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Player name size

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Is there a reason this game does not have an option for larger names (not nameplates)?


The game has been out over a decade. What was satisfactory for many of us a decade ago is no longer the case now that we are 10+ years older. Some of us are now wearing glasses and struggling to see names in the heat of combat with a lot going on. More often then not, I have to put auto target on and spam my abilities because it is difficult for me to see what to target with all the splashy effects on the screen. And yes, I toned down the splashy effects, but that is still not enough for me. 


Seriously, it wouldn't take a lot of time to program in a name size option. I'll do it for free with a large language model if you send me the code.


Help us old farts out!

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22 hours ago, Smart College Boy.3249 said:

Is there a reason this game does not have an option for larger names (not nameplates)?

IKR?  I mean, come on, the color and font scale should be configurable.  But alas, they simply cannot be bothered with this kind of stuff.  Blows my mind.  

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23 hours ago, starlinvf.1358 said:

 Scalable nameplates

I don't think nameplates should be scalable. 

I specifically said NAMES.

Increasing nameplate size would cause a few balancing headaches, but name size? That should be a non issue. I'm surprised it's not part of the standard user interface settings. 

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