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Please REMOVE UNSKIPPABLE dialogue. Add skip buttons back in to all NPC monologues and dialogues.

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I understand that the base game cutscenes weren't ideal because it didn't feel as though the characters were standing next to each other and it took you out of the world, BUT we could actually read and skip through dialogue in the story. MMOs are often full of fluff, let it be a player's choice to listen to it all. When an NPC is sitting there doing nothing and giving a 5 minute monologue so my friends and I can progress the story, that's so boring! I tried to get my friends to play this game, but almost everyone stopped for these reasons. Let us skip the boring parts if we want by letting us read it at our own pace, and just let us fight monsters and watch cutscenes. The minimal cutscenes I've seen so far are LEAGUES more engaging than the NPC dialogue box. If it costs too much to do way more of that, just find a way to put a skip button on these NPCs. Maybe if you talk to them again while they are speaking, a conversation window comes up and you can say "skip" or "skip all". I like voice acting but cannot sit through so much unengaging story dialogue. I still don't know what is happening because my friends and I are so bored doing nothing and watching NPCs talk circles around each other that we tune out and aimlessly run in circles until we aren't stuck in the instance anymore. Even improving the dialogue isn't the only concern, it's the way it is presented. In summary, MORE CUTSCENES, Add SKIPPABLE DIALOGUE back to GW2 stories, and the game's pace will be back in the player's hands where it belongs in an MMO. 

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It's painful replaying on alts. I do not understand why they couldn't at least let us choose to skip the long monologue meetings if we've played through the expansion already(I think the option to skip should be there from the start for players that don't care about the story TBH). They really need to either let us skip of make story progress account wide so we aren't forced to replay everything on alts.


Edit: I don't understand what is confusing. I'm trying to get my necro alt through to do some achievements I missed and the amount of times you're forced to sit through extremely long stretches of dialogue again is frustrating. I don't see how that is a hot take or confusing to anyone.

Edited by Mad Maxxie.6075
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I know people disliked the prologue for a lot of talking and no action. But imo there are other missions in the past that felt worse - just that they also included action. But super lengthy parts at the start or in the middle. (Luckily easy optional achievements or a good replay checkpoint at most.)

The prologue can still be completed without trouble if you are able to do other stuff while running it. In the household while keeping attention to the computer. Or being alt-tabbed out. The upside is that - except maybe the part where you have to talk to the delegarts - does not need that much frequent player attention and interaction.

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I absolutely loved the original NPC dialogue format and I will die on this hill. Skippable, highlighted the person talking which is what you want in a face-to-face conversation, had beautiful animations and lip sync. No idea why they ever canned it. Presumably because having NPCs talk with generic lip movements and talk emote requires a lot less work than producing those cutscenes

Edited by Elricht Kaltwind.8796
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