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Nerfed berserker spear, buffer spellbreaket spear why?


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Spear spellbreaker already strong pvp

Berserker spear was ok,

Why make it unable to shoot behind.

Now it lost its ability to kit and counter pressure.

That's a huge nerf to skill cap on berserker spear f1

Not only it's super vulnerable due to long cast time, has no evade, but now unable to shoot behind While kitting?

You want warrior to play spellbreaker only just say it

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With detargeting and retargeting, you can throw it behind you still.

Anyways yeah that hurts Wild Throw really badly, just as much if not more than the actual damage nerfs.

I was really hoping spear would help dps zerk builds get off the ground. Meta? Unlikely, but even just being "okay" would have been a massive improvement.

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Yea unable to throw behind basically kills power spear zerker, zerker make up the lack of full counter by kitting While counter pressuring. But not anymore, you just sitting duck While casting it, may as well just self root if all you can do is back peddle.

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They nerf the spear again this fast, its only been out for 2 days?

Na but for real through, the current version of Spear is great, being able to throw behind you instead of a cone infront would have been a bit too much IMO.

Its alright for a weapon like sword where you are in melee and Flamin Flurry tracking could be wonky if it didnt follow 360. Although the issue there is Flaming Flurry hit reg is kinda dogwater when interacting with any kind of terrain.

Im just happy we got a ranged weapon that actually can apply ranged damage.

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7 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

They nerf the spear again this fast, its only been out for 2 days?

Na but for real through, the current version of Spear is great, being able to throw behind you instead of a cone infront would have been a bit too much IMO.

Its alright for a weapon like sword where you are in melee and Flamin Flurry tracking could be wonky if it didnt follow 360. Although the issue there is Flaming Flurry hit reg is kinda dogwater when interacting with any kind of terrain.

Im just happy we got a ranged weapon that actually can apply ranged damage.

It's no where close to too much, no where even close to spearbreaker(not even counting autistic defiant stance, just normal mending build)

Now it's performance is like -25% compared to beta.

Being able to about face and kit and counter chase is what made spearzerker semi viable.

Because everyone and their mom has super mobility and circle around in super speed.

Now you just stuck there back peddling or side way in slow-mo and take all the damage. even flaming flurry had projectil block on top.

Or just have the skill get canceled every time enemy press a movement skill

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