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Homestead improvement

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Now that everyone has their own houses, a lil feed back now that im trying to build my own.

  • Mirror objects: I think this is a must for the customization of the house, I try to add some simetry to it but there are some items like statues or plants, that don't look that nice if you put em side by side. 
  • Item organizer: Have each item get his own category, like a tables tab, or plants tab on the work bench.
  • Overlay grid: just for correct placing of items, sometimes eyeing it doesnt work out.
  • Button for moving objects: Dragging by the mouse its a bit hard with shaky hands and sometimes you cant get it 100% right or it can be frustrating until getting it right, a button for those milimetric movements would be nice.

Over all, its looking nice and I can't wait for more content. Maybe some of the things that I mentioned are there and just didn't see it, but I hope this can be of help if anyone has the same doubts or problems.

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#1 I would like to be able to lock decorations together and then move them around as 1 new decoration. would be a nice improvement for the future. I can already see when constructing large things to be able move them or align them differently after you've built it. For instance moving say a large vehicle you made from assorted decorations to the side yard instead of infront of your house. 😄 

#2 Template saving. Probably too big of an ask. Similar to 1 in that you mark or highlight each decoration you want in a template. then save the template, then you can delete all the decorations . then at a later date automatically reassemble the design if you have the available decorations for it in storage already. IF not (or also) the template would list all the decorations required for that template build.

#3 be able to duplicate the size and position of the last object placed. So you can build with ease. This would have applied more so without scaling but since that's a thing now, prolly should include it. (If i'm building say a castle it would be more efficient to lay down the bricks in the same order rather then having to rotate every brick to the same position and scale it up first.)

#4 an undo / redo button. Does that exist? Did i over look it??? You know this was a want from back when HoT Launched.



Edited by Kelly.7019
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4 hours ago, SlightlyBlueEagle.8273 said:

im trying to build my own

This is your first mistake.

Housing is the worse and most expensive it'll ever be, put it on the back burner, wait for QoL updates and price drop on materials. 

Take it from someone that made ~100 gold from random new mats I stumbled on not even looking.

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8 hours ago, SlightlyBlueEagle.8273 said:

 im trying to build my own.


4 hours ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

This is your first mistake.


mmm not really, the live stream showed the devs building their own stuff outside the homestead, so you'd think it would be a thing

4 hours ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

Take it from someone that made ~100 gold from random new mats I stumbled on not even looking.

now selling new mats is the way of the game.

Edited by Kelly.7019
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A grid that can switch scales (1x, 2x, 3x, etc) and being able to snap decorations to the grid would definitely come in handy. Even better you can set 3 grids in all 3 axes, not just the floor plane.

It would also be great if we had a rudimentary interaction rigging system that allows you to do things like designating an interactable object as a "trigger' and link it to another object designated as "device", when you interact with the trigger, the "device" does an animation, like turning on a light source with a lever, or opening a door by lighting up a torch.

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1- more homestead decoration allowed (currently 1000) , even if it's by gemstore, only the house to be fully decorated would take minimum 1000 places i'm already @250 only for the living room and a bit of my bedroom, if you want to create things outside 1000 is clearly not enough. 
2 - ideally , a lot of architecture items, textures like waterfalls, rocks , plants (like the toundra one we have on the ground) 
3 - homestead templates so you can save one instance, make another one and choose the one you want to visit (especially if we are limited by number of objects placed)  
4 - we just want to be really creative , allow us to do it please ;d  
5 - more controls on bee mode , it's difficult to go down , it's slow , something like a god mode with speed adjustment and no hitbox against decor , the way a dev could dev a map 

so it's a good start , but it can be so much improved and be the best of housing ever 

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