality and  Power/Vitality/Ferocity gear. Clearly neither of those are meta now, if they ever were...

Any idea what kind of builds I was working off of, based on those stats? Weapons of choice could have been staff/shortbow, or daggers and pistols.

I am sure that I should just scrap the gear and start anew, but thought it was worth asking if there's anything worth dabbling in first (as I don't see any builds that reflect these stats on the meta sites).

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i dont think soldier (power/toughness/vitality) were ever a good stat for thief.

valkyrie (power/vitality/ferocity) i personally used for WvW years ago, a while before the 2020 split. used it for DE in WvW roaming on a Critical Strikes, Shadow Arts, DE build. because you get enough ini from M7 i dont need that from trickery and i was running binding shadows for boon rip, which is worse than trickery but was mostly enough.  with this i was running hidden killer so i didn't need any precision for a ton of vitality at almost berserker level damage. however with damage nerfs and changes to binding shadows (specifically the self-reveal making it hard to line up with DJ and the loss of hard CC), i would not run that anymore.

Edited by bq pd.2148
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It looks like maybe you were trying to gear up for bigger sustain in fractals back when the fractal potions turned agony resistance into crit chance. That's assuming this was a few pieces and not an entire set of soldiers or valk. Maybe WvW would have been an okay place for that but idk if it was meta however many years ago.

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Soldiers gear on S/D core or rifle deadeye with enough mara/zerk to get over 200% crit damage with crit strikes over deadly arts and old daredevil runes was a pretty solid roaming build for WvW at one point too, mostly in the wake of the overall damage nerf a few years back. Worked best with some sort of protection access, be it M7 or durability runes. Quite off meta, but was reasonably effective for what it was and I'm probably not the only person who was messing with those kinds of builds. 

Edited by Jugglemonkey.8741
I keep forgetting the filter doesn't like the acronym for deadly arts
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