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Main story progress BLOCKED if you drop the wayward warclaw cub.

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Super hard-locked on this story quest:

  • Main story:  2. Diplomacy and Discovery
  • Story step:  Return the wayward cub to the trainer.

I cannot progress this step because I dropped the cub while returning it to the trainer.

  • The cub just disappeared entirely and could not be picked up.
  • Burning River has a star over his head, but I cannot interact with him.
  • I walked and sniffed the entire route between Burning River and the cub location, and the cub does not show up.
  • I logged out and logged back in and I was on the same step, still unable to interact with Burning River.
  • Story Journal -> Quit this Chapter -> Continue this Chapter returns me to the same step and I cannot progress.
  • Story Journal -> Quit this Chapter -> Janthir Wilds -> Continue this Story also returns me to the same step and I cannot progress.
Edited by ClaraFee.2579
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  • ArenaNet Staff
4 hours ago, ClaraFee.2579 said:

Super hard-locked on this story quest:

  • Main story:  2. Diplomacy and Discovery
  • Story step:  Return the wayward cub to the trainer.

I cannot progress this step because I dropped the cub while returning it to the trainer.

  • The cub just disappeared entirely and could not be picked up.
  • Burning River has a star over his head, but I cannot interact with him.
  • I walked and sniffed the entire route between Burning River and the cub location, and the cub does not show up.
  • I logged out and logged back in and I was on the same step, still unable to interact with Burning River.
  • Story Journal -> Quit this Chapter -> Continue this Chapter returns me to the same step and I cannot progress.
  • Story Journal -> Quit this Chapter -> Janthir Wilds -> Continue this Story also returns me to the same step and I cannot progress.

I have a follow-up question on this, @ClaraFee.2579--do you happen to remember exactly where you were and what you were doing when you dropped the wayward cub?

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5 hours ago, ClaraFee.2579 said:

Super hard-locked on this story quest:

  • Main story:  2. Diplomacy and Discovery
  • Story step:  Return the wayward cub to the trainer.

I cannot progress this step because I dropped the cub while returning it to the trainer.

  • The cub just disappeared entirely and could not be picked up.
  • Burning River has a star over his head, but I cannot interact with him.
  • I walked and sniffed the entire route between Burning River and the cub location, and the cub does not show up.
  • I logged out and logged back in and I was on the same step, still unable to interact with Burning River.
  • Story Journal -> Quit this Chapter -> Continue this Chapter returns me to the same step and I cannot progress.
  • Story Journal -> Quit this Chapter -> Janthir Wilds -> Continue this Story also returns me to the same step and I cannot progress.

Exactly the same thing is happening to me. I can not progress no matter what I do.

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I'm experiencing the same problem. 

After Accepting the quest to find the wayward cub, it appeared on my world map. I flew over and picked it up then got distracted by an event so must have dropped it. 

The quest wants me to 'return the wayward cub to the trainer' but I cannot find it. I have restarted my game, changed zones, quit the chapter and started it again, all no help. 

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Posted (edited)

@Rubi Bayer.8493 Yes I do, thank you.   My activity immediately before this was unusual, so I'll include it in case it's relevant:

---start activity before---

  1. The Use your warclaw's Sniff skill to locate the lost cub in town step became available to me at Journeykin Pens POI.
  2. I got on my warclaw and proceeded north-ish toward the marker, at a leisurely pace, sniffing along the way.
  3. As I began to cross the long bridge north of Fading Aurora's House POI and west of Bonfire Lodge POI, I noticed an achievement icon on my status bar.  Auto-running across the bridge, I moused over the achievement, which is to find the cub within the time limit.
  4. Still auto-running, and knowing that I had been moving slowly and was late to notice the achievement, I decided I would restart the effort so I could have a chance at getting the achievement on my first go. 
  5. Still auto-running, I run past the Campfire adjacent to Soaring Crest's House POI, hit the small deep water pond, get kicked off my warclaw, and keep running under the small bridge.
  6. I stop just before the cliff, and can see a quest marker below, just southwest of Wry Lichen's House POI. This coincided with my IRL cats freaking out for dinner, so decide to log out.  I hit ESC and Exit to Desktop, thinking I'd try again soon.

---end activity before---

  1. Upon logging back in, I was of course in the same location on the cliff.  The achievement icon was gone, as I expected.
  2. I mount my warclaw and jump off the cliff, down onto the area southwest of Wry Lichen's House POI.
  3. I see the cub, manually dismount, pick up the cub, and begin to run southeast toward the Hibernation Grotto POI bridge. I stop with a wooden cart on my right and a triangular tree on my left.
  4. This is the spot where I again decide try and get the achievement in one go, and I drop the cub in this spot. Expecting to see the cub bundle on the ground, I'm surprised to see that it's not.  I mouse and WASD around looking to see if maybe it dropped nearby.  It did not.  I decide to walk back to Journeykin Pens POI along what I assume is the return path so I could learn the path.
  5. I get back to Journeykin Pens POI and see that Burning River has the green quest star over his head. I am unable to interact and talk with him.  This brings me to the present situation.

