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I am so glad they removed the six Deep World-Class Fish nodes from the Hearth's Glow because let's be honest, these 2% of players who are interested in fishing in gw2 don't deserve anything good in their lives.
Having an accessible and peaceful place to fish once every 30 minutes that yields a modest amount of gold that needs to be unlocked by paying real money in the first place? Unacceptable.

Fishing should not only be tedious, but also worthless for your time. I'm so glad that Anet realized their mistake of adding a good (paywall-locked) fishing spot. God forbid those dirty fishermen have a good time.

But on a real note, I have no idea why Anet would do a HOTFIX for that. My last half an hour fishing session after the hotfix got me less than 10 gold. Maybe players who fish really aren't allowed to have anything good in their lives...

Hope they will revert the change or at least add a fishing mastery for your homestead.

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Apparently (according to wiki) the only other location of that exact type of fishing node was in Inner Nayos - after the meta. They probably wanted to leave it exclusive to there as an additional incentive to do the meta. With JW released now ... people might stop playing SotO that much. 😄

Tbh I am fine with the normal nodes dropping even stuff from other maps (Lowlands fish dropped some legendary from ... Ascalon or something) and the new achievement not having too much restrictions. (No bait. Day/night only with a higher chance - not exlusive to one time of the day. And only 6 fish per map it seems. No legendaries.)

Imo they should not have continued fishing in the first place - after EoD.

And the gold price for ambergris surely would have dropped (meaning less money) if it suddenly became too easy to farm the repeatable world class fisher achievement.

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i also find it really strange that they hotfixed this, like was that really a huge priority? i would be fine with the replacement if it at least made sense. why replace 6x fishing spots with 6 catches each with 2x spots with 3 catches each? which are also spread far apart from each other? they look so sad alone out there and i have no reason to leave the river now.

the fishing holes in homesteads in general make little sense. why are the river holes Maguuma ones and not Janthiri ones? why aren't there any holes out in the huge expanse of ocean we have? why are the replaced holes by the waterfalls freshwater ones now instead of either brackish or saltwater? it's all just empty space out there now with no real reason to explore/use that whole chunk of the map.

i really really love GW2 fishing, it's chill and peaceful and i can just immerse myself in the scenery/music for a while. i'm glad that it's continued to be integrated into expansions past EoD; if it wasn't there would be no reason to collect and play around with different skiff and fishing rod skins. it's fun, y'all at Anet made it fun, especially compared to the boring click-and-click fishing in ESO and WoW. i just wish it was implemented in a way in homesteads that made sense and encouraged us to explore/use more of the map.

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Since EoD we got no improvemts to our fishing rods with upgrade to make to faster as its even nearly impossible to catch green fishes. It was a nice idea but there is no way to improve for faster fishing movements and even the +150 fishes will disappear after one use.

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I have only tried a bit of fishing in JAW (in the Lowlands map) and have the following observations to share:
JAW fishing holes not only have a chance of giving you JAW specific fish. I mostly catch Shiverpeak, Kryta and Maguuma fish.
The "Fishy Heart Bear" will only accept https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Violet_Screamer for finishing the HUGE fish achievement (not just exotic fish).
https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lowland_Grunt does not seem to be catchable? I tried lowering my fishing power, used other bait etc. I can only get blue & green fish from other areas. Either a special trick is needed, or it might be on the second map ? (haven tried that for fishing yet) 🤷‍♂️

Edited by Gorani.7205
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21 minutes ago, Gorani.7205 said:

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lowland_Freshwater_Fish does not seem to be catchable? I tried lowering my fishing power, used other bait etc. I can only get blue & green fish from other areas. Either a special trick is needed, or it might be on the second map ? (haven tried that for fishing yet)

all the fish are catchable https://i.imgur.com/vIUfe0D.jpeg

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On 8/28/2024 at 9:40 PM, Xenianth.5832 said:

i also find it really strange that they hotfixed this, like was that really a huge priority? i would be fine with the replacement if it at least made sense. why replace 6x fishing spots with 6 catches each with 2x spots with 3 catches each? which are also spread far apart from each other? they look so sad alone out there and i have no reason to leave the river now.

