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After everyone accepts a match, scramble the teams one more time, afterall, class swap exists

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look i know the pvp forum is full of conspiracy theorists but none of you have any idea what good game design is lol

what you're proposing takes the matchmaking system and then throws it out the window immediately after it forms two teams, that makes no sense

Edited by Shagie.7612
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18 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

what you're proposing takes the matchmaking system and then throws it out the window immediately after it forms two teams, that makes no sense

Considering the usual matchmaking results, I dont see how this is worse than the original match.

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On 8/25/2024 at 4:21 PM, Hotride.2187 said:

Considering the usual matchmaking results, I dont see how this is worse than the original match.

Meh fine, i'll play devil's advocate....

If a certain someone queue syncs with a few of his buddies and 1 (or more, but 1 is all you need) happens to be on the other team, why have a chance of placing that person on the same team as the boosted player who is already with a duo friend?

The game doesn't know who is who, so the player getting boosted could just end up with all of his buddies on the same team when the randomizer happens, which would obviously be much worse. The guy who's intentions were to throw, could just tryhard and roflstomp the other team. Likewise, if it doesn't work out he'll just DC. The reason this is worse is because the odds of the boosted player winning with people he's more accustomed with, becomes much higher.

But lets disregard all of that for a moment.... A second "randomizer" added once the teams are finalized, would just ruin the very job matchmaking tries to do. Balance teams. So you'll basically screw over 99% of players just at an attempt at preventing match manip by a few players.

It's a really bad idea.

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30 minutes ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

Meh fine, i'll play devil's advocate....

If a certain someone queue syncs with a few of his buddies and 1 (or more, but 1 is all you need) happens to be on the other team, why have a chance of placing that person on the same team as the boosted player who is already with a duo friend?

The game doesn't know who is who, so the player getting boosted could just end up with all of his buddies on the same team when the randomizer happens, which would obviously be much worse. The guy who's intentions were to throw, could just tryhard and roflstomp the other team. Likewise, if it doesn't work out he'll just DC. The reason this is worse is because the odds of the boosted player winning with people he's more accustomed with, becomes much higher.

But lets disregard all of that for a moment.... A second "randomizer" added once the teams are finalized, would just ruin the very job matchmaking tries to do. Balance teams. So you'll basically screw over 99% of players just at an attempt at preventing match manip by a few players.

It's a really bad idea.

Its not a bad idea when teams are built one at a time in the mm, so you literally wait for the last 5 checks to full queue.


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