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Petition for Specific Player/Community Content Patch Updates and Developer Tools

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11 hours ago, MagicMix.9167 said:

To everyone saying "share who said they like your ideas." I have already mentioned due to client confidentiality that I cannot legally tell you who is supporting these ideas.

I asked you to share the agregated responses:

On 9/8/2024 at 7:50 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

Hi, if you're able to conclude that "most people said x" then I think it's reasonable to assume you have their responses aggregated somewhere. Please share the file with responses you got, which would also help with understanding the sample size of your personally conducted survey. Thank you!


I never said anything about "sharing who said it", but the obivous cop-out is obvious so in a way that still makes things clear, thanks.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Honestly great read, however without a diverse pool of users questioned and just basic data, its kind of irrelevant.
Did you only ask ranger/necromancer players?
What was the playtime of the players you asked?
Did you ask any questions other than "Do you want skins for your spirits/minions etc?"?

I don't know why Arena Net haven't monotised this part of the game, but I assume they have a reason for doing so. Just thinking of some of your suggestions, I can just see the visual clutter, the over complication of the wardrobe panel and also how would your example of seige monsters work because at the moment for WvW seige remains even if a player changes map, however the seige would need to either disappear (wasting resources) or cache the skin from that specific player

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1 hour ago, TheRaven.3462 said:

I don't know why Arena Net haven't monotised this part of the game, but I assume they have a reason for doing so.

I'd imagine that it is not the money-maker that many around here think that it might be.  Might be too much effort for little to no gain for Anet.

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