There was a YouTube video that showed the fishing techniques and running at around 50g/hour. Being an instance it appears that the cooldown for each fishing hole was bypassed when changing characters - they also respawned and weren't "once per day". Perhaps they should have been.

A quick look at GW2Efficiency shows what happened. When the api was closed the supply/demand was at 9.6k/19.5k giving a gold sell price 2g07s. When it reopened a few days after launch the market had moved to 11.7k/15.5k at 1g97s. A lot of the demand having already been removed.

It continued to drop as the technique became more widespread, and when the patch-fix dropped it was at 12.1k/12.3k and selling at 1g87s. The price gap buy/sell had opened up as well, indicating an oversupply in the market.

Immediately after the patch the price recovered and starting climbing back to almost 2g at the time of writing, returning to previous levels of supply/demand.

The bank of ArenaNet was printing money for the fishermen😉

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15 minutes ago, Gorani.7205 said:

At low or high fishing power? In a certain type fishing hole? With certain bait? My experience shows me I get blue, green and yellow fish from Kryta, Maguuma, Shiverpeaks, World Class & Saltwater tables ... just no Lowland Grunts.

none of the Janthir fish require a specific bait, only the Shaderock salamader has a specified fishing hole (although it can also be caught in open waters)
my fishing power wasn't maxed, only enough to get me into Green

you will have better chances getting the higher tier fish at night

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53 minutes ago, Charybdis.9042 said:

There was a YouTube video that showed the fishing techniques and running at around 50g/hour. Being an instance it appears that the cooldown for each fishing hole was bypassed when changing characters - they also respawned and weren't "once per day". Perhaps they should have been.

A quick look at GW2Efficiency shows what happened. When the api was closed the supply/demand was at 9.6k/19.5k giving a gold sell price 2g07s. When it reopened a few days after launch the market had moved to 11.7k/15.5k at 1g97s. A lot of the demand having already been removed.

It continued to drop as the technique became more widespread, and when the patch-fix dropped it was at 12.1k/12.3k and selling at 1g87s. The price gap buy/sell had opened up as well, indicating an oversupply in the market.

Immediately after the patch the price recovered and starting climbing back to almost 2g at the time of writing, returning to previous levels of supply/demand.

The bank of ArenaNet was printing money for the fishermen😉

Removing the nodes was too big of a nerf though to keep homestead fishing reasonably profitable.

They should have just adjusted the odds of obtaining at least some of the fish to make the achievement complete less often, so that the average expected value of fishing there would drop to somewhere in the 20-30g/hour range, which would still be pretty good and comparable to the open world fishing spots with at least fairly good profitability.

Without those nodes and without a reasonable chance of getting ascended or legendary fish, at least for now homestead fishing isn't worth it anymore.

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That one : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mohawk_Bream

... seems to grind-lock you into boredom lol. They again did a bad job. Less fish (no legendaries) ... but again "that one" that does not seem to spawn. And I just don't want to finish for hours maybe like 20-30 minutes or so. But when the lower ones and the ones above always appear and the on in the middle not ... it is weird. Even at correct time of the day.

They should have kept preferred baits + time exclusive (not just "higher chance"). With all the other fish from other regions it only becomes harder to get a certain one from here in Janthir. Not a way to make fishing more interesting for people. 😄

I also wonder why the guy at the village has like an option to look for more in the inventory - where you'd expect other stuff (or other fish) to appear. Managed to have 3 he accepted and it seemed like he accepts only fish from that map (or Janthir - but have not tried the other map). Maybe the option to look for more/other will list the ones from Janthir Syntri - if you get some from there trying to offer them to him.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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