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Making gold with SotO.

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The legendary gear and other fancy stuff made my game wallet dry, i wan't build some gold before next xpac.

I'm bored of "tradicional farm's", like SW, drizzlewood, fractals run, or boss trains.

i hade see a video with some SotO information, seems good place to stay,

lets see the checklist.

- Craft Storm Eyes weapons: seems the best profit, ~7g.

- Craft the "motivations" (the item to open high level rifts), i dont remenber the average profit. but seems good, and im swimming in kryptis essences.

- Rift Hunting, theres a ~5g ~10g item to open private convergence.

- Convergence, same as above, drop of expensive items.

im looking for advice, i want know what you guys think about, im missing anything? better ideas? thanks in advance!

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you can make as much gold as you can stomach by fishing in nayos. there's a particular legendary fish that has a very high chance of dropping with maxed fishing power during night time. you get 2g every time it does. as for how much it is per hour, i havent really done it enough to be sure. but it seems over the course of an in game day its more than 20g per hour. its just average during day and gets turbo boosted at night.

Edited by Fipmip.7219
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