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So, I started a new account

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I don't know why it took so long. But I started a steam account and before I was able to be validated to trade on the trading post (4 days) my new account almost has as much gold as my 10+ years old one. And soon it will have more gold.

Sure, I did not play 12 years straight. I quit before HoT and returned close to EoD and had some hiatuses in between now and then. Nut, my main account is a resource hog. I have been constantly poor because I did not like to farm and all money I got I spent in advancing crafting, gear etc.

I am now playing the new account with a core guardian with the lvl 80 booster celestial gear and I am not missing anything. Been doing Strikers, under agony fractals just as fine. And I have no incentive to spend gold to upgrade the gear. I already know what it is to have those. So, yes, soon this account will be richer than my main one and stil be able to fund some crafting on the main one. And it will be fun running HoT without mounts as it was originally intended.

I am mostly doing a daily routine on my main account now.

I am not complaining, though. I would not be able to enjoy this second account without doing what I did with the first. Fun times ahead.

Edited by angrax.1372
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First off: good if you are enjoying yourself, that's the most important part after all.

I feel as though this has more to do with your approach which you seem to have an easier time to stick to on a "new" account, likely because it isn't your "main". That's not unreasonable, we all have behaviors which are complicated to explain and not focusing on certain elements (like upgrading gear etc.) or even just the novelty of starting over without all the upgrades can be refreshing.

That said, you must realize this has to do with your personal approach though since nothing you said about how you approach the game could not be done on your "main".

As far as gold:

consider completing Wizard Vault tasks and converting those resources to gold. The daily and weekly reward from the Wizard Vault alone make up around 50-60 gold per week (Astral Acclaim is valued at 4s per, which results in up to 50g from AA alone, then add 14g from dailies. More if you have the cheaper gold and material bags available). Now add in the 10 Laurels per week for another 5 gold, etc.

But again: make sure you are enjoying yourself.

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I've never really understood the point of worrying about how much gold you have. I suppose it's kind of a scoring system in a game that otherwise doesn't have one, but gold in your wallet doesn't do anything and if you do anything with it you then have less gold so it seems like that mindset would discourage unlocking skins and other things you can actually use. (And it's not like real life where you ideally need some reserves for unexpected costs.)

Maybe it's because I knew when I started I'd want to collect mini pets like I did in GW1 so I started out spending my gold as soon as I had enough to get one. That meant I never had enough that it was worth worrying about. That mindset has stuck with me, if I have more than a bit of gold in the wallet it's because I haven't decided yet what I'm going to buy next (or I'm saving up for something expensive).

10 hours ago, angrax.1372 said:

 I'm more concerned with the 250G Griffon cost.

If it helps you only need to save up 25g at a time. The total cost is 250g but that's spread across 10 items, so you can save up 25g, buy one and then start saving for the next one instead of getting it all at once.

Also unlocking the skyscale in Season 4 has always cost less gold than the griffon. The unavoidable gold costs come to 41g (and like the griffon you don't pay it all at once). You also have the option of buying items from the Trading Post to skip time-gated crafting and some steps in the collection but even if you bought everything (and used 'buy instantly' instead of putting in offers) it would come to around 242g. (IMO no one needs to pay to skip all the steps, for example one is fighting the Shadow Behemoth - a starter map world boss. If you can start the skyscale collection you can definitely do that.)

The "problem" (or for some people the part that makes it interesting) with the Season 4 skyscale collection is that it has a lot of steps and requires a lot of non-gold currencies and items, including 250 of each Season 4 map currency. That's gotten easier to get, but it's still a lot. Also it's time-gated. The minimum time to complete it is apparently 3 days and 8 hours but if you had zero charged quartz and wanted to craft everything yourself it would take 22 days. (For what it's worth I found being a casual player meant I wasn't affected by the time gates at all. There was once I was aware I'd hit one, but I was planning to stop for the day anyway. It's more of a problem if you can play for many hours in one go and want to do as much as possible in each session.)

The SotO collection is quicker and easier but I also found it less engaging. It was less hatching and raising your own skyscale and more "thanks for helping with some assorted chores, here's a spare skyscale".

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Gold in wallet means buying stuff easier. Including gem items without spending real cash. For example, the silver o matic costs, currently, around 160 G. A lot of skins can be unlocked this way. So, yes, gold is very useful. Legendries as well. Of course I am not keeping gold for the sake of keeping gold. It will be used for things I do not have money for in the main account, cosmetics, while the main account focuses on character upgrades.


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