Thanks for your help!

(By the way Rubi, I am a big fan of yours and think you've been doing a great job here on the forums and hosting livestreams since you came on some years ago.)

Edited by ClaraFee.2579
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I resolved my issue (unable to progress due to lost pup) by doing the following: 

1. Standing in the area where the pup is first found. 

2. 'Quit this chapter' of the story. 

3. Quitting to desktop and reloading the game. 

4. Upon loading in, 'Continue this story' in the journal. 

5. The pup appeared in front of me and I was able to pick it up and complete the step. 

Good luck. 🙂

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1 hour ago, Val.6421 said:

I resolved my issue (unable to progress due to lost pup) by doing the following: 

1. Standing in the area where the pup is first found. 

2. 'Quit this chapter' of the story. 

3. Quitting to desktop and reloading the game. 

4. Upon loading in, 'Continue this story' in the journal. 

5. The pup appeared in front of me and I was able to pick it up and complete the step. 

Good luck. 🙂

Didn't work for me, but appreciate the effort. Still blocked from progressing.

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2 hours ago, Val.6421 said:

I resolved my issue (unable to progress due to lost pup) by doing the following: 

1. Standing in the area where the pup is first found...


I will try this right now, but I have a question:

Is the warclaw cub always in the same place, or are there numerous possible locations?   In my case, the cub was just SE of Wry Lichen's House POI. 

Are there other possible locations?

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@Rubi Bayer.8493 I logged back in just now and went to the abovementioned location, and the warclaw cub was back!  I picked it up, returned to Burning River, and was able to advance the story 😁

Some subjective follow-up thoughts:

  1. After dropping the cub, was it always available back at its original location?  Had I just overlooked the cub all along despite WASD-mousing around the immediate area?
    1. Certainly possible.
  2. If the cub was available at its original location, was it available after a delay, or after the satisfaction of some other factor (e.g., logging out, timer, etc.)?
    1. Hoping ANET can tell us. 
  3. Is this UX common enough to necessitate change in player messaging, UI, or some other signaling?
    1. Unsure, but the UX does seem incomplete.
  4. Interacting with Burning River without carrying the warclaw cub results in player messaging.
    1. Expected UX (e.g.;):
      1. "Back so soon? ...and without the journeykin?"
    2. Observed UX:
      1. [NULL]


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8 minutes ago, ClaraFee.2579 said:

@Rubi Bayer.8493 I logged back in just now and went to the abovementioned location, and the warclaw cub was back!  I picked it up, returned to Burning River, and was able to advance the story 😁

Some subjective follow-up thoughts:

  1. After dropping the cub, was it always available back at its original location?  Had I just overlooked the cub all along despite WASD-mousing around the immediate area?
    1. Certainly possible.
  2. If the cub was available at its original location, was it available after a delay, or after the satisfaction of some other factor (e.g., logging out, timer, etc.)?
    1. Hoping ANET can tell us. 
  3. Is this UX common enough to necessitate change in player messaging, UI, or some other signaling?
    1. Unsure, but the UX does seem incomplete.
  4. Interacting with Burning River without carrying the warclaw cub results in player messaging.
    1. Expected UX (e.g.;):
      1. "Back so soon? ...and without the journeykin?"
    2. Observed UX:
      1. [NULL]


I saw a new build and went to check on this again, hoping it was a hotfix. Cub still not back for me, and I'm unable to interact with Burning River at all. I get the Interact prompt when standing near him, but F doesn't bring up a dialogue box at all.

Edited by ElforTheLandStander.7052
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  • ArenaNet Staff
1 hour ago, ClaraFee.2579 said:


I will try this right now, but I have a question:

Is the warclaw cub always in the same place, or are there numerous possible locations?   In my case, the cub was just SE of Wry Lichen's House POI. 

Are there other possible locations?

I'm glad you were able to progress, but just to make sure it's clear for you and anyone else who might be wondering, the cub is always in the same place. It's wayward, but it's wayward consistently! 😄 

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I'm facing the same predictement - missed out on the achieve and lost the cub someplace - no matter how many times I quit chapter , log out and restart .. not finding the little bugger.

I don't have a rubber chicken or I'd swing it over my head - cause I heard that works too.  Any other in game voodoo tricks I can try? 

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