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Remove duo q

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Please i am begging remove duo q. In the last 3 days i have played against more than 20 duos and lost 18 of those games. I have seen two princes in the same duo, i have seen 3 matches where there we two duos on the enemy team and no duo on my team. It feels horrible to play vs a duo that is coordinated and that absolute sucks. I have reached plat 1/2 playing alone, and the frustration i get when in high i keep facing duos is absolute demolishing. I do not understand, for a system that is absolutely being exploited by people to artificially gain more rank than they deserve in a already chaotic mode, why it is still in place. Please remove it, nobody wants it except the people that abuse it, if someone wants to duo let them play in the unraked or make a mode for team. But as an exclusive solo player in pvp it is heart breaking that i keep facing more and more duos and everyone i have talked about this has agreed that they do not like the duo q system and that it sucks. There is not enough player pool to make it work, even if you want to make a duo face in the opposing team a higher ranked team there is no players to make it. Almost every game where i see a duo is an absolute stomp, please now with the expansion if you care any little about pvp, please make it stop, remove duo q, please. 

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1 minute ago, notamain.2839 said:

I do like duoQ system and it doesnt suck. Youre welcome.

then they would have to do a pool, all the guys in have talked to in the last 3 days, that even they duo they also agreed that duo is being exploited and should be removed. 

Solo q is already chaotic enough, to even add more. There is not enough players in the game to support it. For example take league of legends, they had to remove duo q after a certain rank because it was being exploited and they have more than enough player base to have an equalized rank team in both sides, imagine the consequences in gw2 where teams can be composed of gold, silver and even plat players together. 

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18 minutes ago, zonias.1083 said:

There is not enough players in the game to support it

Excactly. So you cant split it. 

19 minutes ago, zonias.1083 said:

For example take league of legends

Oh yeah lets compare a game with multiple million players with a game with just a couple thousands. Surely what works in League will work here!!! Also you can duoQ up to Master there.


20 minutes ago, zonias.1083 said:

teams can be composed of gold, silver and even plat players together

That has nothing to do with duo or soloQ. It would still be like that even if they remove duoq.


Duoq has been tested and it failed. Get over it.

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1 hour ago, notamain.2839 said:

Excactly. So you cant split it. 

Oh yeah lets compare a game with multiple million players with a game with just a couple thousands. Surely what works in League will work here!!! Also you can duoQ up to Master there.


That has nothing to do with duo or soloQ. It would still be like that even if they remove duoq.


Duoq has been tested and it failed. Get over it.

Your post got 90% dislikes for getting duo removed when you post on your alt, so you created a newer alt te reply to these posts 😂.

Duo queue ranked is gone for the better, a lot less abuse byeeeeee

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6 hours ago, notamain.2839 said:

Oh yeah lets compare a game with multiple million players with a game with just a couple thousands. Surely what works in League will work here!!! Also you can duoQ up to Master there.

In league of legends master represents 0.69% of the total playerbase, meaning that after you reach these ranks you can not use duoq anymore from what you said, if we count grandmaster and challenger then it is 0.042% in total. Now assuming that in gw2 we have a playerbase in pvp of 3000 players, the top 250 players would be a mere 0.083%. much less than the player base in master in league of legends. By that logic using a game that has a much more robust matchmaking system that theoretically uses the same mmr system as chest, people in gold 3 or plat1 should not be allowed to use duoq because it is an unfair advantage. 


6 hours ago, notamain.2839 said:

Excactly. So you cant split it. 

As for the low player base, we have a low player base. What happens when two high platinum player try to find a match at 8 pm lets say. How many platinum players could be playing at that time?

Since they are duo they can not be matched against each other, meaning you are effectively removing a platinum player for their possible candidate pool of opponents, making the matchmaking even more complicated because in theory they now have to face a set of 2 other players that are ranked even higher than them, could that be possible to find such players? i do not think so. 

What could happen, the system puts low rank players in their team lets say 3 silver with a platinum duo and facing gold players. Now we have 3 silver players fighting againts much better opponents and then we have 5 gold players trying to survive against 2 platinum players. The two plats have great combination and the game becomes if 2 players can smash 5 players hard enough to carry the game. 

Yea duoq hurts the matchmaking system because it makes it even more complicated to try to find balanced in a already low pool of players. 
Every duoq removes 2 players that could be matched together. 


As for making separate q, it is hard. Arenante wants to promote tournament and coordinate plays where people must practice compositions and games, but that is already hard enough. Duo q is not good enough to practice a full team match, and unraked is just a total fiesta where you can not find opponents of similar level. So it just a half cooked option that hurts both. Duo q is just a crutch for people to climb together ignoring the team matches part, but also hurting every solo q player. To promote tournament games they also made many more tournaments. Duoq is actively hurting everyone in the game except the people that abuse it. 

