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Spear Volcano


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I don't mind that the volcano ability doesn't do any damage in the center of the AOE ring, and that only the projectiles it shoots out do, since it makes this ability unique compared to other Ele AOEs, but could we get a "donut hole" AOE ring to indicate this fact?  It's confusing for the user to summon a volcanic fissure that does no damage on it's lonesome since the current AOE ring is solid, but if it indicated where the damage will be applied it would clear up some of the confusion.


I know there's other complaints and issues in regard to Ele spear, but thanks for taking the time to read my two cents.

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i believe the projectiles/lava blobs are actually rng within the targeted area and hit the middle more often than the side. targets on the outer edge of volcano usually end up taking far less damage vs one that is smack dab in the middle

a better indicator would be to reuse spear #4 center aoe, but the real problem is that it essentially takes a second to cast volcano, and then another second for the lava blobs to come out, and then another for them to hit the ground. by this time the enemies may no longer be where they were originally

clarification: the projectiles do land in a ring, but they are not guaranteed hit sides equally while the aoe appears to be big enough to still hit the middle

Edited by Noodle Ant.1605
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Thank you for the clarification, perhaps a better fix then would be to split the total damage potential between the initial creation of the volcano, and the projectiles, so you're at least guaranteed to get some immediate damage at the center of the aoe ring.

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Why not go the whole way and just make all its damage pulse, either at a steady rate or growing over the duration or based on proximity to the center. Make the projectiles just for show. Remove the 10% reduction per hit due to it being a highly consistent skill and balance it as such. Once again it was just a weird design choice where it seems like the animation was made first, and then they tried to tie the damage in to match it. 

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