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44 minutes ago, zonias.1083 said:

What happens when two high platinum player try to find a match at 8 pm lets say. How many platinum players could be playing at that time?

8 pm is literally prime time, so there gonna be alot plat players.

45 minutes ago, zonias.1083 said:

Since they are duo they can not be matched against each other

When there are 2 plat duos q'ing at the same time they will mostlikely get vs eachother 10x in a row.

47 minutes ago, zonias.1083 said:

What could happen, the system puts low rank players in their team lets say 3 silver with a platinum duo and facing gold players.

Thats what happens when there would be soloq aswell. 

53 minutes ago, zonias.1083 said:

people in gold 3 or plat1 should not be allowed to use duoq because it is an unfair advantage

They tested that and it turned out people did not want it. 

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4 minutes ago, notamain.2839 said:

8 pm is literally prime time, so there gonna be alot plat players.

When there are 2 plat duos q'ing at the same time they will mostlikely get vs eachother 10x in a row.

Thats what happens when there would be soloq aswell. 

They tested that and it turned out people did not want it. 

people wanted it, it's just fake votes on alts created by the people who abused it.

Ps. you're still responding on your alt his alt 😉

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2 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

people wanted it, it's just fake votes on alts created by the people who abused it.

Ps. you're still responding on your alt his alt 😉

Ayo, youre so obsessed with alt accounts, you should try making one yourself. Maybe when you made enough and complained about duoQ Anet will listen to you 🙂 

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20 minutes ago, notamain.2839 said:

Ayo, youre so obsessed with alt accounts, you should try making one yourself. Maybe when you made enough and complained about duoQ Anet will listen to you 🙂 

Sorry, not into abusing the system 🙂

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29 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

You misswrote "enjoy" making it worse for others 😉

I can barely live with that. Tbh even kinda enjoying making it worse for you 😘

Should probably get a chapter in a history book for how worse i made it for others.

Edited by notamain.2839
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3 hours ago, notamain.2839 said:

I can barely live with that. Tbh even kinda enjoying making it worse for you 😘

Should probably get a chapter in a history book for how worse i made it for others.

Glad you finally admit it black on white in this text that you abuse it on your main ;). More I didn't want to hear you say so others can read it 😁

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1 hour ago, arazoth.7290 said:

Glad you finally admit it black on white in this text that you abuse it on your main ;). More I didn't want to hear you say so others can read it 😁

Don't argue, this one is a troll with no accomplishments on their main besides paying for it. 

They lack "complexity". (the referred one is notamain).

They are an NPC, "not a main" character.

Edited by Last Crab.6054
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43 minutes ago, notamain.2839 said:

Bro, I just made @arazoth.7290 waste hours to record a video cuz he thought he would get 15k gold for doing it. I think that's quite an accomplishment. Not every dog trainer gets such results that fast. 

While I was having fun duels, you have proven yourself a fraud ;).

And by coincidence or not I must thank you because all of this led me to getting some advice/tips from a player in game how to make more gold/day. And which already has made me yesterday by doing this for 30 minutes, 58,6 gold profit for 30 minutes work 😂.

So by anyway, I must thank you for having fun and learning something new because of this chain event following up which I wouldn't have been introduced to if I didn't do it 😁

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44 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

So by anyway, I must thank you for having fun and learning something new because of this chain event following up which I wouldn't have been introduced to if I didn't do it

Youre welcome bro. Maybe now you realise that you could have way more fun playing the game, rather than complaining on the forums.

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3 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

this led me to getting some advice/tips from a player in game how to make more gold/day. And which already has made me yesterday by doing this for 30 minutes, 58,6 gold profit for 30 minutes work

Could you perhaps enlighten us about this plz ? 🙂

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19 hours ago, notamain.2839 said:

When there are 2 plat duos q'ing at the same time they will most likely get vs each other 10x in a row.

sorry if i did not explain correctly. I meant if there is a duo of two plat players, that means they can not face each other. I do not think there is many plat players playing simultaneously , since well as of the current time it is basically a top 250 player. 

A duo of two plats need to find in the opposing team at least 2 players ranked higher than them, which is low probability

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On 8/17/2024 at 5:12 AM, notamain.2839 said:

Excactly. So you cant split it. 

This myth has been disproven multiple times over.

If Anet wanted, we could have soloQ with its own leaderboard, duoQ with its own leaderboard, and a 3v3 permanent gamemode. The quality of matches and queue times will stay the same because it's not a drastic displacement of players.

When Stronghold released and everyone and their mothers were queueing up for that gamemode, Conquest queues were still on-going. Queue times stayed the same.

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